April 2014 Horoscope - By Firewolf

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)
During the month of April life will be filled with creative activities and celebrations.  Your impulsive behavior may lead to relationship troubles.  Be sure to “ground” your energies to avoid catastrophe.  Collaborations at work will become stressful; avoid placing yourself in “anxious” positions.  Carry Onyx and Agate to ground and center your energies!

Taurus  (April 20th - May 20th)
Relationship problems will arise during the month of April.  Have hope, resolution is occurs towards the end of the month.  Be sure not to allow your "work frustration" to carry over into your relationship life.  Acknowledge your stress. Expect delays at work and projects.  Wear protection potion to keep negative or otherwise unwanted energies away.

Gemini  (May 21st - June 21st)
Gemini, this is your month of passionate love and sensuality.  Have fun and enjoy! Avoid impulse, for it may lead to trouble with family, friends and work.  Goals and projects will be achieved, be sure to find time to celebrate.  Carry rose quartz amethyst, and blue laced agate to calm your impulses.

Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd)
Commitment on relationships will occur during the month of April.  Love and relationships will flourish harmoniously.  Success in work will boost your self-esteem.  To avoid an emotional “melt-down” make sure to not over work yourself.  Wear love potion to enhance your relationship life.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
Avoid worry and doubt when it comes to relationships.  Your energies are revitalized with the spring season, get outside and find time to relax.  Avoid major business and financial decisions and expect delays and small mistakes at work.  Carry citrine anointed with mercury oil to bring order to your work environment.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
Much of your time will be spent with family friends during the month of April.  Be sure to find time and focus on your personal relationships.  Avoid becoming a hermit, its spring!  Working on group projects will boost your finances; but expect troublesome “dramas” at work.  Avoid unnecessary arguments. Wear protection potion to keep negative or otherwise unwanted energies away.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)
Emotional sensitivity needs to be acknowledged in your relationships.  Avoid creating problems within your relationship and examine the positive.  Work will be busy, be sure to find solitary time to relax and collect yourself.  Wear water elemental oil to calm and relax chaotic vibrations.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 22nd)
Love and relationships will bloom as fast as the spring flowers; the month of April will be filled with commitment and passion.  Success and fortune will also flourish in your job and career; opportunities for success will fall on your lap.  Wear wealth oil to enhance your career and to bring fortune.

Sagittarius (November 23rd - December 21st)
Passion and sexuality will run high during the month of April.  Be pre-cautious on who you invite into your life.  Expect a pleasant surprise.  Organize finances and assets, are a must. Plans for future investment will be made.  Wear love potion or Aphrodite oil to attract the correct love energies.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
During the month of April you will enjoy your relationship on a deeper level, newly discovered traits in your partner will heighten your interest.  New relationships are also afoot.  Stress at work will be spinning in your brain, avoid analyzing and over-stressing work situations.  Carry a pyrite and quartz crystal to balance the energies in your career.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
Creativity is the key to your present boredom in your relationship.  Find activities that will enhance and entice you lover.  Success will come to your job or career, possible pay raise or bonus.  Carry a lodestone anointed with money potion to attract riches and wealth.

Pisces (February 19th - 20th)
Love and relationships will be your main focus during the month of April.  Enjoy! New opportunities and project may be presented, now is the time to be diligent.  Private projects will be finished!  Wear protection potion to keep negative or otherwise unwanted energies away.

- By Firewolf
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