September 2014 Horoscope - By Firewolf

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)
New relationships will bloom; both platonic and romantic. Passion and recreation will occur during the end of the month. For those who are single, new relationships will be presented. The month of September will be a time of hard work and focus towards Job and Career. Collaboration and partnership will fuel an abundant harvest. The month of September will be filled with fun, excitement, and prosperity. Burn a SUCCESS CANDLE to keep a steady flow of energy towards your Job and Career.

Taurus  (April 20th - May 20th)
Thoughts of trouble and worry in Relationships will come to an end in the month of September. Towards the end of the month, compromise will heal and empower your relationship, becoming more passionate and fulfilling. In Job and Career, your personal gifts and skills will lead you to success and an abundant flow of wealth. Be forthright in your words and actions. Success will be yours! Burn a THROAT CHAKRA CANDLE and wear a few drops of THROAT CHAKRA OIL to empower your ability to speak your mind.

Gemini  (May 21st - June 21st)
Your thoughts and focus will be primarily on Love and Relationships. September will be a time of making decisions and either moving forward in commitments or beginning anew. Find time for yourself, avoid over analyzing the flaws of your partner. Your focus towards Love and Relationships will distract your from work and may set you back. New Projects will begin towards the end of September. Burn an EARTH ELEMENTAL CANDLE and wear a few drops of EARTH ELEMENTAL OIL to attract prosperity and to ground your auric energies.

Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd)
The month of September will be a romantic interlude. Love and Relationships will grow deeper and more passionate. Communication, compromise and understanding will strengthen. If you are single… expect a romantic surprise! New goals will be set in Job and Career that will later be harvested in the early winter. The month of September will be a month of preparation. Burn an APHRODITE SPIRIT CANDLE and wear a few drops of BEWITCH OIL to empower and enhance your love life.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
During the month of September future plans and recreational events will entice your Relationship. Passion will rise during the end of the month. Excitement will begin to fuel your Relationship and heighten your sexual desire and attraction towards one another. If you are single, a long distance lover may arise. Taking this Relationship will lead to a substantial future. New ideas will lead you towards new and unusual business offers. Your roads are open towards success and you will begin to reach your fullest potential. Burn a LOVE CANDLE to empower and enhance all matters of the heart.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
Love and Relationships will flourish and grow. New relationships will bloom. Too much time indoors may lead to disputes and meaningless arguments. Find time to get out of your house and enjoy the world. Avoid flirtation from past lovers. Your charisma will lead you towards success in Job and Career. Embrace your take-charge attitude. Be sure to avoid frivolous spending. Wear PROTECTION POTION to neutralize the energies of others.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)
Your emotional needs will become a major “wedge” in your Relationship life. Avoid rushing to conclusions; do not allow worry to overcome your actions. Job and Career will be moving at a slow pace.  New projects and opportunities at Work will be presented towards the end of the month. A position of leadership will be in your grasp, take it! Burn a CROWN CHAKRA CANDLE and wear a few drops of WATER ELEMENTAL OIL to bring balance and harmony.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 22nd)
The friendship between you and your Lover will strengthen. During the month of September, Love and Relationships will be subtle and relaxing. Friends and family will advise and support your relationship, whether present or new. You may find yourself seeking new opportunities and business ventures. In Job and Career, networking will be the key to success. Burn a CLEAR ROADS CANDLE to attract success and to open your roads towards wealth and riches.

Sagittarius (November 23rd - December 21st)
During the month of September Love will grow deeper and stronger. Commitments will be made. If you are single… a new Relationship will flourish. Success and promotion will surround you in all aspects of Job and Career. Networking will lead you towards financial expansion and opportunity. Goals will be reached and quotas met. Wear SUCCESS OIL and burn SUCCESS INCENSE to attract success and victory in all of your endeavors.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
Creativity will infuse your Love life. New relationships will evolve towards commitment and deeper understanding. Enjoy being yourself! Towards the end of the month, balance and tranquility will be needed to restore your emotional excitement. Be sure to find time to rest and relax. Present goals will be achieved and projects of personal interest will entice your focus. Traveling for work may lead to new business opportunities. Wear HERMES SPIRIT OIL to enhance your creativity and bring about safe travel.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
Worry will become a block in matters of Love and Relationships.  Allow yourself to take chance and be open. Luck in love is ahead. Determination will lead you towards success and abundance in Job and Career. Learning to compromise will become an obstacle in Job and Career.  The end of September is your time to shine. Harmony will conjure after the 20th of the month. Wear MOON MAGICK POTION for empowerment and healing.

Pisces (February 19th - 20th)
Love and Relationships will be blissful and happy. New and fresh relationships will arise, both platonic and romantic. A new road will open in Job and Career, don’t hesitate to examine new opportunities. Your determination will fuel your passion to be creative. Unlocking creativity will attract wealth and abundance in your life. Wear POWER OIL to attract blessings of empowerment and light.

By -  Firewolf

September Horoscope 2104 - By Firewolf


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