Vica Pota - Victory Magickal Wash

On January 5th, the ancient Romans celebrated the anniversary and festival of Vica Pota or Vicae Potae, She of Victory and Conquering AllThe Goddess Vica Pota is identified with Nike, Victoria and the Etruscan Lasa Vecu.

Date: January 5th
Symbols: wreath, chariot, white wings
Gods & Spirits: Vice Pota, Nike
Colors: gold, white, peach, goldenrod, pale blue
Magick: victory, healing, accomplishment, clarity, conquering spiritual battles
Herbs & Flowers: white roses, laurel, frankincense, everlasting, high John the conqueror root


This magickal wash can be employed on the sacred day of Vica Pota to open roads, conquer obstacles and to bring about abundant success.

one gold candle
two cups of spring water
three laurel leaves
one small high john the conqueror root
one teaspoon white roses
one white feather
thirteen drops success oil or lemongrass oil
one teaspoon rum
yellow food coloring (optional)
one Mason jar

Simmer the spring water and the herbal ingredients for three minutes. As the brew is simmering, light the gold candle and state aloud a personal prayer or incantation to the Goddess Vica Pota. You may also state out loud the the following incantation,

“I charge this brew, with magick good and true, Victory in your many faces, aid me here with you many graces. Infuse this brew with magick to conquer all obstacles and strife, guiding with an abundant and successful light. I ask that only good come from this charm, may only good spirits enter here and cause no harm. So mote it be.”

Add the brew to the mason jar. Add the oil ingredients, rum, food coloring and the feather. On the day of Vica Pota, using one-third of this brew and wash yourself in an upward motion. Repeat once a day for three days.


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