Mabon Acorn Spell - By Firewolf

The following spell is designed to attract wealth and abundance. Acorns are utilized in spiritual workings directed towards bringing protection and attracting prosperity. For this spell you will need the following ingredients,

nine dried acorns
one black cloth bag
cinnamon or clove incense
holy water
bergamot or sandalwood oil
one gold or black candle

Gather the ingredients of this spell in a quiet place or your spiritual altar, during a time when you will be undisturbed. This spell is best performed during the autumn season during the waxing or full moon. Begin by lighting the cinnamon/clove incense and allow the smoke to fumigate your working space.

Anoint the gold/black candle with a few drops of the bergamot/sandalwood oil. Light the gold/black candle and state out loud a prayer or incantation directed towards attracting wealth and abundance. You may also state out loud the following incantation,

“As I light this magickal fire, I call upon powers of good to heed my desire. I cast a spell of prosperity, harming none. So mote it be.”

Sprinkle each acorn with a few drops of the holy water. Hold the acorns in your power hand (the hand you write with). Spend a few moments and visualize the prosperity and abundance you seek. Envision your life being filled with wealth, abundance and riches. When you are ready place the acorns into the black cloth bag. Tie the bag shut. Hold the black cloth bag in-between your palms, in the prayer position. Again, state out loud a prayer or incantation directed towards attracting wealth and abundance. You may also state out loud the following incantation,

“Magickal seeds, from way up high, I cast a spell by earth and sky. Acorns of magick, creatures of power, I call forth you magick this very hour. Acorns of magick, magickal charm, I cast this spell and mean no harm. May this spell be cast good and right, and surround me with a prosperous light. So mote it be.”

Keep the black cloth bag in a windowsill for three days to collect the light of the sun and moon.  Later carry the black cloth bag as a charm to attract abundance, prosperity, riches and wealth.

- By Firewolf


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