Spring Equinox Collection Now Available!

Primavera Giornata - The Spring Equinox

Vernal Equinox, Ostara, Feast of Attis and Kybele - March 19th-22nd  

In the Northern Hemisphere the Spring Equinox marks the arrival of Spring and occurs between March 19 to March 21. As the light begins to take over the darkness, Witches celebrate the fertility of the Earth and the growing Light of the Sun. On the Spring Equinox the day and night are of equal length therefore marking a period of renewal and the fertility. Our altars are decorated in the warm colors of Summer and with the cold colors of Winter - icy blues and fiery reds. Fresh Plants, Seeds, and Eggs adorn our sacred space representing the ancient symbols of New Life and Fertility. As Witches, we cast spells and project our magick towards: new beginnings, fertility: both physical and spiritual, as well as attracting new love and future prosperity.  

Feast of Attis & Kybele Passion of Attis and Kybele - March 15th -27th  

In our Witches’ Tradition, during the Primavera Giornata Festivity we celebrate and offer our reverence to the ancient Mythos of Attis and Kybele. The Passions of Attis and Kybele or the Feast of Attis and Kybele is traditionally observed from March 15th to March 27th (during the Vernal Equinox and the rising of Aries Star Sign in the House of the Sun).  

‘Through myth and sacred ritual, we become closer to the Gods and experience their mysteries.’  

During the Primavera Giornata Festivity three-mythoi are celebrated and acknowledged. The first mythos offers reverence and celebration to the light of the strengthening Sun God as he begins his journey across the heavens. As His light takes over the darkness of winter he illuminates the sky and warms the earth. The second mythos celebrates the return of the Maiden Goddess and the beginning of Her transition into the Mighty Mother. She forever keeps her promise of continual life and renewal.  The third mythos celebrates the Resurrection of the Spring God Attis: the ‘New Fire, yet not full-blown’. 

Attis is an ancient Shepherd God as well as the God of Death and Resurrection. He is also the beloved Son and Consort to Goddess Kybele. Attis, who is said to have been the Young God of the Phrygian Mysteries, was called by the name of ‘Papa’ or ‘Father’. Attis may also have originated from ancient Tree Spirit Worship since he is affiliated with the Pine Tree to which his effigy was attached representing the ancient rite of winter’s transition into spring. Attis is represented by Reaped Corn and an Icon of Pine. He is often offered libations of Fresh Fish, Bread and Wine. Attis is often compared to the Syrian God Adonis, the Greek God Pan and the Italian God Sol Invictus. Being equated with both a Sun God and Lord of the Woods, Attis is said to rule the Spring, Apollo the Summer, Dionysus the Autumn, and Iacchus in the Winter.  

Ostara The Spring Equinox - March 19th – 22nd  

This is one of the Lesser Witches’ Sabbats, usually celebrated on March 21st or the Astrological Vernal Equinox. In the Celtic Traditions of Witchcraft, the Spring Equinox marks Ostara and celebrates the arrival of the Spring and the beginning of the Agricultural Year. Ostara is derived from ‘Eostre’ the Anglo-Saxon Goddess of springtime, fertility and renewal. The Ostara Sabbat is a time to celebrate the beginning of spring and the renewal of the earth. Symbols of Ostara include – seeds, rabbits, pastel colors, and eggs.



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