Samhain Products Now Available @Superstitious!

The thin
veil between the worlds allows us to communicate with our loved ones who have
passed on and join with them once more. In ritual, we invite our deceased loved
ones to take part in our celebrations, by leaving food and a seat at our table
so they may take part and feast with us.
Witches gather to celebrate the final
harvest with family and friends, we mourn the downward spiral of life, but focus
our minds and hearts on what is to come in the future. To a Witch, this is a
powerfully magickal time, and not the fearsome time that some would have us
believe. It is a time to release the incorrectness in our lives and project for
a future of balance, harmony, joy and health. Witches and their children often
dress in clothing and costumes to project out these wishes and spells. For
Witches, this is also a time of thanks as we remember all those in the past who
fought to win the rights we have today, many of whom paid the ultimate price.
We include those who were tortured and killed under the inaccurate definition
and description applied to Witches and Witchcraft during the Burning Times. In
remembrance, we share the knowledge gained from the past and ensure that truth
and wisdom will prevail in the future.
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