The Magickal Rabbit
With the recent release of our newest perfume “Rabbit’s Foot” I want to focus this blog entry on the spiritual and folkloric traditions associated with Rabbits and Hares. In cultures around the world,
both rabbits and hares have been known to be a totem and symbol of hope, luck, prosperity, resilience, and

Why you ask? Baby rabbits (kittens) and hares (leverets) leave
their mothers about 28 days after they are born. This amount of time is often associated with
the 28 days in the lunar calendar. In the Witches’ tradition, rabbits and hares
are often depicted aside the Goddess in her Maiden Aspect, becoming a messenger
of hope and purity. It was believed
during Medieval Times that rabbits and hares were a common Witches’ familiar.
Rabbit and Hare Superstitions:
- Actors, Athletes and Gamblers carry the “Lucky Rabbit’s Foot” to enhance their performance.
- Ancient Egyptians and Europeans believed rabbits and hares were androgynous creatures.
- If you lose your “Lucky Rabbit’s Foot” bad luck will come to you.
- In ancient Greece, rabbits were associated with Aphrodite and were given as a gift of affection, from one lover to another.
- In China, rabbits and hares are revered as signs of prosperity and abundance. They are seen as the messenger of the Moon Goddess and protector of wild animals. The females were believed to conceive from the light of the full moon, and represent the female force yin.
- In many Native American cultures, the Rabbit is seen as a “Trickster” God or Spirit.
- It is bad luck, if a rabbit or hare crosses paths with a pregnant woman.
- Male rabbits act like “drunken messes” during mating season and appear “psychotic” or “mad.”
- Rabbits and hares are sacred to several ancient Goddesses, to include: Eostre, Diana, Hekate, Aphrodite, Holda, Ostara, and Cerridwen.
- Rabbit's Fur (collected from a live and shedding rabbit) can be added to mojo hands and spell bags created to bring luck and protection.
- Rabbit’s Fur (collected from a live and shedding rabbit) can also be added to spells and conjures to “Quicken Up” the intended desire.
- Sailors believed rabbits were unlucky.
- Sunrise and sunset, are times employed in many magickal practices, during this time rabbits and hares are commonly seen.
- The ancient Egyptians had two Rabbit-Headed Gods, the Goddess Unut or Wenet and the God Wepuat or Un-nefer.
- The ancient Greco-Romans believed eating rabbit or hare would cure sterility.
- The Anglo-Saxon Goddess Ostara was depicted as having a rabbit's head and ears.
- The Goddess Eostre was the bringer of spring and was often accompanied by messenger rabbits.
- The left rear foot of the rabbit was the luckiest.
- The Lucky Rabbit’s Foot is believed to prevent rheumatism and cramps.
- The rabbit's mating season falls is in March, which aligns them with many spring festivities.
- The Teutonic Goddess, Holda was often depicted of being accompanied by a rabbit army.
- The white rabbit represents chastity and purity
- There are many legends to describe the “collecting” of the “Lucky Rabbit’s Foot” some include silver bullets, location of gathering (cemetery) and specific moon phases.

For Firewolf's "Rabbit's Foot" Perfume CLICK HERE:
*Firewolf and Superstitious DO NOT CONDONE the Sale or Use of Genuine “Lucky Rabbit’s Foot.”*
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