May Day Magick Collection Now Available @Superstitious

May Day - Calendimaggio - The Feast of Flowers 
Floralia, Beltane, Roodmas, May Eve, April 30th - May 2nd Calendimaggio - The First of May 

In many cultures throughout the world the month of May is a time of festivity as well as the observance of the Earth’s Renewal and Waxing Sun. Calendimaggio "Calendi" meaning ‘Day’ and "maggio" means ‘May’. It is traditionally held the first week of May from Thursday to Saturday (lasting a total of three days). In Italy, Calendimaggio includes medieval themes and costumes, theatrical performances, feasting, drum parades, music, singing, and the playing the mandolin and guitar. In our Witches’ Tradition the Calendimaggio Festivity focuses on the Cosmic Union of the Feminine and Masculine Forces of the Universe and celebrates the Cosmic link between Life and Death. It is taught that on May Eve, the Veil between Worlds is at its’ thinnest (similar to Halloween) and the spirits of the dead awaken beneath the ground - desiring the sun's warm glow.. The Great Goddess of the Witches watches over and protects the newly planted seeds - as well as the Spirits of the Dead. 

On May Eve, the Witches’ Goddess seats herself in Her hunting chariot and the Spirits of Nature, or the Fae Folk, are said to easily pass from the world of spirit to the world of man, as they host the Great Wild Hunt. She acts as a herald, uniting both light and dark and making this is a period of earthy rejuvenation and rebirth. Full blown and blazing, the Feminine and Masculine Forces bringing new and continual life onto earth. 

During the Calendimaggio Witches and Magickal Kin hold joyous festivities of feasting, dancing, prayer circles, rituals to rid away malevolent forces, and rituals for blessing of the home. In our Witches tradition, we cast spells, work in our magickal gardens and draw in the warm energy of the sun. We cast spells and create charms for: spiritual growth, belonging, and blessings for all who seek the Old Ways and also for all who respect the Witches path. Animals and familiars are commonly purified during the Calendimaggio festivity. Wreathes of seven flowers are prepared to decorate the home and beans are tossed around one’s property to attract both blessings and prosperity. Many wake up early on the morning of May 1st to collect and wash their faces with morning dew for it is believed to promote beauty, radiance, good health, and longevity. 

Floralia - Feast of Flowers April 27 – May 2nd

The Floralia Festivities is an ancient Roman Festival dedicated to Flora; the Goddess of ‘Blooming’ Life, Fertility, Flowers, and the Growth of Vegetation. Traditionally this is held on April 27th (April 28th: Julian Calendar). The Floralia Festivity includes feasting, nocturnal rituals, and games lasting six days. In our Witches Tradition, we celebrate the Floralia Festival as the ‘Feast of Flowers’ or the ‘Treguenda dei Fiore’ and offer our devotion to the Great Goddess as Queen of the Blooming Blossoms. During the Feast of Flowers, we hold a sacred vigil lasting six days and seven nights. Each evening we offer flowers and fresh water to the Great Goddess to ensure protection and future prosperity. The Feast of Flowers marks the beginning of the cycle of the Triumphant Sun.  The Triumphant Sun conquered the Underworld obtaining the right to marry the maid He fought for. Symbolizing the triumph of Light over Darkness. 

The Lady’s Tree - Tree of May - ‘Albero della Cuccagna’ - May Tree

In many parts of Italy, during the Calendimaggio Festivity, a Poplar Tree is stripped of its’ branches, greased and crowned with flowers and ‘rewards’. The Lady Tree or May Tree represents the Divine union of Heaven and Earth. Young men and woman compete to climb the ‘Lady Tree’ in hope to retrieve the ‘reward’ to become King or Queen of May. The Lady Tree is symbolic of the Cosmic Tree and Universal Axis. 

Beltane - May Eve - April 30th -May 1st 

Beltane is the Gaelic May Day Festival observed throughout Ireland, Scotland, and The Isle of Man. Beltane means ‘fire of Bel’ - Bel being an ancient Sun God who is often compared to the Greco-Italian Apollo. In the Celtic Traditions of Witchcraft Beltane marks the Great Festival of Fire and Fertility as well as the beginning of the summer half of the Witches’ Yearly Wheel. Being Observed on May 1st, it is halfway between the spring equinox and summer solstice, Beltane is a time when the veil between the world of men and the world of the fairy folk is at its thinnest. This is One of the Greater Witches’ Sabbats.  

On May 1 or the eve of May, witches celebrate the marriage or union of the Horned God and Earth Goddess. In old Celtic traditions Beltane was a time when many strive to improve their love lives, get hand-fasted (Wedding Ceremony) and declare vows of love for a year and a day. In early times, Beltane marked the beginning of summer pastoral season where many ancient rites involving the purification and protection of cattle and livestock and the fertility of crops were performed. Sacred Bonfires were ignited throughout the festivity – the ashes, flames and smoke are believed to hold protective and purifying properties to both man and beast. 

The Beltane Festivity included feasting, dancing and libations offered to the ‘Aos Sí’ or fairy folk, who are said to be especially active during the Beltane Festivity. Homes were decorated in brilliant colors of white and yellow May Flowers and all home fires extinguished and relit. This holiday marks a very sacred and magickal time of the year when witches twist and bend beautiful colored ribbons around a Maypole, an ancient pagan rite symbolizing the masculine energy uniting the feminine. Similar to the Lady Tree, the May pole is also a symbol of the Cosmic Tree and Universal Axis.

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