October Horoscope 2014 - By Firewolf

Aries (March 21st - April 19th) During the month of October, your main focus and source of personal empowerment will flow from Love and Relationships. Your Relationship life will be filled with passion, peace, emotional and physical satisfaction. Unexpected past issues may present themselves, it is best to leave the past, in the past, where it belongs. New opportunities and partnerships will bring success, prosperity and abundance to your Job and Career. Problems at work will occur during the end of October, going with you intuition will bring the well-needed resolution. Burn a MOON MAGICK CANDLE to attract peace and tranquility. Taurus (April 20th - May 20th) Important decision regarding your Love life will be made during the month of October. Taurians may find themselves seeking a new and fresh relationship. Positive change is ahead, your viewpoint will decide whether it is positive change or a negative change. Your main focus during ...