Ethics of The Modern Witch!

When Did Perfect Love and Perfect Trust End? 

This article was originally posted on October 8th, 2006

Today, we live in a country in which we, as followers of the Old Religion, prosper and grow at enormous rates. Our religion and craft grow larger every day, and as a result of this rapid and seemingly unchecked growth, it appears that more misunderstandings are created through the dilution of misguided practitioners and teachers of the craft. As Witches, we seem to have forgotten the true meaning of the Old Ways. We cast our circles and perform our rites, yet in many societies throughout our nation, the true meaning of the Old Ways is diluted and depleted as each day goes by. Of course, this is not addressed to those who strive to fix the misconceptions, but to those important societies and organizations who are supposed to represent us, yet portray us in a negative, if not egocentric, manner.

There seem to be many of us arguing over whether so-and-so’s tradition is wrong, historically genuine, or works the best. They frown on those whose blood and tears granted us the rights we have today, because of their arrogance and ignorance. We seem to have forgotten why we are here and that we are all connected to each other in the universal web of life. In a manner, we have forgotten that the point is to revive the Old Ways and not suppress them. Modern Wicca and Witchcraft is not an ancient religion; it is a revival of old pagan ways and worship. To improve the understanding of the Old Religion, and to keep its antiquity, we must stand against the misconceptions, which most either don’t believe exist or to which they turn a blind eye, and educate those who are willing to listen.

Compassion is the key to the Witches' Magick. The ability to understand and relate to those who suffer, and to project kindness and healing to those around us, is what true Witchcraft embodies. We stand hand in hand in our circles, but allow our egos to overcome us at times and drive us to judge those whom we feel to be our inferiors. In the ways of the Old Religion, there is no superior or inferior. We are physically and emotionally very different, and yet we are still the same, and we must learn to nurture the diversity each human being has to offer. In the process of accepting and respecting other's diversity, we may learn something and place it in our own lives to act as a catalyst for growth and magick. We must all strive to show the compassion and love of the Gods in everything we do, for love is the true key to the mysteries of the Goddess.

Now we come to those who seem to be compassionate, and yet who, in the end, suffer from hardship and disrespect. Sovereignty is the Crown of the Witch—it is the ability to project compassion while keeping a positive sense of self-control that grows and prospers. In my day, I have met many “weak” people who cling to magick and spells as a resolution for everything wrong in their lives. We as witches must take responsibility for this major misconception. We must once again have the sovereignty to educate those who have been guided onto this path of ignorance.

Within all communities there will always be differences and disagreements, but do we want the future generation of Witches to see us as arrogant, pompous, self-absorbed Priests and Priestess, looking for a way to control others? Especially when, in reality, those who seem to control others are those who have no control over themselves? We must learn to balance our egos—not to suppress them--for they are of our nature, but to balance them and understand ourselves. Knowing ourselves creates the energy for us to grow and become better and healthier people.

 Initiation by Emily Balivet, 2012
We must take a stand, turn the protesting signs around, and look at what we are becoming. We are becoming what we hate: those self-righteous people who are absorbed with in their own life but who judge the lives and spiritual progression of others. When I say “we must take a stand, ” I mean in our own personal lives. We must learn and educate ourselves so that, one day, our world will be more tolerant if not more understanding. And we must change ourselves to become more tolerant and understanding of the things around us as well. We need to stop hiding behind these masks of weakness, arrogance, and blame, and stand up for ourselves, and for the Gods our Ancestors so dearly treasured. The Gods, above and below, teach us to love, to dance, and sing in their honor…and it seems we have forgotten that. Bless those who fight, honor those who have died, and show compassion to those in need.

We need to ask ourselves, “What makes a Witch?” Is it lineage, age, tradition, degree…? A true Witch strives to balance his or her own life, to bring about a better connection with the Divine. Our Ancestors knew this, and yet it seems as though we are on a path, which causes us to forget. And in the end of all ends, what does it matter what your lineage is, or who you were initiated by? All that matters is who you are as a person and as a follower of the Old Religion, and what is in the deepest places of your heart.
Look inside and ask yourself: are you a Witch? Are you, right now, striving to build a better connection and understand the Powers that be? If yes, then you are on the true path of our Goddess. If no, don’t give up; learn to bring about change and make a stand in your life for the better. We need to stand in our circles of magick and connect with those around us and become channels of love and magick for the world to see.

We must learn to Honor those who teach, bless those who are willing to learn, love all of the Old Ways, not what we pick and choose to love, and to draw the magick of Sovereignty and Compassion into our lives and use them as tools of magick and knowledge. We have no right to judge, for in the Old Ways, there is no judgment—only love and understanding!

In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust!

Kyle Brandon Leite (Firewolf) Copyright 2006

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