Peppercorn - Wall of Protection Amulet Bag

The following spell is designed to create a small Wall of Protection Charm or Mojo Bag. For this spell you will need the following ingredients,
frankincense oil
one amethyst stone
one clear quartz crystal
one obsidian stone
sandalwood incense
satin or wool bag
three tablespoons black peppercorns
three tablespoons coarse sea salt
three tablespoons white peppercorns
Gather the ingredients of this spell to your spiritual altar
or an empty table during a time that you will be undisturbed. This spell is best performed during the waning or dark moon. Begin by lighting the black candle. State out loud a prayer or incantation directed towards
protection and power, you may also state
out loud the following incantation,
“With this magickal flame, may I draw in protection and power. May the Universe surround me with a wall of protection
this magickal hour. So mote it be.”
Spend a few moments visualizing a blue and violet light
surrounding you. Hold the crystals and
stones in your hands. State out loud a
prayer or incantation directed towards calling forth the stones' force and power. You may
also state out loud the following incantation,
“May these creatures of stone and earth be used as a catalyst of
protection. This tool of power is filled with the most correct and protective
vibrations. So mote it be.”
Add the stones to the cloth bag. Place the herbs in your hand. State out loud
a prayer or incantation directed towards calling forth the herbs' spiritual forces and powers. You may also state out loud the
following incantation,
“May these creatures of Mother Earth and Father Son, be charged and
enchanted to keep and draw in protection. This tool of power is filled with the
most correct and protective vibrations.
This tool of power is charged to neutralize any and all evil and negative
energies. So mote it be.”
Place the herbs into the bag. Light the incense. Place a few
drops of frankincense oil into the bag. Tie the bag shut. Pass the bag through the incense three times
and state out loud the following incantation,
“I create this magickal charm to be an amulet of powerful protection. By
stone and earth, by oil and air, I do bless this amulet with the many magicks
of the Universe. So mote it be.”
Carry the bag with you. You may also hang the charm bag onto
your front door or give it to a loved one as a magickal gift.
- By Firewolf
- By Firewolf
I got here much interesting stuff. The post is great! Thanks for sharing it! White peppercorn