February Horoscope 2016 - By Firewolf

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)
The month of February will bring introspection towards the foundation and security in your life.  You will spend most of the month planning and investing.  Balance is the key to your success.  In matters of Love and Relationships – deeper and stronger connections will grow.  February brings release from past pain and present “dramas.”  Burn a Success Candle to attract victory and success in all of your endeavors.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)
The month of February will bring success and achievement in matters concerning Job and Career.  In matters of Love and Relationships you may experience a period of stress and indecision. Be sure to take your time in making decisions and avoid impulse. In a black cloth bag carry Calcite, Citrine and Tiger’s Eye to heighten your emotional strength and to attract a steady flow of success.

Gemini (May 21st - June 21st)
The month of February will bring achievement and success towards your present goals and aspirations.  Success is at hand. February will also provide the time for you to relax and focus on hobbies or outside interests.  Avoid your ego overcoming you, otherwise expect moments of misunderstandings in your personal and professional life.  In matters of Love and Relationships - new and exciting opportunities will present themselves towards the end of the month.  Wear Protection Potion to neutralize and keep away negative or otherwise unwanted energies.

Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd)
The month of February will bring peace and a heightened sense of passion in your present love affairs. Avoid mixing Relationships and Career related issues. In matters of Job and Career - present projects will be reexamined - new and easier venues of success will reveal themselves.  Wear Money Drawing Potion to attract a steady and abundant flow of prosperity.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)
The month of February will bring resolution and growth in matters concerning Love and Relationships - whether you are in a relationship or not.  In matters concerning Job and Career - a new sense of concentration will empower you to succeed.  This concentration may also uncover past errors, allowing you to bring resolution to present Career related issues. Burn an Air Element Magick Candle to aid you in concentration, focus and clear thought.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
During the Month of February will bring new roads of opportunity in matters of Love and Relationships.  For those who are single - a new and surprising love affair may bloom towards the end of the month. In matters concerning Job and Career, success is around the corner, February will bring some well-needed organization and reaffirmation of your goals.  In a green or black cloth bag carry and image of yourself, a Rose Quartz Crystal, and White Peacock Feather to attract and heighten self love, emotional and spiritual strength, and one’s personal sovereignty.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)
The month of February will bring a higher sense of understanding in matters concerning Love and Relationships.  Plutonic relationships will also grow.  There will be extra moments of spontaneity towards the end of the month.  In matters of Job and Career expect useless confrontation and a few minor setbacks.  You will overcome these difficulties in the beginning of March.  Burn Cleansing Incense in your home and office to neutralize and cleanse away any and all negative or incorrect vibrations.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 22nd)
During the month of February, you may be experiencing temporary difficulties in matters of Love and Relationships.  This “rocky” moment will be temporary - find time for yourself to diffuse and decompress your frustrations.  The doors of Love will open for you in mid-spring.  In matters of Job and Career - success and victory will surround you - elevation and/or promotion is ahead.  Wear Love Potion to correct the love vibrations around you as well as to attract love and to heighten self-love.

Sagittarius (November 23rd - December 21st)
The month of February will bring focus and determination in matters of Job and Career.  The month of February will present unexpected opportunities and friendships.  In matters of Love and Relationships, the month of February will bring clarity, understanding and new directions of commitment. Carry a Luck Drawing Conjure Bag to attract good fortune and all-around luck.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
The month of February will bring the realization of needed emotional change.  The end of February will bring a new and steady love opportunity. For those already in a relationship -  February is not a good time to re-hash the past, avoiding conflict will secure the future of your relationships.  In matter of Job and Career – a new exciting business venture is on the horizon – the opportunity for travel is afoot.  Wear Earth Element Magick Potion to attract stability, balance and protection.

Aquarius  (January 20th - February 18th)
During the month of February, present relationships will evolve emotionally and spiritually.  New venues of success and opportunity will present themselves towards the end of the month.  In matters concerning Job and Career, your personal flow of prosperity will increase towards the end of February – you may also expect a bonus or extra venue of income.  Wear Money Drawing Potion to attract a steady and abundant flow of prosperity.

Pisces (February 19th - 20th)
The month of February will be a time of celebration and laughter.  In matters concerning Love and Relationships, your present love affair will strengthen and become more passionate. You will find that spending time with family and friend will become a useful outlet to separate you from your busy schedule. In matters of Job and Career - your efforts will so prosper and your dreams are on the horizon.  Wear a few drops of Protection Potion daily to keep away any and all unwanted vibrations and negativity.

By: Firewolf

February 2016 Horoscope - By Firewolf


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