
Showing posts from July, 2024

Cornucopia Magick Collection! @Superstitious

The Witches Harvest - Cornucopia – July 31st - August 2nd  Meititura, Lughnasadh, Lammas, The First Harvest, Harvest of Corn and Grain  Meititura - The Harvest of Grain and Wheat During the month of July into early August, corn and grains were the first crops to be harvested by the ancestors of the Witch. In ancient Sicily, the ‘Meititura’ (Harvest) was period of hard work, festivity and the blessings of the ‘First Fruits’ of the Agricultural Season. An effigy or puppet of the Grain Mother was fashioned from sheaves of wheat and adorned in female attire. This ‘puppet’ was then carried in procession throughout the local villages in joyous festivity. The sheaves of the Effigy were later used for amulets of protection and good fortune.  Throughout the world, July to August is marked as a time of harvesting corn, grain, and grapes – (to make wine). In our Witches’ Tradition we offer our devotion to the Goddess Demeter (Roman: Ceres) offering Her thanks and gratitude for the bounty She has