December Horoscope 2022 - by Firewolf

ARIES (March 21st - April 19th)
The month of December will empower your spirit with both ambition and focus, the road of success and achievement is ahead. Do not allow your ambition to blind you, now is not the time to take chances or gamble with your future. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, current partnerships will experience a period of deep connection and appreciation - the winter months will be warm and cozy. If you are single, new love may arrive in early springtime. In matters concerning Career & Finance, you are half-way to reaching the success you seek, the month of December will bring rest and rejuvenation, any obstacles or troubles ahead are temporary, trust in your skills. Carry a Good Fortune Conjure Bag to attract all-around good luck and good fortune.
TAURUS (April 20th - May 20th)
The month of December will reveal new roads of prosperity and abundance. Financial success is at hand. Your past kindness is soon to be rewarded. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, current partnerships will require both sacrifice and a new perspective to endure long-term. Your commitment may be tested, this making or breaking your current relationship. If you are single, avoid rushing love and let go of the pressure, new love will appear in late wintertime. In matters concerning Career & Finance, your current career path may be stressful and turbulent. Steer clear from mundane arguments and discrepancies. The road of prosperity is ahead, let go of any negativity or grudges relating to career - now is your time to win. Burn a Protection Magick Candle to invoke protection against malevolent and negative forces and energies.
GEMINI (May 21st - June 21st)
The month of December will be a period of balance, harmony and the reaffirmation of goals. Tension and stress will be behind you – a road of clarity and celebration is ahead. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, you may be putting too much effort in your current partnership, a moment of introspection may help in relieving the pressures you are carrying. If you are single, a new love affair may begin in the early new year. In matters concerning Career & Finance, new inspirations will begin to manifest, trust your intuition and success will be yours. It may be wise to keep your current financial success to yourself. Carry a Success & Victory Conjure Bag to bring success and victory towards all of your endeavors.
CANCER (June 22nd - July 22nd)
The month of December will present minor struggle, this difficulty is required for you to succeed. Honesty with the self will bring easy roads. Now is the time to prove yourself – you will be victorious! In matters concerning Love & Relationships, the month of December will bring truth and honesty in your current partnership, maturity is needed. If you are single, new love may appear during the springtime months. In matters concerning Career & Finance, there may need to be an adjustment in your attitude and behavior. Exhaustion and stress may be causing your to react incorrectly. Discipline in your finances will be the solution to your current turmoil. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to invoke protection against malevolent and negative forces and energies.
LEO (July 23rd – August 22nd)
December will be filled with new opportunity and new ventures – don’t hold yourself back, embrace this time and accept the blessings granted to you. Smart choices will manifest great change. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, a period of luck and good tidings is at hand in your current partnership, growth and commitment will strengthen your foundation. If you are single, the doors of love may open in late wintertime. It is wise to ignore the approval of others in choosing your partner - what you think is most important. If you are single, a new relationship may begin in early springtime. In matters concerning Career & Finance, rest is needed for you to achieve your goals. December may bombard you with multiple opportunities, delegate wisely. Finding satisfaction in your current path will aid you in reaching beyond the stars. Burn a Road Opening Magick Candle to clear your roads of obstacles and to manifest success and accomplishment.
VIRGO (August 23rd - September 22nd)
The month of December will be a period of release and moving forward. It is time to let go of self-judgement, otherwise you will continue manifesting stagnancy and delay. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, patience and compromise is needed in your current partnership, avoid over-reacting and be aware of your words and actions. If you are single, new love may appear in late springtime. In matters concerning Career & Finance, during the month of December you will find success in working with others, a new venture is on the horizon. Prepare a Cleansing Magick Ritual Bath to cleanse and purify the mind, body and spirit.
LIBRA (September 23rd - October 22nd)
The road of happiness and success is ahead, the month of December will bring release from emotional baggage and new beginnings. A fresh start is at hand, the past is behind you. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, learning to communicate will fuel the passion and strengthen the commitment in your current partnership. Both effort and compromise will lead you away from struggle and conflict. If you are single, a new lover may appear in the early New Year. In matters concerning Career & Finance, uncertainty and self-doubt will no longer plaque you, the road is clear, focus on the success ahead and the goals you desire to achieve. Carry an Attraction Conjure Bag to attract all-around good luck, love, prosperity and health.
SCORPIO (October 23rd - November 22nd)
Struggle and conflict is over - the road of victory and happiness is open. The month of December will bring joy and new beginnings, your efforts will bring reward. Do not over burden yourself with new responsibilities. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, current partnerships will experience a period of appreciation, togetherness and a sense of a deeper commitment. If you are single, new love may bloom in early springtime. In matters concerning Career & Finance, stress and distraction will fade, it Is wise to regroup and reexamine your goals and desires. A new opportunity or venture may be presented on or around the New Year. Burn a Protection Magick Candle to invoke protection against malevolent and negative forces and energies.
SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd - December 21st)
The month of December will bring growth, healing and maturity, the cycle of guilt and resentment is now ending. Trusting your judgement is key to keeping your path steady and clear. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, current partnerships will experience a period of healing and empowerment, past wounds and struggles will find peace and resolve. If you are single, you are now ready for new love, a new partner may appear in late wintertime. In matters concerning Career & Finance, stability and success is at hand, your determination and focus will pay off. If you are saving for a big purchase, the prosperity you seek will appear. Burn a Healing Magick Candle to attract healing energy and to promote all-around good spiritual health.
CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 19th)
A lack of focus and clarity may have been delaying you from achieving your goals, the month of December will bring a period of rest and reevaluation. Letting go of past failures will help manifest inspiration and new ideas. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, a new adventure is ahead in your current partnership, whether that be business or travel. December brings celebration and good tidings. If you are single, new love may arrive in late wintertime. In matters concerning Career & Finance, the New Year will fuel new ambitions and innovative thinking. A new responsibility or promotion may be presented, success is on the horizon. Burn a Peace & Tranquility Magick Candle to promote balance, peace and tranquility.
AQUARIUS (January 20th - February 18th)
The month of December will bring resolution, release from struggle and a period of intellectual maturity. Focusing on yourself and reexamining your goals may prevent past mistakes from repeating themselves. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, patience is required to maintain the harmony in your current partnership. Let go of the pressure and refrain from seeking to control your partnership. If you are single, a new relationship may begin in late spring. In matters concerning Career & Finance, a period of realignment is at hand, your goals and current career path will be reconsidered, new goals of prosperity will manifest. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to invoke protection against malevolent and negative forces.
PISCES (February 19th - 20th)
The month of December will bring emotional healing and a period of peace and harmony. It takes time to move on and heal, take your time and work at your own pace. You will succeed in finding happiness ahead. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, during the month of December current partnerships will find that working together as a team will aid in avoiding disaster and maintain tranquility. A period of learning and support is at hand. If you are single, new love may appear on or around the New Year. In matters concerning Career & Finance, delay and stagnancy is over, a new project or responsibility will fuel new ambitions. Steer clear from negative thinking and trust your skills. Carry a Success & Victory Conjure Bag to bring success and victory towards all of your endeavors.
By Firewolf


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