August Horoscope 2014 - By Firewolf

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)
New opportunities and success will surround you during the month of August.  With your Love life coming to its peak, new relationships will also bloom.  Although much of your focus is on Finances and Career, be sure to find time to “feed the soul.”  Delays and mistakes will occur as a result to rushing ahead, take your time and be precise in Job and Career.   Burn a PROTECTION CANDLE beginning on a Tuesday to keep away negative forces and to ensure your future success.

Taurus  (April 20th - May 20th)
Difficulties in Love and Relationships will lead you to re-examine your present desires and emotional needs.  Avoid debate and pernicious behavior at Work; staying focused will keep you away from mundane problems.  Your flow of wealth and abundance will prosper towards the end of the month.  Wear MONEY POTION to attract wealth and carry a BLACK TOURMALINE to keep away trouble and childish dramas.

Gemini  (May 21st - June 21st)
During the month of August you will need to embrace your personal charisma and avoid words of negativity.  A new or old relationship will bring you a pleasant surprise. When it come to JOB and Career, re-examine how much you are carrying on your back.  Although you are planning and concocting future recreational activities, be sure to find time to enjoy the now.  Wear EARTH ELEMENTAL OIL for strength and courage.

Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd)
Balance and harmony in Love and Relationships is coming ahead, enjoy!  Success and wealth will surround you; get ready for your “lucky streak” towards the end of August. A bonus or second source of income will be obtained, avoid being to frivolous with your new wealth.  Examine each opportunity that is presented to you when it comes to Job and Career, new enterprises will be achieved.  Wear MONEY POTION or SUCCESS OIL to enhance your flow of wealth and riches.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
The summer heat has you in a whirlwind or passion and play, be sure to slow down a bit. New Love will occur during the month of August.  August will be an abundant month for you.  Towards the end of the month, creativity and focus will open the doors of success for you.  Burn WATER ELEMENTAL INCENSE to promote tranquility and harmony in your home.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
During the beginning of August you will be surrounded by love, family, and friends.  Towards the end of the month, be sure to find time for yourself, do not become a hermit.  In Job and Career, you will need to precisely correct any past mistakes; this will lead to finishing a present project.  Wealth will be abound.  Avoid assumptions and jumping to conclusions.  Burn a ROOT CHAKRA CANDLE to aid in keeping yourself grounded and focused.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)
Keeping your emotions in check will lead you towards a more successful Relationship and will open you towards new relationships.  You are consumed in financial thoughts and ideas, be sure to nurture your love life.  Your emotions will reflect in your success.  Stay Strong!  New opportunities will be presented, if you don’t take them quickly, they will disappear as quick they are offered.  Embrace determination.  Wear CLEAR ROADS OIL to remove future obstacles and to manifest clear roads towards success.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 22nd)
Love is in the air! Enjoy!  You will spend much of August in a mindset of amour. Personal revelations will be revealed when it comes to Love and Relationships.  During the month of August you will overcome past delays, obstacle and troubles.  Success is around the corner and all your effort will prevail.  Wear FIERY PASSION OIL to enhance and entice your relationships.

Sagittarius (November 23rd - December 21st)
Old relationships may reappear; examine each encounter carefully and slowly.  Views on relationships will change for the better.  New Love will bloom.  In Job and Career, success is ahead towards present projects; personal creativity is key to your success and achievements.  Wear SUCCESS OIL to attract a balanced flow of success and victory.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
You will be spending most of August enjoying Love and Relationships.  Be careful not to consume yourself and find time to decompress and relax.  Your personal flow of wealth will continue, embrace leadership and determination as fuel of success.  Wear PROTECTION POTION to neutralize negativity and keep away bad luck.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
New commitments will arise and you will be the center of attention in the Love and Relationship Department.  Avoid doubt and worry, keeping thoughts positive will lengthen your flow of love, success, and prosperity.  In Job and Career avoid debate and disagreements with your coworkers. Wear LOVE POTION to attract the correct loving vibrations.

Pisces (February 19th - 20th)
Passion in love will unfold during the month of August.  The month of August is your time to shine, new opportunities and success will pour from every angle of your life.  Utilizing your personal skills and talents will lead towards success.  Assumption will cause confusion, re-examining personal views, will open doors towards success.  Burn a CLEAR ROADS CANDLE to manifest clear roads towards success.

- By Firewolf
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