Concordia - January 16th!

On January 16th, the ancient Romans celebrated the anniversary of the temple to Concordia. Concordia is sometimes is described as both a deity and as metaphor - She being the Goddess of agreement, she oversees all pacts and oaths.

Date: January 16th
Symbols: Scales, Lavender Feather
Gods & Spirits: Concordia, Greek Identification: Harmonia, Pax, Sales
Colorswhite, pink, blue, and silver
Herbs & Flowers: tulips, cornflower, freesia, lavender, benzoin, rose, linden blossom
Magick: compromise, harmony, peace, marital disputes, overcoming obstacles, prosperity

Harmony House Smudge: In a glass bowl blend together one teaspoon of blue sage, one teaspoon of white rose buds, one teaspoon of lavender, one teaspoon of copal, and one teaspoon of chamomile. To this herbal blend add thirteen drops of rose and lavender oil. In a large fireproof bowl or shell, burn this blend on a glowing charcoal briquette. As this blend burns, walk through your home clockwise, you may want to state out loud a personal prayer directed towards attracting harmony and tranquility into your home.

Peace Oil: In a non-enamel pan bring to a simmer, one cup of safflower oil, one teaspoon of rose buds, one teaspoon of lavender buds, and one teaspoon of linden leaves. Simmer for 3 minutes.  You may want to recite a personal incantation or chant while the blend is simmering. Allow the brew to cool. To the brew add thirteen drops of rose oil, thirteen drops of lavender oil, nine drops of musk oil, and nine of drops freesia oil. Store in tightly sealed blue or lavender glass bottles. Wear or anoint, a few drops of this magickal potion onto your doors, candles and crystals to attract peace, harmony and tranquility.

"As Apollon plays the lyre and the Mousai (Muses) sing:] Meanwhile the rich-tressed Kharites (Charites, Graces) and cheerful Horai (Horae, Seasons) dance with Harmonia (Harmony) and Hebe (Youth) and Aphrodite, daughter of Zeus, holding each other by the wrist."
 - Homeric Hymn 2 to Pythian Apollo 186 ff (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th - 4th B.C.)

Kyle Brandon Leite Copyright 2014.


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