July Horoscope 2022 - By Firewolf

ARIES (March 21st - April 19th)

The month of July will herald new roads of financial opportunity and the beginning of new projects and goals. This will be a good time to avoid making decisions or judgments based on your emotional view. To achieve the success you desire, you will have to reexamine the facts presented before you decide to move forward. Stay independent and transparent in your decision making. In matters of Love & Relationship, current partnerships will strengthen both physically and spiritually. A period of growth and adventure is at hand. If you are single, you may find new love in early autumn. In matters of Career & Finance, both success and fulfillment will surround you, recognition is soon ahead – your hard work will reap reward. Carry a Good Fortune Conjure Bag to attract all-around good fortune and good luck.


TAURUS (April 20th - May 20th)

The month of July will inspire a new sense of creativity and emotional freedom. As you find balance you will discover a deeper understanding of the actions required to achieve the success you desire. It is wise to remember to remain mature when faced with adversary. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, to resolve misunderstandings in current partnerships will require you to reanalyze your current opinions – change and communication are key to your success. If you are single, a new relationship may arrive in late autumn. In matters concerning Career and Finance, concentration and focus is needed for you to overcome the current struggles you face - bring focus to the task at hand – trust yourself and your skills. Burn a Peace & Tranquility Candle to promote harmony, peace and balance.


GEMINI (May 21st - June 21st)

The month of July will bring an end to chaos and emotional struggle – new roads of happiness are ahead. It is wise to find time to relax, recharge and rejuvenate your personal energies. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, the month of July will provide a sense of freedom and new adventure. Spontaneity will reveal a door of passion and connectedness. Current partnerships will flourish during this month. If you are single, new love will present itself during the early winter. In matters concerning Career and Finance, the lack of ambition you may be experiencing is at an end - now is the time for you to take action towards your desires. Burn a Money Drawing Candle to attract wealth, success and financial victory.


CANCER (June 22nd - July 22nd)

The month of July will herald both transition and needed change. A period of freedom and release from sadness is at hand. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, a sense of gloom and boredom may plague your current partnership – simple honesty and exploration will strengthen your connection and repair the sense of distance and turmoil. If you are single, a new lover may present themselves during the month of September. In matters concerning Career and Finance, current work environment may be hostile and negative - steer clear from the chaos, avoid meddlesome gossip and any possible illegal activity. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to ward off negative energies and to bring protection against malevolent forces.


LEO (July 23rd  August 22nd)

The month of July will bring great change and new roads of financial success – the road of prosperity and wealth is opening - it is up to you to walk through the door. Letting go of the Fear of Change will lead you to success. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, clarity and awareness of your actions will strengthen current partnerships – it is time to reveal your ‘true self’. If you are single, new love may appear in late August. In matters concerning Career and Finance, now is the time to take action - opportunity will present itself, embrace your talents and speak your inventive thoughts out loud. Burn a Money Drawing Candle to attract all-around, wealth, prosperity and riches.


VIRGO (August 23rd - September 22nd)

The month of July will open doors to new adventure and new roads of opportunity. You will feel charged with life and new ideas – you are ready to take on the world. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, a new sense of adventure will lead you into taking charge of your current partnerships – this change will strengthen your current love and lead you to new adventure. Embrace your new-found courage and ambition. If you are single, new love may appear during the month of August. In matters concerning Career and Finance, avoid self-sabotage and self-doubt - the sense of feeling trapped will soon diminish, for new opportunity is around the corner. Burn a Road Opening Candle to clear your roads from obstacles both seen and unseen.


LIBRA (September 23rd - October 22nd)

The month of July will inspire a new sense of passion, inspiration, courage and determination. Spend time and focus on exactly what you desire from life - reanalyze and reconsider each thought. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, you will find that you must use both your heart and head in matters of love - compassion and cooperation are the solution to your current problems. If you are single, a new relationship may bloom towards the end of the month. In matters concerning Career and Finance, current financial success will require you to leave behind what does not serve you and focus on what encourages your ambition. A new venture will appear in early autumn. Carry a Success Conjure Bag to attract all around success and victory.


SCORPIO (October 23rd - November 22nd)

The month of July will herald new roads of prosperity and new business ventures. If you trust your instincts and follow your intuition success will be yours. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current partnerships will flourish emotionally and physically - a time of celebration and joy is at hand. If you are single, new love may arrive in early winter. In matters concerning Career and Finance, new opportunities will be presented. Be diligent in your decision-making and trust your instinct. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to ward off negative energies and to bring protection against malevolent forces.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd - December 21st)

The month of July will be a period of joy and harmony. Celebration and recreational gatherings will fill your schedule. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current partnerships will bloom and grow – a new adventure and exciting is ahead. If you are single, a new and substantial relationship may bloom towards the end of the month. In matters concerning Career and Finance, you are valued in your current job - an investor may present a lucrative opportunity or position towards the end of the autumn. Burn a Peace & Tranquility Candle to promote harmony, peace and balance.


CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 19th)

The month of July will reveal the doors of self-acceptance and all-around good fortune. Clearing away the mental static is the first step towards the happiness you seek. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, past compromise will bring reward, current relationships will experience a period of joy, cooperation, and all-around passion. If you are single, new love may arrive in mid-August. In matters concerning Career and Finance, it may be time to take a step back to rejuvenate your vital energies - your current career path and expectations may lead to imbalance. Burn a Success Candle to promote victory and success in all of your endeavors.


AQUARIUS (January 20th - February 18th)

Success and victory will surround your during the month of July - be weary of those who seek to take advantage of your achievements and dreams. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current partnerships will experience a period of excitement and adventure – avoid and ignore mundane gossip. Enjoy, Explore and Embrace. If you are single, a passionate and charming lover may appear during the end of the summer. In matters concerning Career and Finance, current goals will be achieved, you may be exhausted and worn, keep in mind success is ahead. Carry a Success Conjure Bag to attract all around success and victory.


PISCES (February 19th - 20th)

The month of July will reveal hidden truth and the needed change - a great transition in life is at hand. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current partnerships will strengthen and progress - success will surround you both. If you are single, new love will appear around the beginning of July.  In matters concerning Career and Finance, financial change is ahead, where one door closes another will soon open, go for the gold. Burn a Road Opening Candle to clear your roads from obstacles both seen and unseen. 


By Firewolf


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