June Horoscope 2015 - By Firewolf

What do the Stars have in store for you?

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)
The month of June will bring pleasantry, balance and harmony in all aspects of your life!  New Relationships may be presented, take things slow to avoid being trapped in lust.  Love and Relationships will become stronger emotionally and physical passion will be on the rise.  New projects will begin, later bringing financial success and security. Success and victory will surround you in Job and Career. Your creativity will fuel your achievements, be sure to embrace yourself.  Burn a PROTECTION CANDLE to keep away any and all incorrect energies.

Taurus  (April 20th - May 20th)
The month of June will bring the well-needed rest you desire and deserve. In Love and Relationships, be weary of old lovers returning for second chances. During the month of June, you will seeking luxury and refinement. Financial issues may effect your present Relationship situation, be sure to slow down and prioritize. Re-examine past mistakes to avoid troublesome situations. You will spend much of June, with close friends and family.  Carry a MONEY DRAWING CONJURE BAG to bring prosperity and riches, as well as to attract money to better one’s financial stability.

Gemini  (May 21st - June 21st)
Your Love and Relationship life will grow deeper as you explore different and interesting venues of passion and sexual intimacy. If you are currently single, towards the end of the month, you will achieve victory in a present chasing game.  During the month of June, be weary of negative influences and/or people.  You are on a quest for love and passion, outside influences will alter your perception of reality.  Victory, achievement and new ventures will surround you in Job and Career.  Carry an AIR MAGICK CONJURE BAG to heighten intellect, to aid concentration, to promote positive change in one's life, and to aid one in becoming more driven towards personal goals.

Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd)
Be sure to find time to focus your mind on your Relationship life, as well as towards close friends and family. Job and Career has you in a spiral of success, recognition and achievement. Be sure to find time to decompress and focus on your personal and emotional needs, overworking yourself will set you back. During the month of June, solutions to family matters will also be resolved leading to the rekindling of old, broken bonds. Focus on acknowledging and nurturing your creative self. Wear HESTIA SPIRIT OIL to bring tranquility into your home, protection from harm, and a warm sense of self-love.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
Love and Relationships will grow and prosper, both existing and new, later bringing commitment. The month of June is your time to shine in matter of Love and Relationships. Past feelings of hurt and worry will fade. You may have to reevaluate a few plutonic relationships; there may be a trickster amongst you. New roads will open in Job and Career, partnerships and contracts will be presented. Burn a HEALING MAGICK CANDLE to attract good health and positive healing vibrations!

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
Present Relationship concerns needs to be examined.  The month of June will bring clarity and a sharp sense of knowing what you want. Love and Relationships will lead you towards two roads; one road - towards success and growth and the other - towards cutting ties and beginning anew. It is your choice which path to choose. Old Relationships from the past may surface. In Job and Career, June will bring promotion and advancement. Carry a CLEAR ROADS CONJURE BAG to attract good luck, to clear away obstacles, and to open one's roads towards success.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)
The month of June will bring happiness, laughter and a sense of community.  You will spend much of June, working on balancing your self-esteem and ridding away past pains. Present Relationships will remain steady and calm.   If you are single, new relationships may be presented towards the end of the month. Luck and fortune will surround you in Job and Career, your “work hard, take charge” mentality will lead you to a path of success and accomplishment. Burn SELF-LOVE “PINK STAR” INCENSE to attract positive energies and to heighten self-love and self-esteem.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 22nd)
During the month of June, your mind and heart will be focused on commitment in an already existing relationship.  If you are single, a new and exciting Relationship may be presented. You will spend most of the month celebrating and enjoying time with family and friends. The month of June may also be a time where you will rekindle a past plutonic relationship. Job and Career will be busy and steadfast, accomplishment and achievement is around the corner. You may expect a surprise bonus or promotion towards the end of the month. Wear PROTECTION POTION to keep away any and all incorrect energies.

Sagittarius (November 23rd - December 21st)
During the month of June, Love and Relationships will be filled with passion, excitement, and adventure.  Stay focused on your personal wants and desires. You will spend much of June, organizing matters of Career, Job and Finances. Avoid lending money.  Burn an ABUNDANCE CANDLE to attract abundance and prosperity.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
Communication is the key to attracting what you desire in present matters concerning Love and Relationships. The month of June will bring resolution to past pains and new paths towards emotional happiness. Job and Career will be filled with success and exciting projects. Be sure to find time to decompress and rejuvenate, you may be overworking. The roads towards prosperity and wealth are clear and open. Carry a SUCCESS CONJURE BAG to heighten and attract success and victory in all your endeavors.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
The month of June will bring blessings of good fortune and happiness in all aspects of your life. Love and Relationships will evolve and strengthen.  New opportunities and ventures will surround you in Job and career. Focus on your goals. Trust you intellect and your personal intuition. Carry a MONEY DRAWING CONJURE BAG to bring to one prosperity and riches, as well as to attract money to better one’s financial stability.

Pisces (February 19th - 20th)
The month of June will bring relaxing affairs and festivities with your family and loved ones. Love and Relationships may need some good old fashion TLC.  Focus is needed towards Relationships, to avoid later troubles. In Job and Career you will need to re-examine your strategy. Self-created obstacles will cause delay and set backs towards your goals. Wear FAST LUCK OIL to bring quick luck in any endeavor.

By: Firewolf

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