April 2023 Horoscope - By Firewolf

ARIES (March 21st - April 19th)

 The month of April will manifest both completion and success towards your current goals. Embrace your talents and skills – your efforts will soon be rewarded. In matters concerning Love & Romance, a lack of empathy and sensitivity may be invoking trouble in your current partnership - focus your energy on what is right, rather than who is right. Tolerance will be key in triumphing over your current obstacles. If you are single, new love may arrive in the late summertime. In matters concerning Career & Finance, achievement and success will surround you - be open to new opportunity and collaborations. Burn a Happy Home Magick Candle to promote happiness and joy in your home.

TAURUS (April 20th - May 20th)

A period of happiness and joy is ahead, the month of April will herald a sense of community and celebration with family and friends. This period of balance and resolution will bring release from past turmoil and trouble. In matters concerning Love & Romance, pessimism may be delaying the growth in your current partnership - it is best to walk forward with gratitude and appreciation. It may be time for some soul searching. If you are single, new love may appear during the end of the month. In matters concerning Career & Finance, missed opportunities from the past may reappear - introspection will be needed for you to make the appropriate decision. It is time to start trusting your talents and push forward toward success. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to keep away any and all unwanted or otherwise negative energies and forces.

GEMINI (May 21st - June 21st) 

The month of April will bring release from doubt and personal judgement. Your true potential will soon shine. Trusting yourself is key in achieving the success and happiness you desire. In matters concerning Love & Romance, a power struggle will soon come to an end in your current partnership - a deeper sense of emotional connection is manifesting, be patient. If you are single, a new relationship may begin during midsummer. In matters concerning Career & Finance, a collaboration may present itself, later to bring great reward. Big decisions will be made, a prosperous and abundant future is ahead. Burn a Pink Star Magick Candle to strengthen and empower your self-esteem and confidence.

CANCER (June 22nd - July 22nd) 

The month of April will present new opportunities in career and new paths of happiness. Change is often inevitable - it may be wise to take advantage of the new roads the universe is presenting to you. In matters concerning Love & Romance, current partnerships will flourish both emotionally and physically, a period of sensuality and adventure will empower you. If you are single, new love may find you in the early summertime. In matters concerning Career & Finance, April will bring an end to stress and financial struggle in your current career path - you are heading towards a more relaxed and balance period in your work life. Carry a Good Fortune Conjure Bag to attract all-around good fortune and good luck.

LEO (July 23rd – August 22nd)

A new journey is ahead, the month of April will bring new adventure, new talents and a new sense of self. Embrace this moment of creativity and inspiration. In matters concerning Love & Romance, you may want to avoid taking actions to simply please your partner - honesty and transparency will lead you away from future discord and trouble. If you are single, a new relationship may begin during the early autumn season. In matters concerning Career & Finance, a period of awakening and new ideas will empower you - self- evaluation will aid you in maintaining a steady flow of prosperity and balance in your current workplace. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to keep away any and all unwanted or otherwise negative energies and forces.

VIRGO (August 23rd - September 22nd)

The month of April will bring about new blessings, the severing of negativity and a new perspective. Listen to your intuition and allow it to guide you. It may be time to step away from chaos. Honesty with the self will only bring good tidings. In matters concerning Love & Romance, a new path of balance and compromise will bloom, current partnerships will experience a period of knowledge and learning. If you are single, new love may appear during the early summertime. Be patient with yourself. In matters concerning Career & Finance, your drive and ambition is soon to reap reward, your road is clear, prosperity and wealth will soon manifest. Carry an Attraction Conjure Bag to attract all-around blessings of love, wealth and good fortune.

LIBRA (September 23rd - October 22nd) 

The month of April will inspire motivation, determination and a new sense of independence. It is important to make decisions and judgements without relying on your emotions alone. Compassion will be the key in avoiding future obstacles. In matters concerning Love & Romance, finding balance between career and relationships may be causing trouble in your current partnership. Strengthening your focus and delegating your priorities will manifest smooth roads. If you are single, a new relationship may bloom in the late summertime. In matters concerning Career & Finance, change is ahead, avoid resisting this period of transition. A prosperous road will soon reveal itself. Carry a Victory & Success Conjure Bag to attract all-around victory and success in all of your endeavors.

SCORPIO (October 23rd - November 22nd) 

Change is manifesting – it is your choice whether the outcome is positive or negative. The month of April bring a new sense of self-respect and direction. It is time to follow your heart and allow your ambition to fuel your creative drive. In matters concerning Love & Romance, current partnerships will experience a period of joy and healing - past discrepancies will find resolve and a sense of hope will empower you both. If you are single, new love may appear in the early summertime. In matters concerning Career & Finance, strained relationships in the workplace may be causing delay - sometimes it is best to take a step back and reanalyze your boundaries, it is best to bring peace to a problem rather than additional trouble. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to keep away any and all unwanted or otherwise negative energies and forces   

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd - December 21st)

The month of April will bring new commitments and the release from self-restriction. Letting go of fear and personal doubt will be the first step towards the happiness and success you desire. In matters concerning Love & Romance, before making a concrete commitment you may find more time is needed. The sense of “not everything may be what it seems” in your current partnership may be plaguing you - letting go of the low self-confidence will help you in manifesting the relationship your heart truly desires. If you are single, new love may appear in the early summertime. In matters concerning Career & Finance, new opportunities will present themselves in your current career path - bold choices will lead you to success. Carry a Good Fortune Conjure Bag to attract all-around good fortune and good luck.  

CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 19th) 

Reward from effort is ahead. The month of April will herald new beginnings, a sense of freedom and reward from past accomplishments. Focusing on your goals and ambitions without distraction will lead you in the direction of victory. In matters concerning Love & Romance, a bit of patience and understanding may be needed in your current partnership, pay attention towards your actions and words, current stress may be creating and obstacle in your path. If you are single, new love may arrive during midsummer. In matters concerning Career & Finance, success and prosperity is afoot, you may find yourself swamped with work – stay focused, the success you seek is before you. Be sure to find time to celebrate your accomplishments. Avoid making risky decisions. Burn a Pink Star Magick Candle to strengthen and empower your self-esteem and confidence. 

AQUARIUS (January 20th - February 18th) 

The month of April will inspire new creative ambitions and a clear focus towards your goals. Your efforts and hard-work will reap future reward. In matters concerning Love & Romance, current partnerships will experience a period of growth and kindness. Your shared goals will manifest, the road is clear. If you are single, new love may arrive in the early summertime. In matters concerning Career & Finance, a period of transformation is at hand, new ideas and new inspirations will bring success and triumph. Carry a Victory & Success Conjure Bag to attract all-around victory and success in all of your endeavors.

PISCES (February 19th - 20th) 

The month of April will reveal a new path of success and clarity. Confusion an indecision is behind you – trust yourself. In matters Concerning Love and Relationships, avoid both lust and reckless decision making. Self-gratification and selfishness may conjure trouble in your current partnership. Reexamine your motives, feelings, and decisions. If you are single, new love may arrive in the late summertime. In matters concerning Career and Finance, trouble and turmoil are behind you, a clear path of prosperity and stability is before you. Be sure to distance yourself from any trivial negativity or childish gossip. Burn a Problem Solving Candle to aid one in solving problems and to succeed in all endeavors.

By Firewolf


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