Beltane Magick Bath Blend

    seven drops green food coloring
    one cup Epsom Salt
    one cup Sea Salt
    one dram rose absolute
    two drams dragon’s blood oil
    one teaspoon clover
    one teaspoon crushed coriander
    one teaspoon hawthorn leaves
    one teaspoon oak bark
    one teaspoon rose petals
    one teaspoon yarrow

    In a large mixing bowl blend together the dry ingredients.  Afterwards, slowly add the liquid ingredients and blend well.  Store in a tightly sealed mason jar. Bathe with this blend before any Beltane rite. This blend may also be employed during rites focused on attracting love, healing and good fortune. - By Firewolf

    For more Magickal Bathing Blend Recipes check out Firewolf's Book Magickal Bathing Rituals @


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