October Horoscope 2014 - By Firewolf

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)
During the month of October, your main focus and source of personal empowerment will flow from Love and Relationships. Your Relationship life will be filled with passion, peace, emotional and physical satisfaction.  Unexpected past issues may present themselves, it is best to leave the past, in the past, where it belongs. New opportunities and partnerships will bring success, prosperity and abundance to your Job and Career.  Problems at work will occur during the end of October, going with you intuition will bring the well-needed resolution.  Burn a MOON MAGICK CANDLE to attract peace and tranquility.

Taurus  (April 20th - May 20th)
Important decision regarding your Love life will be made during the month of October. Taurians may find themselves seeking a new and fresh relationship.  Positive change is ahead, your viewpoint will decide whether it is positive change or a negative change.  Your main focus during the month of October will be on Job and Career.  Bringing solutions to problems at work is detrimental for the success of present plans and future projects. Love and Relationships may interfere with your Job at the end of the month.  Burn an EARTH ELEMENTAL CANDLE to attract stability and to ground your personal energies.

Gemini  (May 21st - June 21st)
Happiness and stability will surround your Love life during the month of October.  Old Relationships may need to be left behind.  Avoid aggression at work, cooperation is key to bringing peace and harmony to your working atmosphere.   Your ability to socialize and create will lead you to new opportunities and success in your Job and Career.  Bringing solutions to older problems will open roads to success.  An unexpected promotion, point of recognition, or bonus at Work may be received towards the end of October.  Burn a PROTECTION CANDLE to neutralize and keep away negative or harmful energies.

Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd)
During the month of October you will find yourself needing personal space. Worry and negative thoughts may lead to impulsive decisions.  Slow down…   Family and friends will supply solutions in matters dealing with Love and Relationships.  Success and victory surround you in Job and Career.  Prosperity and abundance will flourish.  Be sure to find time to rest and revitalize your personal energy.  Burn a LOVE CANDLE to attract good and correct love vibrations.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
Love and passion will surround you during the month of October.  Your ability to openly socialize may lead to confusion and doubt towards your present Love and Relationship.  New opportunities and new ventures will lead to future success, follow your intuition and carefully analyze each opportunity.  Staying focused will aid you in avoiding personal discrepancies at work. Burn a HEALING CANDLE to promote healing and harmonious vibrations in your home.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
Peace and harmony will surround your Home and Love Life.  During the month of October your main focus will be on future plans and events.  In Job and Career you will be moving upwards on the financial scale. Improvements in financial stability may lead to important purchases or paying off old debts.  New business ideas and constructive brainstorming will lead to later new projects and ideas.  Towards the end of the month you will feel as if you have a streak of luck! Burn a CLEAR ROADS CANDLE to attract success and to open one’s roads towards wealth and riches.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)
You will need to slow down your thoughts and worries. Overanalyzing and the attempt to organize Love may lead to chaos.  Everyday socializing and networking will lead to an unexpected business opportunity.  A new and successful partnership or job opportunity will present itself towards the end of the month. Burn a WATER ELEMENTAL CANDLE to bring clarity, peace and healing.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 22nd)
You may be at a point of confusion and discomfort in your Love and Relationship life.  Do not settle for less and follow your heart.  Solutions to your Love and Relationship issues will be ahead towards the end of the month.  There may also be an unexpected encounter with a new and exciting lover during the month of October.  Success, achievement, and prosperity will surround you in Job and Career. Quick action may be needed to finish a present project. Burn a HEALING CANDLE to promote healing and harmonious vibrations in your home.

Sagittarius (November 23rd - December 21st)
During the month of October, old feelings and emotions may cause temporary obstacles in your Love life.  These feelings are minor and temporary.  New ventures and planning future events will bring you success and healing.  Courage, determination and smart decision-making will bring success during the month of October in your Job and Career life.  Old projects may be discard to make room for new enterprises. Burn a SUCCESS CANDLE to attract success and victory in all your endeavors.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
Love and harmony will surround you during the month of October.  You will be enjoying events with family and friends.  Change in Love and Relationships will occur whether spiritual, physical, emotional or financial.  You will be engaged in your present Job or Career, prosperity is ahead towards the end of the month.  You may find yourself reconsidering old personal ties or partnerships. Burn an EARTH ELEMENTAL CANDLE to attract stability and to ground your personal energies.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
Love and Relationships will flourish and come to completion. New commitments are abound.  For those who are single, a new relationship may present itself. Collaboration with your partner will lead to future success and prosperity.  Success and achievement with present projects at Work will come to a finish.  New career paths may present themselves towards the end of the month. Burn a CLEAR ROADS CANDLE to open and clear your roads towards success.

Pisces (February 19th - 20th)
Past issues or disagreements may cause turmoil in your Love and Relationship Life.  Focus on the positive attributes in your lover and avoid minuscule arguments.  Money and finances will be your main focus during the month of October.  Take charge and success will be yours.  Focus on structure and improvement, keep emotional stress away from your Job and Career. Burn a MONEY CANDLE to attract wealth and riches.

By: Firewolf

October Horoscope 2104 - By Firewolf: 


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