June 2019 Horoscope @Superstitious

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)
The month of June will bring a break from struggle and negative cycles - new goals and new paths of success will reveal themselves. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, June will bring the well needed separation between love and career, love will blossom, focus on what is important to your heart. In matters concerning Career and Finances, not following your instincts may cause you to miss out on a prosperous opportunity, pay attention to what you’re doing and avoid outside influence. Burn a Protection Candle to bring protection against negative forces and to ward off evil and spiritual harm.    

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)
During the month of June, your ambition and productivity will fuel your success and accomplishments. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, June will be a time of serious decision making, which will fortify your current or future relationships. In matters concerning Career and Finances, June will be a month of success, personal growth, and security in your current path. Burn a Problem Solving Candle to bring resolution and solution to current dilemmas.    

Gemini  (May 21st - June 21st)
The month of June will herald creativity, happiness and all-around contentment – this is a time to embrace your inner-self. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, June may bring about a new love affair, both substantial and productive – if you are currently in a relationships expect growth and a deeper sense of passion. In matters concerning Career and Finances, change is afoot, June will bring the steering off towards another path of financial success. Carry a Good Fortune Mojo Bag to attract all-around luck and good fortune.    

Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd)
June will be a time of hard work, breaking through setbacks and all-around victory. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, during the month of June, you will experience a sense of peace and security in matters of the heart, you will begin a path towards both love and commitment. In matters concerning Career and Finances, you will slowly progress in your current path, determination and drive needs to be strengthened. Burn a Hercules Ritual Candle to promote inner strength and drive.    

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
June will bring both balance and peace to your emotions, obstacles will be overcome and victory achieved. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current relationships difficulties will be solved, new dilemmas may reveal themselves, speak from the heart. In matters concerning Career and Finances, discipline will guide you to the success you desire, trust both your judgement and intuition. Burn a Problem Solving Candle to bring resolution and solution to current dilemmas.      

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
June will be the beginning of positive change and new beginnings, you have potential, embrace it. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, for past efforts to be rewarded, you must let go of the deeply rooted past troubles and pains. June will be a ‘wake-up call’ in matters of the heart. In matters concerning Career and Finances, your current path will lead you to financial security, June may present a new creative endeavor. Carry a Love Drawing Conjure Bag to attract new love or to enhance your current relationships.   

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)
June will bring new commitments, creative endeavors, and new financial partnerships. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, change is needed for you to find what your heart seeks, speak only the truth, and avoid hesitation. In matters concerning Career and Finances, June will bring growth, balance, and a clear picture of your financial future. Success is at hand. Carry a Protection Mojo Bag to bring protection against negative forces and to ward off evil and spiritual harm.    

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 22nd) 
June will be a time of luck and good fortune, pay careful attention to what is in your control, let go of what is not. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, June will be filled with adventure, as well as important decision making regarding love. In matters concerning Career and Finances, your creative thoughts will be key in overcoming current obstacles, with clarity of the mind - success and accomplishment will be achieved. Burn a Success Candle to promote all-around success and victory.    

Sagittarius (November 23rd - December 21st)
June will be a time of rest, you may have been recently working too hard, now is time for some rest and relaxation. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, June may herald some loss and disappointment, your happiness is key, it is time to break the chains that bind you. In matters concerning Career and Finances, a promotion or financial raise may present itself, June bring both prosperity and good tidings. Burn a Healing Candle to promote healing of the mind, body and spirit.    

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
June will reveal new roads of success and happiness and the letting go of burdens – so that new life may bloom. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, new relationships will bloom, both personal and plutonic, current relationships will strengthen. In matters concerning Career and Finances, you will find yourself diminishing that which no longer serves you, to achieve the success you desire you must remove yourself from what does no benefit you. Burn a Clear Roads Ahead Candle to clear away obstacles from your roads of success.    

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
June will be a time of new beginnings and new adventures, optimism will be key to your success. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current relationships will deepen and become more passionate, if you are single a new relationships may bloom towards the end of the month. In matters concerning Career and Finances, June will be a time of success, good fortune and the achievement of goals and aspirations. Carry a Good Fortune Mojo Bag to attract all-around luck and good fortune.    

Pisces (February 19th - 20th)
June will bring a release from fear and insecurities, obstacles will be overcome. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, taking accountability will bring resolution to current problems concerning love, balance and fairness is key. In matters concerning Career and Finances, confidence is needed to bring the financial stability you desire. Carry a Money Drawing Mojo Bag to attract all-around wealth, abundance and riches.     

By Firewolf                           


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