September 2022 Horoscope - By Firewolf

ARIES (March 21st - April 19th) 

The month of September will bring self-reflection, new strengths, and the release of fear and self-doubt. Sadness and depression will only weaken and disrupt your path towards happiness. Learn to let go – confidence is needed to repair your strength and heal your spirit. In matters Concerning Love and Relationships, your insecurities and doubts may be causing obstacles in your current partnership. Kindness is your solution – don’t allow emotional immaturity to take over. If you are single, you may find new love during the late Wintertime. In matters concerning Career and Finance, a multitude of prosperous opportunities will be presented. Do not ignore your skills or talents – fear will only bring delay. Trust your instinct and intuition – willpower will bring success. Burn a Cleansing Candle to purify and rid away any and all negative or otherwise unwanted energies.

TAURUS (April 20th - May 20th) 

September will bring release and freedom – a new sense of power and strength will encompass you, embracing this new energy will bring you forward to success with ease. It is time to look beyond the limited perspective you have created for yourself – embrace your internal power. In matters Concerning Love and Relationships, your anxiety may be poisoning your current partnership. Avoiding confrontation with your partner will only weaken the foundation of your relationship. If you are single, the doors of Love will open in early December. In matters concerning Career and Finance, a successful business venture is ahead. The month of September will usher a new path of wealth and financial repair. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to bring protection against evil energies and to ward away malevolent forces.

GEMINI (May 21st - June 21st) 

The month of September will reveal a new path of success and happiness. Impatience and impulsive behavior will only slow you down from achieving the happiness you deserve. In matters Concerning Love and Relationships, change is inevitable in any and all situations - current partnerships will need adjustments and compromise to endure communication will bring great promise. If you are single, a new love affair may begin in late Wintertime. September will usher a period of self-reflection – it may be time to put your thoughts into action. In matters concerning Career and Finance, a period of conflict may be at hand - a lack of respect and diverging interests may be blocking your path of prosperity. Focus on your goals and steer clear from negative energies and attitudes. Burn a Protection Candle to bring protection against evil energies and to ward away malevolent forces.

CANCER (June 22nd - July 22nd)

 The month of September will usher change, growth and maturity - selflessness will aid you in conquering the adversary that stands before you. Taking accountability for your actions will bring both wisdom and clarity. In matters Concerning Love and Relationships, current partnerships may experience a period of boredom and turmoil. Focusing and planning in long term plans may strengthen your current relationship. If you are single, a new partnership may begin in early November. A long term friendship may evolve into a romantic partnership. In matters concerning Career and Finance, September will bring expansion, movement, and success. Confidence will fuel the path of prosperity before you – avoid impulsive decision-making. Burn a Peace & Tranquility Candle to promote balance, peace and tranquility.

LEO (July 23rd – August 22nd)

September will inspire new ideas and clarity towards the path you are supposed to take. Confusion an indecision is behind you – be courageous. It may be time to purge whatever energies that may be preventing you from both joy and pleasure. In matters Concerning Love and Relationships, current partnerships will enjoy a period of celebration and new friendships. Spending this time with family and friends will bring both strength and growth in your current partnership. If you are single, new love may arrive in late October. In matters concerning Career and Finance, a lack of inspiration and intellectual stimulation may plague you. Finding time to rest and relax will heal and repair your creative inspiration. Be kind to yourself. Burn an Apollo Magick Candle to enhance Artistic and Athletic Endeavors, to bring Youthful Beauty, Love, Healing, Inspiration, Psychic Vision, Strength and Balance.

VIRGO (August 23rd - September 22nd) 

The month of September will be a period of self-discovery – listening to your intuition will reveal new talents and inner truths. A period of spiritual growth is a hand. In matters Concerning Love and Relationships, passive aggressive behavior will stir discord and turmoil in your current partnership. Avoid over-exaggerating your feelings and emotions. Seeking inward and finding peace will prevent major damage – make sure you truly mean what you say. If you are single, September will be a period of healing - new love may appear towards the end of the year. In matters concerning Career and Finance, a new opportunity or business venture may present itself. Rational thinking will nourish your path of abundance, sharing your goals and ideas with those around will attract new opportunity and collaboration. Carry a Heart Chakra Candle to open your heart, to receive love and to heal emotional pain.

LIBRA (September 23rd - October 22nd) 

September will reveal a period of self-reflection and self-reevaluation, not only upon the self, but also the energies and people around you. Embracing this period will bring clarity and objective understanding in regards to where you are now and where you desire to be in the future. In matters Concerning Love and Relationships, during the month of September, avoid both lust and temptation. Self-gratification and selfishness may manifest trouble in your current partnership. Reexamine your motives, feelings, and decisions. If you are single, new love may arrive in late December. In matters concerning Career and Finance, work conflicts may be escalating, stress and anxiety are high. Recognizing the truth in your current situation will bring resolution. Burn a Problem Solving Candle to aid one in solving problems and to succeed in all endeavors.

SCORPIO (October 23rd - November 22nd) 

A period of balance, happiness and new opportunity is at hand. The month of September will bring well-needed peace and relaxation. Excess will conjure turmoil and turbulence. In matters Concerning Love and Relationships, bitterness may be damaging your current partnership, finding peace through transparency will aid your partnership long-term. Speak your truth, but be sure your words are kind and compassionate. If you are single, new love may appear the end of the year. In matters concerning Career and Finance, stress and anxiety may be slowing down your flow of wealth. It may be time to take a break and readjust your focus and direction. Burn a Solar Plexus Candle to aid in overcoming fear, healing anxiety, and bringing both success and strength.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd - December 21st) 

A new journey is ahead. During the month of September you will embark on a new path of self-development – achievement and fulfillment are ahead. Taking time to re-examine your goals may also reveal hidden talents or overlooked opportunity. In matters Concerning Love and Relationships, September will promote healing and forgiveness in your current partnership. A period of movement and triumph in love is at hand. If you are single, new love may appear in late Wintertime. In matters concerning Career and Finance, a group project may manifest both prosperity and wealth. Your current hard work and your desire to achieve will bring your talents and skills to the forefront. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to bring protection against evil energies and to ward away malevolent forces.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 19th)

 September will bring reality and logic to the forefront, clarity towards your goals will be attained, both maturity and focus is needed for you to succeed. Stay grounded. In matters Concerning Love and Relationships, Avoid past pains and troublesome people from stirring trouble within your current partnership. Rather than allow the past to deter your future, bring your focus towards the positive experiences. If you are single, new love may arrive in late October. In matters concerning Career and Finance, trouble and turmoil are behind you, a clear path of prosperity and stability is before you. Be sure to distance yourself from any trivial negativity or childish gossip. Burn a Peace & Tranquility Candle to promote balance, peace, and tranquility.

AQUARIUS (January 20th - February 18th)  The month of September will inspire a new sense of creativity and passion in both your personal and professional life. Getting in touch with your sensuality will uncover hidden truths and desires. September will be a period of self-expression and self-discovery. In matters Concerning Love and Relationships, the end of struggle and discrepancy is at an end in your current partnership. Positive steps towards understanding will require honesty. If you are single, new love may appear in mid-winter. In matters concerning Career and Finance, standing your ground in current conflict will be your only solution – it is important to protect your job position. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to bring protection against evil energies and to ward away malevolent forces.     

PISCES (February 19th - 20th) 

September will bring release from denial and self-doubt, a new path of happiness is ahead. Trust both your judgment and experience. Letting go of guilt will clear your roads and allow new opportunity to manifest. In matters Concerning Love and Relationships, a spontaneous adventure will reshape and strengthen the character of your current partnership. Optimism will surround you throughout the Autumn. If you are single, a new love affair may begin during late October. In matters concerning Career and Finance, new ventures will present themselves, a new project will manifest both prosperity and wealth. Pace yourself with how many opportunities you choose to take. Carry a Success Conjure Bag to heighten and attract success and victory.

By Firewolf


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