May 2022 Horoscope - By Firewolf

ARIES (March 21st - April 19th)

The month of May will herald a period of introspection, happiness and self-satisfaction. You will embark on an emotional journey - leading you to a new stage in life, a stage of happiness and joy after loss and turmoil. Your wishes are soon to manifest. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, current partnerships will grow and flourish - communication strengthening and passion intensifying. The road towards a blessed future is revealing itself – its’ up to you to take the first step. If you are single, you may find new love towards the end of the month. In matters concerning Career & Finance, your ability to find wisdom in all experiences will lead you to both career success and growth. Both opportunity and positive change are ahead. Burn a Cleansing Candle to remove unwanted energies from oneself and/or one's dwelling.

TAURUS (April 20th - May 20th)

The path of fulfillment and achievement is ahead. The month of May will bring reward from hard-work and perseverance. Your efforts are paying off – embrace this new sense of wholeness. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, addressing issues and concerns will aid you in avoiding problems in your current partnership. The month of May will encourage the wisdom of patience. Compromise and logical decision making will lead you away from disaster. If you are single, new love may appear in early autumn. In matters concerning Career & Finance, success and growth will surround you – new methods and strategies will bring you towards quicker solutions. Although your workplace may be chaotic - your career is flourishing and success is ahead. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to bring protection against evil energies and to ward away malevolent forces.

GEMINI (May 21st - June 21st)

The month of May will bring solution and joy in your endeavors – a breakthrough is at hand. Any blocks or walls in inspiration and creativity will be diminished – optimism will lead you away from trouble. As you reclaim your creative spirit, your self-worth will strengthen and new opportunity will find its way to you. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, living in the past may be negatively influencing your current partnership – do not allow the past to prevent you from the love you deserve. The month of May will reveal a path of letting go and opening yourself to love. If you are single, it is time to heal and open yourself to new opportunity – a new love affair is ahead in late summer. In matters concerning Career & Finance, now is the time to take action - the month of May will bring delays and obstacles. If your current plans are not going well, bring your attention to any missed details and avoid fear from slowing you down. By trusting your intellect and ability you may avoid future troubles. Clarity will be required for get ahead and accomplish your goals. Carry a Success & Victory Conjure Bag to heighten and attract success and victory in all endeavors.

CANCER (June 22nd - July 22nd)

Patience will be key to your success. For you to accomplish your dreams you must stay committed and reliable to the self. The month of May will bring success through hard-work and strict routine. Accomplishment is ahead. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, your current partnerships will experience a period of deeper commitment. There are sacrifices you will have to take in order to keep and maintain your current partnership. Be logical and analyze your priorities – balance is key. If you are single, new love may appear during the month of June. In matters concerning Career & Finance, your current workplace may be exhausting and emotionally draining at this time - it may be best to focus on the tasks you are responsible for rather than giving your attention to the needs of others. During the month of May, it is best to be wary of overspending and over-stretching your finances. Burn a Money Drawing Candle to attract a steady flow of wealth, money, riches, and prosperity.

LEO (July 23rd – August 22nd)

The month of May will begin a new stage in life – a period of growth and maturity. Past difficulties are behind you and delay is over. Although this may be a period of positive growth and new successes, patience and focus will be required for you to achieve the happiness and success you desire. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, current partnerships may experience trouble ahead - past beliefs and ideas may cloud your judgments – don’t allow misunderstandings to become your downfall. If you are single, new love may arrive in late summer. In matters concerning Career & Finance, conflict in the workplace will bring delay and the destruction in your current plans. As your workplace environment becomes more toxic, it me be best to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to bring protection against evil energies and to ward away malevolent forces.

VIRGO (August 23rd - September 22nd)

The month of May will encourage a new sense of maturity and self-honesty. Logical thinking will be the only solution in avoiding setbacks. Let go of the sense of defeat and remember that with every ending there is a new beginning. Understand the mistakes you have made but do not allow them to deter your path of success. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, a lack of self-assurance may be preventing your current partnership from growing. Letting go of the perception of others will bring you more fulfillment from life. It is time to be more open, a period of growth is ahead. If you are single, a new lover may appear in early summer. In matters concerning Career & Finance, stress and conflict may be plaguing your current workplace. A defensive attitude of the holding of grudges may lead you into trouble. Stay clear minded and focused on the tasks at hand. A problem repeating itself was never resolved in the beginning. Burn a Problem Solving Candle to aid in solving problems and to bring succeed in all endeavors.  

LIBRA (September 23rd - October 22nd)

The month of May will reveal new roads of success, opportunity and friendship. This will be a period when you will begin to open up to trusting others. Let go of fear and worry – now is the time for you to win. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, your current partnership will find that transparency is needed to move forward in the future. Clear communication will bring solution, consider what you desire carefully and remember that although some choices may seem tempting they are usually an illusion – trust your intuition not your impulse. If you are single, a new relationship may begin in early autumn. In matters concerning Career & Finance, avoid being too harsh on yourself and doubting your ability. Letting go of the feeling of disappointment is your only avenue of victory. Learn your lessons and move on. By being kind to yourself you will avoid falling into the same patterns. Carry a Success & Victory Conjure Bag to heighten and attract success and victory in all endeavors.

SCORPIO (October 23rd - November 22nd)

The month of May will bring an end to the resisting of change – although you may be unsure of your next step – your solution is letting go of fear and ending the stagnancy it may have caused. By reexamining your approach, you may find that you have been limiting your future and now is the time to go after what your heart truly desires. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, your current partnership may be caught in a spiral of give and take – more specifically, one always is giving and the other receiving. This imbalance will need to be resolved and corrected to ensure the future stability of your relationship. If you are single, a new relationship may begin in late autumn. In matters concerning Career & Finance, your dedication and commitment is leading you to both success and reward. With your career goals achieved you may discover a new set of skills or talents. A financial promotion or bonus may also be ahead. Burn a Road Opening Candle to clear away obstacles and open one's roads towards new opportunity.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd - December 21st)

The month of May will inspire a new sense of creativity and curiosity. Through self-evaluation you will find that you are steps away from mastering your own self-understanding. Remaining calm and mature against adversary will bring you victory. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, your current partnership will experience a period of strengthening bonds and intensifying passion. Past wounds have healed, now is your time to love. Avoid being possessive – for it will only constrain your relationship. If you are single, it may be time to open yourself to a new lover and let go of the past disappointments – new love is ahead in early autumn. In matters concerning Career & Finance, achievement and accomplishment are ahead – you have triumphed over past battles. - with confidence you are sure to succeed. Avoid egotism and self-centered behavior and indulge in moderation. Carry a Good Luck Conjure Bag to bring good luck and good fortune in all endeavors.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 19th)

The month of May will bring release from stress and pressure - an end of confusion and indecision is at an end. Stay diligent in your goals and bring focus towards what you wish to accomplish. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, patience is needed for your current partnership to succeed long-term. You will have to change your ‘all or nothing’ attitude and control your emotions. Being too demanding of your partner will lead to danger. It is wise to remember that no one is perfect - it is the flaws of our partner that should captivate you. If you are single, new love may appear in late summer. In matters concerning Career & Finance, it may be time to recalculate your future goals, a more financially lucrative opportunity may lie ahead. Be wary of any debts and avoid lending money. Carry a Money Drawing Conjure Bag to attract a steady flow of wealth, money, riches, and prosperity.

AQUARIUS (January 20th - February 18th)

The month of May will bring both clarity and strength, both physically and emotionally. A period of good fortune is at hand. To succeed, your decision making is too be based on rational thinking rather than impulse. Do not rush yourself, take life a step at a time. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, current partnerships will bloom with passion and romance, the month of May heralds a positive and uplifting period of love. Avoid in pressuring yourself as you pursue romance. If you are single, new love may appear during the month of July. In matters concerning Career & Finance, you need to reanalyze your goals, a better understanding of what you desire is needed. Seeking advice from others may inspire you in changing your approach. Carry a Road Opening Conjure Bag to clear away obstacles and open one's roads towards new opportunity.

PISCES (February 19th - 20th)

The month of May will bring steady success and new financial opportunity – it is wise to stay sharp, focused and observant in all your endeavors. Judgement brings consequences, be rational in your observances and be impartial in your decision making. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, the month of May will bring a sense of security within your current partnership - letting your guard down will help you in creating proper boundaries and aid in maintaining your needed independence. If you are single, new love may arrive in late summer. In matters concerning Career & Finance, your current path is soon to be filled with joy and prosperity – the month of May heralds both abundance and wealth. The opportunity for growth will stand before you, trust yourself and your abilities. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to bring protection against evil energies and to ward away malevolent forces.

By Firewolf


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