Midsummer Magickal Recipes - by Firewolf
Blessed Litha and Happy
Midsummer! We now honor and celebrate the Sun at his highest peak of the year
and his highest peak of power. The Great Mother is fertile and the earth blooms
with her beauty and many fragrances. Midsummer is the
longest day of the year and the shortest night. We as Witches’ understand and
attune ourselves with this subtle change and draw in the growth and balance the
glorious Sun puts forth onto the Earth. I wish to share with you, the following
recipes, which can be included in your personal Midsummer/Litha
festivities! This is a wonderful time to cast spells for
love, passion, and heightening psychic power enhancing psychic power.

nine drops tangerine oil
nine drops jasmine oil
thirteen drops gardenia oil
thirteen drops lemon oil
thirteen drops oakmoss oil
one small moonstone
pinch of jasmine flowers
Light a gold candle and place it on the left side of your oven.
Simmer all of the ingredients in a non-enamel pan, for about three minutes. You may want to recite a personal incantation
or prayer while the blend is simmering. Allow the brew to cool. Store in tightly sealed white or
yellow glass bottles. Wear of place a
few drops of this oil to invoke feminine forces during any summer ritual or

one teaspoon lavender
one teaspoon chamomile
one teaspoon honeysuckle flowers
one teaspoon St. John’s Wort
one teaspoon vervain
one teaspoon thyme
nine drops jasmine oil
thirteen drops rose oilthirteen drops neroli oil
thirteen drops mint oil
Blend and grind the herbs together and add the drops of
oil. Burn this blend on a glowing
charcoal to heighten psychic power and to call upon the magick of the fairy
Image Art by Emily Balivet
for more information click here: http://www.emilybalivet.com
For more Spells and Magick by Firewolf CLICK HERE: http://www.firewolfsmagic.com/witchcraft/
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