April Horoscope 2015 - By Firewolf

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)
During the month of April much of your focus will be towards Love and Romanticism.  You will find yourself relaxing in a cloud of love. Success and Prosperity will surround you in Job and Career, new opportunities and roads will be presented.  Avoid impulse and thoroughly examine each venture presented before you.  Find time to rest your personal energies and vibrations.  Burn a Protection Candle to ward away and neutralize negative energies.

Taurus  (April 20th - May 20th)
The month of April will bring a heightened sense of sensuality and a clearer sense of focus towards present or new love opportunities.  During the month of April, answers concerning love will be revealed. You will take all dealings of Career and Finances head on, success and victory in present projects is on the horizon.  New Job and Career opportunities may be presented, opportunities will arise; follow your own personal intuition. Wear Quartz Crystal to amplify your personal vibrations and to attract all-around positive energies.

Gemini (May 21st - June 21st)
The month of April will be filled with energy and excitement!  In Love and Relationships, new and exciting commitments will arise, be sure to take things slow.  Past relationships may arise; avoid any and all negative people or energies.  In Job and Career, your determination and ambition will lead to physical recognition.  Be sure to find time to physically rest and avoid over working yourself. Burn Fairy Magick Incense to heighten personal empowerment and to keep a flow of tranquility.

Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd)
During the month of April, New Relationships will surround you, both personal and plutonic.  If you are already in a committed relationship, new and surprising commitments may be presented.  Personal projects and hobbies will be much of your focus, you may consider forming a business with a present hobby or personal talent. Possible new ventures will present themselves towards the end of the month. Wear Success Oil to attract victory and success in all of your endeavors.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
Present Relationship issues and concerns will be presented and resolved. Examine your present situation and follow your heart.  Avoid assumptions and impulsive decision-making.  You will triumph over any and all negative issues in Job and Career.  You will embrace a sense of leadership that will lead you towards later successes in the autumn. Burn a Crown and Sword Candle to attract strength and courage.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
The month of April will focus on organizing your personal affairs.  You may find yourself reexamining friendships and personal relationships.  You are entering a point of personal evolution.  Find time to focus on yourself and your needs, both physical and spiritual.  Doors towards creative expression will open in Job and Career.  Towards the end of April, past conflict may arise, avoid uncomfortable situations and stand strong.  Burn Earth Element Incense to bring balance and stability in your life.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)
The month of April will bring resolution and understanding in matters of Love and Relationships.  Relationship both present and new, will thrive and you will be in a bubble of happiness and laughter by the end of the month.  Steer clear from mundane dramas within your circle of friends. Stay focused on your personal growth.  Job and Career will be filled with success, reward and recognition.  Cast a New Roads Spell Kit to bring about new roads and to attract abundant opportunities!

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 22nd)
The month of April will bring a deeper understanding of your personal self.  You will reexamine your personal likes, dislikes, and preferences in matter of Love and Relationships.  New venues of making love work will be presented; your creativity will take lead.  Job and Career will remain on a steady flow, with positive changes and promotions occurring later this summer.  Bring attention towards your personal sense of calmness, be sure to find time to decompress and avoid useless debates.  Wear Water Elemental Potion to keep your elemental energies in balance and your spirit nourished.

Sagittarius (November 23rd - December 21st)
During the month of April, leave your ego at the door!  Your present views towards Love and Relationships may be clouded, avoid worry and reacting on assumptions.  Love and Relationships will prosper later in the summer.  Find time to relax and focus on hobbies or outside interests.  Job and Career will be surrounded with success; troublesome issues and personal obstacles will be left far behind you. Burn Money Drawing Candle to attract wealth and prosperity.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
During the month of April, Love and Relationships will be peaceful and stable.  If you are single, you may expect to begin a new Relationship towards the end of the month.  Your search for a deeper and more spiritual relationship will soon lead to success.  Stress and discord may surround you in Job and Career. This troublesome period is only a temporary transition.  Tranquility in Job and Career will flow towards the beginning of May.  Burn a Success Candle to bring victory and success in all of your endeavors.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
During the month of April, matters of Love and Relationships will flow steadily and will strengthen as the month ends.  Focus and concentration is key towards your success towards a healthy and happy Relationship.  Your focus on Job and Career will lead you towards success, new ideas and different goals will be presented.  Burn Money Drawing Incense to attract wealth and prosperity.

Pisces (February 19th - 20th)
The month of April will bring a tranquil flow of self-discovery.  Leave negativity in the past and stand your ground during troublesome situations.  Resolution, clarity, and understanding in both your personal and professional life will flourish towards the end of the month.  You will experience a turning point of success in Job and Career.  Your personal talents will open doors towards success and victory.  Wear Money Drawing Potion to attract wealth and prosperity.

By: Firewolf

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