9 Yuletide Herbal Charms - By Firewolf

The Yuletide occasion fills the mind with thoughts of joy, family and peace. The following list of herbal ingredients are attributed with the Yuletide season and are believed to attract love, healing, prosperity, good fortune and positive energy.  Enjoy.

Apple: To attract new love and to heighten passion, place the following ingredients into a pink or red cloth bag - one teaspoon dried Apple Peel, one teaspoon rose petals, a large garnet and nine drops of juniper essential oil. Carry this bag with you or present it as a Yuletide Gift.

Balsam Fir: Place the following ingredients into a clear two ounce glass bottle - one ounce of hazelnut oil, ½ ounce of sunflower oil, one milliliter of Balsam Fir absolute, one small oak stick, and three dried holly berries. This magickal blend can be worn as a perfume or anointed onto candles and tools - to heighten inner strength, to invoke the masculine forces of nature and to bring about good fortune and luck.

Cinnamon: To bring protection to your home and family - write the names of each family member (including pets) onto a three-inch piece of parchment paper. Anoint the four corners of the paper with Protection Oil or Potion. Fold the parchment paper three times -while stating out loud a prayer directed towards protection. Fold the parchment paper into nine Cinnamon Sticks.  Using black ribbon or cord, tie the sticks together to form a bundle. Place this charm somewhere hidden in the front of your home.

Clove: To bless your home and rid away unwanted vibrations - blend together the following ingredients - one teaspoon frankincense resin, one teaspoon myrrh resin, one teaspoon yellow sandalwood powder, three drops sandalwood essential oil, and one drop Clove essential oil. Place a pinch of this blend on a glowing charcoal and direct the smoke counter-clockwise throughout each room. You may recite a personal prayer or incantation directed towards removing unwanted vibrations and attracting blessings.

Frankincense:  Place the following ingredients into a clear two ounce glass bottle - two ounces Grain Alcohol (any high proof alcohol), one teaspoon Frankincense resin, one1 milliliter of Frankincense essential oil and a pinch of raw sea salt. Allow this blend to sit in the light of the moon and sun for three days. This blend is used in spiritual workings focused on attract blessing and positive energy. This blend makes a wonderful perfume and great Yuletide Gift!

Holly: To bring about spiritual blessings and to attract good fortune for the New Year - begin by drying nine Holly Leaves and nine Holly Berries. In a small mason jar add three tablespoons of raw sea salt and one large quartz crystal - that has been anointed and washed with Protection Oil or Potion.  Using a black pen write a blessing onto each dried Holly Leaf. As you write each blessing, spend a moment and focus your mind on the deeper meaning of that individual blessing. When you are finished, add the leaves and berries to the jar - seal tightly. The jar can be buried somewhere in front of your home or given as a gift to a loved one.

Laurel (Bay): Place the following ingredients into a yellow or gold cloth bag, nine Laurel Leaves, one teaspoon frankincense resin, one teaspoon dried elder berries, one teaspoon chamomile flowers, one small quartz crystal, three drops frankincense essential oil, and three drops Laurel essential oil. Carry this bag with you or give it as a thoughtful Yuletide Gift to promote healing and to attract good health.

Mistletoe: The holiday season can become stressful, to promote peaceful vibrations in the home, place the following ingredients into a decorative glass bowl. - three tablespoons dried Mistletoe, one teaspoon chamomile, one teaspoon mint leaves, and nine drops cedar essential oil. Mix this blend thoroughly. Keep the bowl somewhere in the front of your home.

Oak:  In a large bowl blend together one cup sea salt, one-half cup Epsom salt, one teaspoon baking soda, three teaspoons dried oak leaves, one teaspoon cloves, one teaspoon chamomile, one citrine stone, three drops chamomile essential oil, and six drops pine oil. Mix this blend together thoroughly and store in a tightly sealed jar. Add three tablespoons of this blend to a warm bath to clean and empower the aura.

- By Firewolf



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