Firewolf’s Spring Classes and In-Person Consultations @ Celestial Treasures

Psychic Readings with Firewolf @ Celestial Treasures
Tuesday, March 11, 2014 1:00-8:00 p.m.
Kyle Brandon Leite (Firewolf) is an Ordained High Priest and Elder of the Witches Craft.  Kyle is an internationally acknowledged Certified Clairvoyant, Crystal Healing Therapist, and outspoken lecturer.  He is also, the author of "Firewolf's Book of Spells Book One,"  "Firewolf's Black Mirror Magick," "Simple Spells for a Happy Home," "Firewolf's Practical Candle Magick," and "Firewolf's Magickal Bathing Rituals!" Kyle has been featured on talk-shows, radio interviews, magazines and popular publications such as The Union Tribune, City Beat Magazine, Channel 8 News with Larry Himmel, The Espresso, The Miami Herald, and much more. Consultation rates: $40 for 1/2 hour; $80 for an hour. He is available on second Tuesday of each month at Celestial Treasures from 1:00 -8:00 p.m.- Celestial Treasures - 3444 Main Highway Coconut Grove, FL 33133 - (305) 461-2341

Psychic Readings with Firewolf @ Celestial Treasures
Tuesday, April 8, 2014 1:00-8:00 p.m.
Kyle Brandon Leite (Firewolf) is an Ordained High Priest and Elder of the Witches Craft.  Kyle is an internationally acknowledged Certified Clairvoyant, Crystal Healing Therapist, and outspoken lecturer.  He is also, the author of "Firewolf's Book of Spells Book One,"  "Firewolf's Black Mirror Magick," "Simple Spells for a Happy Home," "Firewolf's Practical Candle Magick," and "Firewolf's Magickal Bathing Rituals!" Kyle has been featured on talk-shows, radio interviews, magazines and popular publications such as The Union Tribune, City Beat Magazine, Channel 8 News with Larry Himmel, The Espresso, The Miami Herald, and much more. Consultation rates: $40 for 1/2 hour; $80 for an hour. He is available on second Tuesday of each month at Celestial Treasures from 1:00 -8:00 p.m.- Celestial Treasures - 3444 Main Highway Coconut Grove, FL 33133 - (305) 461-2341

Psychic Development Workshop - Class One
Thursday, April 10, 2014 8:00-10:00 p.m.
Many people are not aware of the true science of psychic development.  To Witches taught and trained in the ways of our ancestors, magic and science are equal and necessary for our lives, magick and souls.  The Science of Witchcraft and Psychic Ability is based on the ability to alter one’s state of consciousness, using brain waves as catalysts for everyday spells and healings. To Witches, spells and magick are step-by-step experiments that can be analyzed and configured for the desired outcome. With this we can verify our magickal and psychic workings that are to be performed, and find what love potion works the best or what is to be of our future career. We take into account the physical ingredients used, date and time, weather conditions, astrological considerations, and the psychological state, or mood, of the person casting the spell because the experimenter is part of the experiment and, as new physicists can attest, effects the outcome of the experiment. Rev. Kyle Leite will go over the basics of the Science of Psychic Development and aid those who participate in increasing their own personal power, and answer questions that may need to have answered on the subject.  This class covers, the usage and basic techniques of the Alpha State of Consciousness, the Light Spectrum and Brain Waves, Simple Psychic Healing, and a Guided Meditation led by Firewolf. “The Psychic Eye Meditation." $60.00 Location - Celestial Treasures - 3444 Main Highway Coconut Grove, FL 33133 - (305) 461-2341

Psychic Development Workshop - Class Two
Thursday, April 24, 2014 8:00-10:00 p.m.
Rev. Kyle Leite will go over the basics of the Science of Psychic Development and aid those who participate in increasing their own personal power, and answer questions that may need to have answered on the subject. Class 2 of “Firewolf’s Psychic Development Workshop” covers, the usage and basic techniques of Astral Travelling, Tools used in Psychic Development, Psychic Diagnosis Technique, and a Guided Meditation led by Firewolf, “The Apollo Meditation.” $60.00- Celestial Treasures - 3444 Main Highway Coconut Grove, FL 33133 - (305) 461-2341


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