
Halloween Magick Collection! Now Available!

  HALLOWEEN - OCTOBER 31ST - FESTA DEI MORTI, DAY OF THE DEAD, DEAD, SAMHAIN, JUORNO DE MORTI, FESTIVAL OF DEAD The true origin and roots of Halloween have been lost in time. It is often conjectured that this ancient holiday may be linked to the Feast of Pamona, the Roman Goddess of Orchards and Fruit - as well as to Parentalia; the ancient Roman festival held in honor of the dead. In the Italian and Sicilian Traditions of Witchcraft the Festa Dei Morti or Festival of the Dead focuses upon ancestral devotion and commemoration. The Festival of the Dead is a sacred and holy time of remembrance, love, spiritual communion, joy and mourning. It is a time of reflection, for looking back at the last year and coming to terms With the phenomenon of which we have no control over; death. Witches gather to celebrate the harvest season with family and friends. We mourn the downward spiral of life, but focus our minds and hearts on what is to come in the future. To a Witch,

Autumn Magick Collection Now Available!

Autumn Equinox - September 19th-21st  Abbondanza, Equinozio di Autunno, Vendemmia, Mabon, The Witches Thanksgiving  In the Northern Hemisphere the Autumn Equinox occurs between September 19 to September 21 and marks the Harvest of Fruits, Vegetables and Grapes for Wine making. During this time, we as Witches rejoice and celebrate the abundance and prosperity which the Great Goddess has bestowed upon us and prepare ourselves for the cold winter months ahead. In our Witches’ Tradition, the Autumn Equinox is described as a ‘Bachanal’ of revelry, dancing and feasting upon the bounty of the Autumn Harvest.  On the Autumn Equinox, day and night are again equal, the night triumphing over the day. The Sun’s warmth continues to weaken until the Winter Solstice. The Autumn Equinox is a time of both celebration and mourning. As the Sun enters the Realm of Darkness and Shadow, we mourn the weakening of the Witches’ God and the Masculine Forces of Nature. We remember that it is because of his sacri

Cornucopia Magick Collection! @Superstitious

The Witches Harvest - Cornucopia – July 31st - August 2nd  Meititura, Lughnasadh, Lammas, The First Harvest, Harvest of Corn and Grain  Meititura - The Harvest of Grain and Wheat During the month of July into early August, corn and grains were the first crops to be harvested by the ancestors of the Witch. In ancient Sicily, the ‘Meititura’ (Harvest) was period of hard work, festivity and the blessings of the ‘First Fruits’ of the Agricultural Season. An effigy or puppet of the Grain Mother was fashioned from sheaves of wheat and adorned in female attire. This ‘puppet’ was then carried in procession throughout the local villages in joyous festivity. The sheaves of the Effigy were later used for amulets of protection and good fortune.  Throughout the world, July to August is marked as a time of harvesting corn, grain, and grapes – (to make wine). In our Witches’ Tradition we offer our devotion to the Goddess Demeter (Roman: Ceres) offering Her thanks and gratitude for the bounty She has

Summer Solstice Magick Collection! @ Superstitious!

 The Summer Solstice - La notte delle Streghe - June 19th-22nd   Litha, St. John’s Day, La Notte Di San Giovanni, La note Delle Streghe, Lora di Estate, Midsummer In the Northern Hemisphere the Summer Solstice occurs between June 19 to June 21 and is the longest day of the year and the shortest night. During this time, we as Witches honor and celebrate the Sun at the peak of His power. We draw in the energy of the Mother Earth and her magick of fertility and growth and prepare ourselves and our homes for the waning period of the Sun, which lies shortly ahead. In our Witches tradition, during the Summer Solstice we invoke and call upon the God of the Sun, the Great Lord of the Heavens and King of Light. We call forth the power of the Sun God to defeat and diminish the forces of darkness and to invoke future fertility and earthly growth. During the Summer Solstice, the Mother Goddess of the Witches dances her dance of ecstasy - her dance of life, renewal and infinite love. She is invoked

Spring Equinox Magick Collection! @Superstitious

Primavera Giornata - The Spring Equinox Vernal Equinox, Ostara, Feast of Attis and Kybele - March 19th-22nd  In the Northern Hemisphere the Spring Equinox marks the arrival of Spring and occurs between March 19 to March 21. As the light begins to take over the darkness, Witches celebrate the fertility of the Earth and the growing Light of the Sun. On the Spring Equinox the day and night are of equal length therefore marking a period of renewal and the fertility. Our altars are decorated in the warm colors of Summer and with the cold colors of Winter - icy blues and fiery reds. Fresh Plants, Seeds, and Eggs adorn our sacred space representing the ancient symbols of New Life and Fertility. As Witches, we cast spells and project our magick towards: new beginnings, fertility: both physical and spiritual, as well as attracting new love and future prosperity.  Feast of Attis & Kybele Passion of Attis and Kybele - March 15th -27th  In our Witches’ Tradition, during the Primavera Giornata

Feast of Lights Magick Collection! @Superstitious

THE FEAST OF LIGHTS - Candelora, Candlemas, The Ascension of Kore - February 1st Throughout history the month of February has marked the Earth’s transition from winter to spring. As we begin to feel the strengthening warmth of the sun, the earth begins to bloom, the cold winter is replaced with fresh greenery and delicate blossoms. Both flora and fauna begin to awaken from their winter slumber and are reborn once again. On February 1st we celebrate the Feast of Lights or the Ascension of Kore. During this time, we Witches honor and celebrate the renewal of the virginity of the Earth and bid farewell to the winter cold. The Festival of Lights is a period of homage for the many blessings the Great Mother Goddess has bestowed upon us. In our Witches tradition, during the Festival of Lights, we call upon and welcome the Goddess Kore-Persephone. She is the Maiden of Rebirth, the Protectress of Witches and Preserver of the Earthly Cycles. In honor of Kore’s return, small f

Winter Solstice Magick Collection @Superstitious

Brumalia November 24th - December 25th  In our Witches’ Tradition, the Winter Solstice festivity is observed as “Brumalia”. It occurs from November 24th until December 25th. In ancient Rome, Brumalia was a month-long vigil celebrated in honor of the Agricultural Deities: Ceres and Saturn. They were presented offerings and libations of: fruits, grains, wine, olive oil, flowers, and honey. Brumalia marked the astronomic winter solstice; the time of dark intermission that concluded on ‘Natalis Solus Invicti’ or the Feast of Sol Invictus. Ancient Brumalia festivities included nighttime feasting, bonfires, dancing, singing and sacred rites of divination and fortune-telling. During the Brumalia holiday we hold candle-lit vigils in our homes and focus our magick towards protection, prosperity, clearing roads, and attracting good fortune. During this time; we as Witches say farewell to the Spirit of the Old Year and celebrate the rebirth of the Sun God.  We present offerings to the Great Mothe