November 2014 Horoscope - By Firewolf

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)
The month of November may bring a bit of discord and strife to your Love and Relationship life.  Avoid over-analyzing and unnecessary doubt.  Love and Relationship problems will be resolved towards the end of the month.  In Job and Career, it is time to wake up!  The success you are seeking will be nurtured by your drive.  Burn a CROWN & SWORD CANDLE to heighten strength and courage.

Taurus  (April 20th - May 20th)
During the month of November you will surrounded by new relationships and new commitments.  Spend your time with those who projecting Love and Happiness. With much of your focus on Job and Career, networking and partnerships will lead to the success you desire.  Follow your “intuition” when dealing with contracts and financial agreements.  Burn MONEY DRAWING CANDLES to attract a continuous flow of prosperity.

Gemini  (May 21st - June 21st)
Emotional understanding needs to be achieved in matters of Love and Relationships.  The solutions to your problems will come from strengthening the communication and refining the delivery of your words.  Minor annoyances are ahead in Job and Career - avoid mundane “dramas” caused by others. Burn PROTECTION CANDLES to ward away negative energies and vibrations.

Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd)
During the month of November you will enjoy your relationship on a deeper level. New relationships may also be afoot.  New experiences and adventures are ahead. Avoid unnecessary arguments.  Creativity and expansion will lead to success in Job and Career.  New financial opportunities will be presented towards the end of the month.  Wear ROAD OPENING POTION to remove obstacles and to open the roads of opportunity.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
During the beginning of November your time will be spent will friends and family.  Passion in Love and Relationships will heighten towards he end of the month.  in Job and Career, projects will come to completion and new opportunities will arise.  Be weary of over-working yourself.  Be sure to find time for rest and relaxation.  Attentiveness is the solution to the serious projects and ventures you will be presented with.  Wear FAST LUCK OIL to attract quick luck towards any endeavor.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
New relationships will begin, both platonic and romantic. Passion will heighten during the end of the month. Emotional healing will be achieved. A visit from an unexpected guest may occur.  Expressing your personal boundaries will keep away unnecessary arguments.  In Job and Career, networking will be the key to success.  Wear SUCCESS OIL and burn SUCCESS INCENSE to attract success and victory in all of your endeavors.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)
During the month of November, your thoughts and focus will be primarily on Love and Relationships. November will be a time of moving forward towards commitments.  Past financial troubles and strife will be at an end towards the end of the month.  Wear MONEY POTION to attract wealth and riches

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 22nd)
The month of November will be filled with love, peace and relaxation.  Your mind will be focused on future plans with your lover as well as family and friends. A new road will open in Job and Career. Determination will fuel the success of your ambitions.  Wear CLEAR ROADS OIL to keep your roads of success clear from obstacles and trouble.

Sagittarius (November 23rd - December 21st)
Important decision-making regarding present Relationships will be your main focus during November.  November is both a time where you will end and begin new relationships.   In Job and Career you will need to motivate yourself, the sense of boredom may consume you.  Finding time to focus on personal hobbies and interest may be the key to heightening your drive.  Burn a FIRE MAGICK CANDLE to heighten strength and personal empowerment.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
November will be a time of growth, especially towards Love and relationships.  New relationships will be presented and exiting relationships will take their next step towards commitment.  Success will surround you in Job and career, a possible promotion will be granted towards the end of the month.  Carry an AIR MAGICK CONJURE BAG to heighten intellect and aid concentration.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
The month of November will bring future plans and vacations with you and your Love.  Structure will flourish in Job and Career.  New ventures will be presented.  Avoid stressful arguments at work.   Burn POWER INCENSE for personal empowerment.

Pisces (February 19th - 20th)
Avoid critical opinions and judgments which may lead to trouble in Love and Relationships.  Relaxation of the mind, body and soul may be the key to solving your present love dilemmas.  Wear LOVE POTION to attract loving vibrations and energies.

November 2014 Horoscope - By Firewolf


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