The Feast of Janus - Agonalia - January 9th

On January 9th the ancient Romans celebrated the God Janus - the Great Gatekeeper, the Opener of Doors and of All Pathways. The word Agonalia is derived from the phrase “shall I ” which ancient priests would recite before sacrifices were made to the Gods.

Date: January 9th, March 17th, May 21st, December 1st
Symbols: Masks, Two Headed Man, Two Faces, Coins, Clocks
Gods & Spirits: Janus (Janus)
Colors: red, black, blue
Herbs & Flowers: frankincense, amber
Magick: opening roads, understating deeper mysteries, clearing paths, 
overcome struggle, hidden knowledge, resolving disputes


nine drops amber oil
nine drops teakwood oil
one teaspoon clove buds
one teaspoon frankincense resin
one teaspoon myrrh resin
one teaspoon powdered orris root
one teaspoon yellow sandalwood bark

Blend the dry ingredients together in a non-metallic mixing bowl, adding the oils last. Burn this blend on a glowing charcoal briquette, to open roads towards success and to invoke the many magicks of Janus.

"Come forth with the cuckoo [in March] Truly all things dost thou make open. Thou art Janus Curiatius, the good creator art thou. Good Janus is coming, the chief of the superior rulers." - The Salian Hymn to Janus


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