May 2014 Horoscope by Firewolf

Spring is in the air and summer is on the horizon!  As the Sun warms the Earth, the stars and planets influence our everyday journeys and trials.  The summer heat fills our spirits with thoughts of passion and relaxation. 

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)
The summer sun has you running around like a chicken without a head!  Be sure to calm your animal behavior and find time to focus on Work and Career.  Stagnancy and delay in Job and Career may occur in the Month of May.  Carry Citrine and wear Money Potion to avert financial troubles.

Taurus  (April 20th - May 20th)
Love and Romance will be in the air for Taurians during the month of May.  Whether in a relationship or single, the month of May will be filled with romantic encounters and affairs.  Job and Career will be filled with fast pace excitement, be sure to find time to decompress.  Burn Water Element Incense to bring tranquility to your home and auric energies.

Gemini  (May 21st - June 21st)
Avoid major decisions during the month of May.  In Love and Relationships, indecision and distraction may cause future problems.  Stay focused.  Your focus on Job and Career will lead you towards taking the first step to future accomplishment. These accomplishment and achievements will unfold later in the summer.  Wear Rose Quartz and burn Love Drawing Candles to aid in correcting any relationship dilemmas.

Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd)
During the month of May, Love and Relationships will be filled with relaxation, recreation and celebration.  You will spend most of your time outdoors, recharging your energies and emotional endurance.  New ideas and creativity will lead you towards success in Job and Career.  Trust your instincts and avoid insecurities that will prevent you from vocally expressing yourself.  Burn Throat Chakra Candles and burn Hercules Incense to heighten and heal the Throat Chakra and to attract strength and guidance.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
During the month of May, your fiery ego and self-assertiveness will lead to troubles in Love and Relationships.  Remember to listen and show acknowledgement to your love affairs.  Be weary of feeding narcissistic desires.  In Job and Career, success and victory is on the horizon, projects will be finished and recreational activities will be planned.  Wear Protection Potion and burn Self-Love Candles to protect from negative emotions and to heal and heighten your self-love.

Virgo August (23rd - September 22nd)
During the month of May, you will enjoy much of your time, frolicking with family loved ones.  You will be arranging family events and activities, be sure to find some time to relax and avoid “burning yourself out!”  You will begin to weave new projects and ideas, which will lead to prosperous earnings.  Job and Career will be filled with new roads and opportunities. A financial raise or bonus may be expected towards the end of the month of May.  Wear Rutilated Quartz to protect from chaotic energies and vibrations

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)
In Love and Relationships, you may find yourself retreating for some well-deserved “space.”  If you are single, it is a good time to organize your priorities towards relationships.  You will overcome hurtles, in Job and Career. Through networking, success will be achieved towards any present projects.  Spread the word! Carry Quartz Crystal for empowerment and strength.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 22nd)
New relationships will begin anew and present relationships will prosper and grow.  Family and friends will surround you, be sure to find time for personal projects and hobbies.  Avoid “going with the flow.”  Your determination will lead you towards success in Job and Career, financial offers and promotions may also be abound.  Burn Protection Candles to keep away harmful or otherwise unwanted influences.

Sagittarius (November 23rd - December 21st)
You may feel that something is lacking in your present relationships, recognize the issues and slowly determine which direction better suits you and your personal needs.  Do not jump to a conclusion!  In Job and Career, annoying co-worker may get the best of you.  Avoid troublesome altercations.  Wear Protection Potion to keep away harmful or otherwise unwanted influences.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
The summer heat will have you a bit out of sorts.  Find time for yourself and focus on recreational activities you enjoy.  Relax!  During the month of May, answer concerning love will be revealed.  New Job and Career opportunities will arise; go towards the direction of your dreams.  Wear Success Potion/Oil to promote a positive flow of success and victory in all endeavors.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
You will be filled with energy and excitement during the month of May.  Commitments will arise in Love and Relationships.  Take things at your own pace!  Job and Career will be busy, make sure to find time to physically rest.  Burn Hercules Incense for strength and empowerment.

Pisces (February 19th - 20th)
Love and Commitment will be your main focus during the month of March.   It is time to tend to your garden of love. Be sure to follow your heart and avoid insecurities.  Job and Career will be filled with a bit of confusion and stress.  Pace yourself.  Burn Air Elemental Candles to aid concentration, focus and mind.

By Firewolf



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