Nutcracker Spell - By Firewolf

The following spell is employed to bring protection towards oneself and one’s home and family. For this spell you will need the following ingredients,

black ink or pen
decorative nutcracker statuette
four ounces walnut oil
frankincense essential oil
myrrh essential oil
pine essential oil
small glass bottle with cork
three teaspoons dragon’s blood resin
two white candles

Begin this spell by simmering the dragon’s blood and walnut oil in a non-enamel pan. Allow the resin to simmer for at least an hour. Allow the brew to cool. Afterwards, pour the infused oil into the glass bottle. To the bottle add thirteen drops of each essential oil. As you add each drop, visualize yourself, your home and family surrounded by a white light. While adding the drops of oil, you may state out loud a prayer or incantation directed towards bringing protection from negativity and harm. You may also state out loud the following incantation,

“Drop by drop, I blend this brew, infused with power, both good and true. Good spirit of protection, I do make and stir, with this hint of pine, frankincense and myrrh.  This elixer is blessed with protection and power, to keep harm away, each minute and hour.  So mote it be.”

Seal the blend tightly and allow it to sit in a windowsill to collect the light of the sun and moon for three days. Later, gather the ingredients of this spell in a place where you will be undisturbed. At the base of the Nutcracker statuette, using the black ink/pen, write the names of all who dwell in your home, as well as the names of all those in your direct family. Place a white candle on each side of the Nutcracker statuette. Light the candle to the left of the Nutcracker statuette whiles stating out loud a prayer or incantation directed towards calling upon protection from your ancestral guides. You may also state out loud the following incantation,

“Those before me, those of the past, guide my magick, may it forever last.  Good Ancestors, fill me with light, guide this spell of protection, I cast tonight.  Watch over all those who I walk with me in this time, keeping protection and light around me and mine.  Walk with me here during this charm, stand with me and keep away harm.  So mote it be.”

Light the candle to the right of the Nutcracker statuette while stating out loud a prayer or incantation directed towards bringing about protection to your home and loved ones. You may also state out loud the following incantation,

“I ask for harm to stay away from me, I implore you powers that be.  Surround those I love with a protective light, enchant this charm to be a guardian of might.  May this totem be blessed with power, to ward off all evil, each minute and hour.  So mote it be.”

Using the blended oil, anoint the entire Nutcracker statuette. As you anoint the statuette, state out loud a prayer or incantation directed towards empowering the statuette as a totem and charm that will keep evil away. You may also state out loud the following incantation,

“I cast this invitation and magickal charm, to keep away evil and fight away harm. A totem of protection, I charge and make, a spell of good magick that will never break.  Little totem, little man, guard those I love with your warrior might, surround me and mine with protection and light. So mote it be.”

Allow the candles to burn out completely. Later, place the Nutcracker statuette at your front door facing outwards to keep away evil and harmful vibrations. You may anoint the doorknobs and windows with the blended oil, for a little extra magick.


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