Festival of Salus - Goddess of Security

On August 5th the ancient Romans held feast and festival in honor of the Goddess Salus, - who is identified with Greek goddess, Hygeia. The Goddess Salus watched over the security and safety of the ancient Roman people.

Date: August 5th, March 30th 
Symbols: Rod of Asclepius (a snake coiled around a staff), grain, white feathers, lock and key 
Gods & Spirits: Salus, Hygeia 
Colors: gold, white, red, goldenrod 
Magick: security, safety, victory, success, accomplishment, salvation, good health 
Herbs & Flowers: laurel, linden, frankincense, copal, white roses, all-heal herb 


To receive the blessings of Salus, burn a Light Green or White Candle, that has been anointed with Rose Oil. State out loud the following incantation,

“Lady of safety and correcting that which is not right, infuse me with your power and transcendent light. Infuse my magick with your charm, bringing fortune and keeping away harm.  Bring only safety and peace, this magick spell, to you I release. May you place your favor on me and those I love, may you receive this prayer from high above.  So mote it be.”

Allow the candle to burn out completely. - Firewolf


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