July 2014 Horoscope - By Firewolf

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)
Resolution in Love and Relationship will remove present stress and baggage.  Be weary of rushing to conclusions and learn to cooperate.  Creativity will lead to success at work.  Prosperity and success will surround you.  Bathe with WILD ORCHID SOAP to aid in solving problems and heightening self-love.

Taurus  (April 20th - May 20th)
Your focus towards Career and Finances may cause trouble in your Relationship life during the month of July.  Find time to feed your soul, as well as you relationships.  Passion will flourish towards the end of the month.  Networking will lead to new financial opportunities.  Avoid being frivolous with both your finances and emotions.  Burn a LOVE DRAWING CANDLE to enhance your present relationships or to attract a new and enticing lover.

Gemini  (May 21st - June 21st)
During the month of July you will be enjoying Love and Relationships to the fullest.  Emotional happiness will be a gift or reward for following your heart. All relationships will grow and flourish.  Finances need to be reorganized for future investments and plans.  Wear MONEY POTION to heighten your flow of personal prosperity.

Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd)
Love and Relationships may need a little old fashioned "TLC."  Unnecessary worry and doubt will lead to trouble in present Relationships. Resolution will come towards the end of the month.  Your high energy will have you in the path of success at Work.  Allow your hard work to energize your self-esteem.  Be weary of over working yourself.  Burn PASSION CANDLES to entice and enhance your present relationships.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
Friends and family will offer solution to Relationship issues and confusion.  Find time to “recharge” yourself where you will not be distracted.  You may be putting forth too much energy.  Pessimism will have you bored and tired in Job and Career.  Physical activities will strengthen and awaken you.  New opportunities will arise towards the end of the month.  Wear HEALING POTION to correct and neutralize unwanted vibrations.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
New Relationships will begin, commitment in present Relationships will be presented.  Remember to be yourself, your personality is the “glue” in your Love life.  You will be celebrated in Job and Career, avoid jealousy and petty gossip.  Wear PROTECTION POTION at work to keep away ill energies.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)
Love and Relationships will be your main focus and recreation during the month of July. Passion and sensuality will flourish.  Your present lover or new lover, may surprise you with good news.  Verbalize opinions and concerns in job and career.    Promotion and success is ahead towards the end of July.  Wear THROAT CHAKRA OIL to correct any unwanted energies that may be causing obstacles in Job and Career.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 22nd)
Seek time to resolve “personal” issues concerning your Love and Relationship life that are preventing you from moving forward in Love. Find time to allow yourself to think and brainstorm.  During the month of July you will be a “money magnet.” Promotions and bonuses are in your grasp, pay attention.  Wear LOVE POTION and burn HEALING CANDLES.

Sagittarius (November 23rd - December 21st)
New Love and Commitment will surround you during the month of July. Do not rush.  Multiple business opportunities may fall on your lap, examine each option precisely and carefully.  You will have a “lucky streak” towards the end of the month.  Wear AIR ELEMENTAL OIL to aid focus and concentration.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
Time to relax.  During the month of July you will be pampered by Love.  New and exciting Relationships will surround you during the month of July.  Don’t hold back, new opportunities in Job and Career will surround you.  Wear WATER ELEMENTAL OIL to keep your energies calm and cool.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
Your Love life will be focused on planning future events. Resolution to present problems will be resolved by carefully examining yourself.  Your expertise and talents will be celebrated by all those around you.  Avoid petty gossip.  Wear AIR ELEMENTAL OIL for personal empowerment.

Pisces (February 19th - 20th)

Your Love life will be filled with passion and the sense or being refreshed.  Your insecurities will become a tool of understanding others and resolving past problems.  Your self-love will define your success in Job and Career, go full force and be yourself. Wear SELF LOVE OIL to strengthen your self-esteem.

- By Firewolf



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