May Horoscope 2015 - By Firewolf

What do the Stars have in store for you?

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)
Your focus in the month of May will be solely towards Love and Relationships; a healthy emotional language will enhance your relationship and lead it towards commitment.  For those who are single, a surprise new love may be around the corner. Job and Career will be on an even and steady flow. This month will not be the time for making important decisions, instead planning and brainstorming will be your main financial focus. Burn a Protection Candle to keep away any and all negative or otherwise unwanted energies.

Taurus  (April 20th - May 20th)
During the month of May, passion, commitment and happy thoughts concerning Love and Relationships will surround you.  New doors will open towards new and present relationships. Although you will be determined to achieve in Job and Career, be sure to find time for family and friends.  Stay focused, especially on your emotional needs.  Remember to remove your attention away from negative influences.  Carry a Luck Drawing Conjure Bag to bring luck in all endeavors.

Gemini  (May 21st - June 21st)
The month of May will bring passion, tranquility, romance, and happiness towards your Love and Relationship life.  Towards the end of the month, you may feel the need for “quite time.”  Be sure to allow yourself time to decompress and rejuvenate your personal energies.  You will be steadfast and ambitious in Job and Career, goals will be met and projects will be completed. Success is at hand. Avoid jealousy and negativity.  Burn High John the Conqueror Incense to attract prosperity, heighten power and to restore one's spirit.

Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd)
Love and Relationships will be moving towards commitment, a heightened sense of passion, and steady flow of tranquility.  The month of May will bring a serious sense of balance towards your personal and professional life.  Avoid needless argument and debates.  In Job and Career, your creativity, inspiration, and talents will lead you towards success and victory.  You will have a sense of completion, with all hurtles becoming a story of the past.  Wear Ocean Star Potion to bring balance and tranquility towards all your endeavors.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
During the month of May new Relationships will bloom and prosper!  When dealing with matters of the heart, be sure to let your heart guide you. Re-analyzing your emotional needs is key to unlocking your heart’s desires. In Job and Career, the beginning of the month will bring victory over obstacles and strife.  As the month closes; success and achievement will surround you. Burn a Luck Candle to heighten luck and to attract good fortune.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
For those ruled by Virgo, May is your month of passionate love and sensuality.  Have fun, enjoy and smile!  Be sure not to allow your "work frustration" to carry over into your relationship life.  Avoid over-thinking. Expect delays and obstacles at work and projects.  Success will come later in the summer.  Carry a Money Drawing Conjure Bag to bring to prosperity and riches, as well as to attract money to better one’s financial stability.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)
You will spend the month of May sorting out unsettled Love concerns. Reconsideration is needed towards your personal wants and desires.  Recognizing needed change is the first step. During times of worry and self-doubt; the counsel of friends and family will lead you towards healing and success. Avoid acting on impulse.  New opportunities and doors of success will be presented in Job and Career.   Determination will guide you towards success.  Burn Air Magick Incense to heighten personal empowerment.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 22nd)
Relationships and all matters of Love will grow and blossom during the month of May.  Be determined in Love and take what is yours.  Appreciations towards present love may guide you away from the shadows.  New partnerships will be presented in Job and Career.  Success is abound and new ventured will flourish.  Burn a Clear Roads Ahead Candle to clear away obstacles that may be ahead of your life or to attract success.

Sagittarius (November 23rd - December 21st)
You may feel frazzled during the month of May, avoid major Relationship decisions and be sure to focus on communication in present Relationship concerns.  Avoid needless, mundane past issues and people.  In Job and Career you will be surrounded with success, admiration and victory.  New Ventures and promotion is ahead, the doors are open!  Burn a Healing Rifts’ Candle to positive energy between two lovers and to heal incorrect love vibrations.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
Love is the air and it is your time to shine!  During the month of May you will be on a lucky path concerning Love and Relationships.  Enjoy yourself.  Take chances. New commitments will bloom towards the end of the month.  Success and Victory will surround you in Job and Career. Networking is key towards your success. Carry a Quartz Crystal for protection, empowerment and strength.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
The month of May will bring quirky and positive change in relationships.  New doors of passion and romance will open. Boredom may bring needless and mundane curiosity, avoid impulse decision making.  You will be successful in Job and Career.  Creativity will be your key towards your success.  Burn Removing Obstacles Incense to remove and keep away any and all obstacle in one's path.

Pisces (February 19th - 20th)
During the month of May, Love will evolve towards a deeper and more passionate relationship and understanding of relationships.  Job and Career will flow steadily and evenly.  Focus your time of creative ventures and new forms of prosperity.  Carry an Earth Magick Conjure Bag to bring stability, growth, to ground energy, and to bring one prosperity and earthly treasures.

By: Firewolf 

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