October 2022 Horoscope - By Firewolf

ARIES (March 21st - April 19th)

During the month of October success and happiness will be yours, using your intuition is key. Bring focus towards a new approach – be logical and rational. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current partnerships will experience a period of deep romance and the re-connecting of the minds. Try your best to enjoy the moment - keep away insecurities and negative thoughts. If you are single, new love me arrive in early wintertime. In matters concerning Career and Finance, a strong foundation is being built, new plans and strategies will manifest new roads of success. Financial reward is ahead. Burn a Protection Candle to ward away any and all negative energies and malevolent forces.


TAURUS (April 20th - May 20th)

October will herald a period of seeking inner truth - solitude and introspection will bring a clear image of what your heart truly desires. A new journey is ahead. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current partnerships will endure confusion and misunderstanding. Hard-work will be required to secure the future of your partnership. Assumptions will conjure disaster - kindness and honesty will bring freedom from future turmoil. If you are single, a new love affair may begin in late wintertime. In matters concerning Career and Finance, judgment of the self will deter your flow of prosperity. Let go of past disappointments – make amends with your spirit. Taking responsibility for your actions will bring freedom from personal doubt – be kind to yourself. Carry a Good Fortune Conjure Bag to attract all-around good fortune and good luck.


GEMINI (May 21st - June 21st)

October will bring freedom and liberation to the mind, body and soul. A path of self-awareness and self-discovery is before you. October may also be a time of breaking bad habits. Needed change will manifest – self-improvement is ahead. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current partnerships will enjoy a period of celebration and connectedness. October will bring new plans and possible future travel arrangements. If you are single, new love will appear in early springtime. In matters concerning Career and Finance, your spirit is filled with both energy and focus, your eagerness to act may disrupt your path of prosperity – slow yourself down. Pay attention to both your actions and words – the sense of boredom will soon diminish. Burn a Money Drawing Candle to attract all-around prosperity, riches and wealth.


CANCER (June 22nd - July 22nd)

October will reveal a new sense of composure - patience and moderation will bring progress and movement towards your goals and personal desires. Clarity is needed before action is taken, it may be time to re-examine your priorities. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current partnerships will find both healing and balance - overextending yourself will bring trouble and discord. If you are single, you will find that taking off a bit of the pressure will aid you in finding new love. A new partnership may begin in early springtime. In matters concerning Career and Finance, new opportunity will present itself at the end of the month. Minor obstacles are ahead - financial success will manifest in midwinter. Carry a Road Opening Conjure Bag to clear away obstacles and open one's roads towards new opportunity.


LEO (July 23rd – August 22nd)

The month of October will bring reward from hard work, the achievement of goals, and the triumph over past obstacles and difficulties. October will be an auspicious time to invest. Letting go of the fear of failure will bring speed towards your success. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, indecision and confusion may be plaguing your current partnership, it may be wise to spend some time reconsidering what you require in your relationship and communicate with honesty. If you are single, new love may arrive in midwinter. In matters concerning Career and Finance, current career path will be both busy and hectic, be wary of taking upon more than you can handle. Embrace your resourcefulness. Both Success and financial stability is ahead. Carry a Good Fortune Conjure Bag to attract all-around good fortune and good luck.


VIRGO (August 23rd - September 22nd)

The month of October will bring release and liberation from past rejection and betrayal. A period of forgiveness is at head - forgiveness of the self and what burdens you may carry. Logical and rational thinking will strengthen your ability to take responsibility for your decisions. Through our suffering wisdom is gained. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, October will bring adjustment and change in your current partnership. Commitment requires work, a period of closeness and growth is before you. If you are single a new lover may appear at the end of the year. In matters concerning Career and Finance, creativity and inspiration will surround you, new opportunities will be presented – your generosity will attract new roads of success. Carry a Success Conjure Bag to heighten and attract success and victory in all endeavors.


LIBRA (September 23rd - October 22nd)

October will be a period of objective thinking, positive change and a deeper understanding of the self. Your intellect will bring you the happiness you seek – start using your head. Only facts will guide you towards the truths you seek. Stay sharp, clear minded and observant. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current partnership may experience a period of coldness and detachment. Resolving past issues will bring clear roads and a closer bond. Fears of commitment may also be afoot. If you are single, new love may appear in early wintertime. In matters concerning Career and Finance, your current work will bring success, staying on your tried and true path will bring success with ease. Burn a Healing Rifts Magick Candle to heal a rift between two lovers and to promote positive energy therein.


SCORPIO (October 23rd - November 22nd)

October will bring release and resolution from burdens and financial debt. A new horizon is before you, generosity and selflessness will lead you towards success and joy. October is not the time to lend money. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, commitments will be tested, this may make your relationship or break it. Sacrifice and a new perspective is key. If you are single, avoid rushing into love, a new substantial lover may arrive in late winter. In matters concerning Career and Finance, do not allow your stress and anxiety to control your financial future, current career path may be overwhelming - find time to rest and rejuvenate your vital forces. Negative thinking will only create obstacles ahead. Burn a Road Opening Magick Candle to clear away obstacles and open one's roads towards new opportunity.


SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd - December 21st)

October will usher solution and the end of conflict. Good communication is required to achieve understanding. If you want to be heard, speak from your heart, speak from your truth. Trust yourself and you will find peace in your personal struggles. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, October will be a time of tension and confrontation between you and your current partner. You may be ignoring or overlooking what is still salvageable. Finding wisdom within your current predicament may ensure the longevity of your relationship. If you are single, new love may arrive in late wintertime. In matters concerning Career and Finance, you may be facing an unsuccessful project or goal, you will find solution and success through reanalyzing your current direction or approach. Burn an Attraction Magick Candle to attract all-around blessings of good fortune, wealth, love and success.


CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 19th)

October will herald new opportunity and new ventures, decisions and judgments will need to be made without relying on emotion alone. It always wise to examine the facts before taking action. Be clear in how you communicate. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, feelings of resentment may be lingering - communicating your boundaries and standing up for yourself will strength your current partnership. If you are single, you may be too passive in your love life, it is time to put yourself out there, new love may arrive in early springtime. In matters concerning Career and Finance, motivation may be low, boredom may be plaguing you. It is wise to focus on the tasks at hand and shut down any negative energy around you. Burn a Cleansing Magick Candle to remove unwanted energies from oneself and/or one's surroundings.


AQUARIUS (January 20th - February 18th)

October will bring an end to a major phase in your life, this ending will also usher many new beginnings and new perspectives. A new journey is about to begin. The past needs to be placed behind you, so you may achieve the goals of happiness you seek. Welcoming change will keep away self-doubt and personal distrust. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, insecurities may be standing before you and how you perceive your current partnership. Taking the pressure off of yourself will bring clarity and growth. If you are single, new love may appear in early wintertime. In matters concerning Career and Finance, you are developing an emotionally fulfilling career, success is in your hands, the road of financial stability will soon reveal itself. Burn a Pink Star Magick Candle to strengthen and empower your self-confidence and self-love!


PISCES (February 19th - 20th)

The month of October will be filled with balance, harmony and celebration. Your foundation secure, a peaceful and calming path awaits. A new sense of pride and accomplishment will encompass you. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, a period of awakening is ahead, current partnership will experience a period of growth - both emotionally and spiritually. A new stage of intimacy, compassion and understanding is at hand. If you are single, new lover may appear at the end of the year. In matters concerning Career and Finance, miscommunication at work will lead to delay and minor obstacles, stay focused, be realistic with what you desire to accomplish. Burn a Good Fortune Magick Candle to attract all-around good fortune and good luck.

By Firewolf



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