June 2022 Horoscope - By Firewolf

ARIES (March 21st - April 19th) 

During the month of June, you will find that within solitude you will find both clarity and new direction. The month of June will reveal new paths of opportunity and resolution to internal turmoil. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, spending quality time with your current partner will both strengthen and empower your relationship. If you are single, you may need to take a step back, finding a constructive way to express your feelings will better prepare you for love in the future. New love may appear in late summer. In matters concerning Career & Finance, during the month of June, it is wise to pay attention to your finances, a change in responsibilities will invoke both stress and chaos. To overcome the challenges ahead, stay organized and ignore outside conflict. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to invoke protection against malevolent and negative forces and energies.

TAURUS (April 20th - May 20th) 

The month of June will focus on decision-making, it is time to think carefully about what needs to change in your life. There is an imbalance which may be causing both stress and anxiety, examine every aspect of your life, stay true to yourself and remember impulsive decisions will only attract problems and difficulties. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, current partnerships will bloom with both excitement and passion – erratic behavior will stir trouble, avoid taking risks. June will be a period of truth; your heart will open and ready itself for change. If you are single, expect a boost in confidence - fear of rejection is behind you, a new lover may arrive during midsummer. In matters concerning Career & Finance, new opportunity and prospects will present themselves – a new journey is ahead. Change will manifest newness – be courageous and you will easily succeed. Prosperity is afoot. Burn a Success Magick Candle to promote victory and success in all of your accomplishments.

GEMINI (May 21st - June 21st) 

The month of June will bring release from emotional baggage - you are beginning anew - a fresh start is at hand. Be open to new possibilities - whether personal or professional. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, you may want to examine your current partnership, feelings of being trapped or smothered may arise. Look at the bigger picture, do not allow fear to prevent you from change and happiness. If you are single, avoid being too passive in regards to new opportunities in love. New love may appear in late summertime. In matters concerning Career & Finance, boredom and restlessness may be overcoming you in your current career position - your curiosity and creativity is halted. To succeed you must take action now, be sure to follow through with your ideas. Stay away from idle gossip in the workplace. Wear Green Eye Magick Potion daily to ward off negativity and to keep away gossip, slander and jealousy.

CANCER (June 22nd - July 22nd) 

During the month of June, both success and prosperity will surround you – a period of good fortune and happiness is at hand.  Your journey towards personal fulfillment has begun. Trust yourself and be sure to share your love with those around. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, patience and empathy is needed in your current partnership – you will find that your partner is still surprising you, embrace these moments. If your single, new love may arrive in early autumn. In matters concerning Career & Finance, the month of June may herald conflict and competition. Focus and concentration will be your solution in overcoming the battles ahead. By shutting down the outside noise and ignoring the negative egos, success and victory will be yours, your actions will determine your path. Carry a Road Opening Conjure Bag to clear your roads of obstacles and to promote victory over adversary.

LEO (July 23rd – August 22nd)

 The month of June will bring clarity and victory – if you are overwhelmed, remember that sometimes we need to take a step back, reexamine and bring the change we desire. Avoid becoming too defensive – verbalize your feelings and thoughts with conviction. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, to avoid disaster, current partnerships need to become a priority - your partner may be feeling neglected. To avoid feelings of resentment - now is the time for change. If you have too much on your plate, it may be time to ask for help. If you are single, a new relationship may begin in early autumn. In matters concerning Career & Finance, your ambition and drive will aid you in manifesting the success you seek - stay committed to your goals. Your slow and steady approach will bring reward. Your financial future is beginning to grow. It is wise to avoid taking risks during this month. Burn a Protection Candle to invoke protection against malevolent and negative forces and energies.

VIRGO (August 23rd - September 22nd) 

The month of June will fuel your confidence, your independence will guide you towards the happiness you seek. Your hard work is soon to bring reward. It is now time to celebrate your triumph over difficulties and past turmoil. Discipline will open the doors of success - forgiveness will be the key. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, there may be a sense of coldness in your current partnership, it may be time to bring issues and insecurities to the forefront, hash it out, reveal your fears and desires. If you ignore the problems within your relationship they will stand in your way. If you are single, be weary of old love returning, now is not the time to turn around. New love in on the horizon. In matters concerning Career & Finance, both stress and frustration will arise in your current workplace, by directing your energy towards what is helping you, distraction and annoyance will be avoided. Be clear in how you communicate. Challenge yourself rather than others. Burn a Cleansing Candle to cast away and remove negative energies and forces.  

LIBRA (September 23rd - October 22nd)

The month of June will bring freedom from restriction – it is time to express how you feel – burying your emotions will only slow you down. Avoid letting your imagination run wild – logic will bring the change you need. If you allow your emotions to control you, controlled you will be, embrace this period of freedom. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, your current partnership may be experiencing a period of boredom and stagnancy, enthusiasm and spontaneity will clear away this bland time. Patience will bring results. If you are single, it may be smart to take a step back and reexamine your approach, new love may appear in late summertime. In matters concerning Career & Finance, the month of June will bring an end to burdens and dullness, a period of recovery and inventive thought is at hand. This will also be a period where you will find yourself financially ahead. You are taking the correct steps to command and control your finances. Burn a Passion Candle to enhance the passion and desire in your current partnership.

SCORPIO (October 23rd - November 22nd)

 The month of June will bring an end to confusion and unhappiness. Your current progress is reaping reward - stay focused. This is a period of confidence and empowerment – believe in yourself and move towards success. Negativity is behind you - leave it there. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, current partnerships will flourish, celebration and enjoyment will surround you. Now is the time to embrace your relationship and enjoy this period of bliss. If you are single, you may find a new relationship towards the end of the month. In matters concerning Career & Finance, fear and worry may be standing in your way, confidence will bring the success you desire. Avoid second guessing yourself, trust your instinct and skill. Doubt will only stand before what you wish to achieve. Carry a Success & Victory Conjure Bag to promote victory and success in all of your accomplishments.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd - December 21st)

 The month of June will be filled with celebration and a period of well-deserved relaxation and rejuvenation. A period of happiness, balance, and new inspiration is at hand. During the month of June, you will achieve success and reach a milestone - this creating a new path for you to explore. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, current partnerships need to be examined, change is needed, self-reflection will aid you in maintaining your current love. Issues in your relationship will be examined with clarity, this will allow proper and positive change to manifest. If you are single, it may be time to trust in love again, new love may appear during the autumn season. In matters concerning Career & Finance, achievement and success will surround you, goals will be met, stability is in your hands. Let go of any remaining insecurities in your career. Burn a Protection Candle to invoke protection against malevolent and negative forces and energies.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 19th) 

The month of June will center around a new sense of motivation, solution to past difficulties will present themselves, a release from stagnancy is occurring. Be sure to let go of self-doubt and personal stubbornness -  stay realistic in your decision-making. A new passion will manifest. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, current partnerships will enjoy a period of unity. Passion will deepen and communication will improve. If you are single, you may find new love during the end of the summer season. In matters concerning Career & Finance, triumph over past struggles is at hand - a period of recovery will be presented. You are now able to recoup some of your losses and move ahead towards success. A new path or opportunity towards financial success will present itself. Carry a Money Drawing Conjure Bag to attract wealth, riches and prosperity.

AQUARIUS (January 20th - February 18th) 

The month of June will bring release from boredom and stagnancy. Avoid focusing all of your attention on your career and financial prospects. To avoid becoming burned out - it is wise to embrace the changes ahead. A change in scenery for a few days may empower you and aid you in finding further clarity. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, current partnerships may experience a period of turmoil and the sense of feeling overwhelmed with change. Communication is key in your success of maintaining your current relationship. Trust yourself and speak from your heart. If you are single, a new love may appear in early autumn. In matters concerning Career & Finance, determination will fuel your success and aid you in manifesting what you desire – now is a period to consider who you are surrounding yourself with - be sure only those who empower you are welcome. Carry a Success & Victory Conjure Bag to promote victory and success in all of your endeavors.

 PISCES (February 19th - 20th)

 The month of June will be a period of letting go, self-restriction will be identified - it may be time for you to have fun and enjoy yourself. Courage and bravery will bring you towards the happiness and change you desire. Avoid making careless or hasty decisions. Only fear will prevent you from moving forward. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, both kindness and grace will empower your current partnership, your partner is supportive, both emotionally and financially – it is time to recognize the blessings in your life. If you are single, new love may appear in early autumn. In matters concerning Career & Finance, self-confidence is key in achieving your current goals. Be proud of your current achievements and successes. Reward for your effort is ahead. Carry a Road Opening Conjure Bag to clear your roads of obstacles and to promote victory over adversary.  

By Firewolf



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