Summer Solstice Morning Dew Ritual - By Firewolf

The collecting of Morning Dew has been practiced by ancient cultures from all around the world. This simple and ancient ritual is usually conducted at different times from the Spring until late Summer, (most traditionally during the May Day or Summer Solstice Festivities). In many parts of Italy it is a traditional custom to collect Dew on the morning of The Feast of John the Baptist (June 24th). This particular practice has many links to ancient pagan traditions, marking a time of fire, fertility and the waning of the Sun. On the eve of The Feast of John the Baptist, a large bowl or basin is filled half-way with clean water, to which a few drops of Holy Water were added. Fresh Flowers and Herbs where then included and the bowl left in a safe place outdoors to be left overnight to collect the Morning Dew.

Plants and Flowers of Use: Basil, Camelia Flowers, Hawthorn Blossom, Ivy, Lavender, Marjoram, Mint, Parsley, Primrose, Roses, Rue, St. John’s Wort, Sunflower, Vervain, Yarrow

The next morning, before sunrise, the bowl was retrieved and the water then used as a skin tonic and astringent. Washing the skin with is magickal elixir was believed to promote youth, to ward off illness, to enhance beauty, and to purify the spirit. The following ritual is inspired by the Italian tradition, with the addition of invoking Erse (Herse) - the Greek Goddess of Dew. In the ancient past, it is said that Morning Dew was the tears of the Moon - a secret gift for humanity.

  "Such things as are nurtured by Ersa (Dew), daughter of Zeus and Selene (Moon)." 
- Alcman Fragment 57 - trans. Campbell, (Greek Lyric C 7th B.C.)  


Ingredients needed: fresh flower/herbs, one large glass or ceramic bowl, one white or light blue taper candle, three cups of spring water, white cloth

Prior to this rite, choose an odd number of fresh flowers or herbs from the list above. Gather the ingredients of this ritual at your kitchen table or magickal space, during a time when you will be undisturbed. This ritual may be conducted anytime from spring to summer, its potency at its peak on the Summer Solstice. Begin by lighting the white-blue candle and stating out loud a Prayer of Protection or an invocation to the Divine. You may also state out loud the following invocation three times,

“Beautiful Erse, Daughter of the Moon, aid my call, with this tune. Your blessings bestowed, both good and true, grant me protection, Goddess of the Dew.”

Place the candle next to the bowl. To the bowl, add the Spring Water and the Fresh Plant Material. With your hands in the prayer position, state out loud a Prayer of Blessing or you may also state out loud the following, three times,

“Blessings be, upon this rite, blessings of good magick, here tonight.”

Allow the candle to burn out completely. After the candle has extinguished, place the bowl somewhere outdoors, in a place it will not be tampered with. The next day, before sunrise, retrieve the bowl and return it to your kitchen table or magickal space. Dip the white cloth into the bowl and gently wash your face with the waters. As you wash your face, you may state out loud a prayer or incantation focused on beauty, the healing of the skin, or purification. You may also state out loud the following incantation,

“With this water, with this flower, I do summon and stir, Erse this hour. Earth, Sky, Moon and Sun, your power woven, your power spun, My skin clean, my skin pure, my spirit now glowing, with beauty and allure.”

You may strain the water into a glass bottle and keep it in the refrigerator. This water may be used as a magickal skin tonic. I hope you enjoy this delightful summer ritual. Blessed Summer Solstice!


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