Early Summer Release! Check out our Acqua di San Giovanni Magickal Perfume

The collecting of Morning Dew has been practiced by ancient cultures from all around the world. This simple and ancient ritual is usually conducted at different times from the Spring until late Summer, (most traditionally during the May Day or Summer Solstice Festivities). In many parts of Italy it is a traditional custom to collect Dew on the morning of The Feast of John the Baptist (June 24th). This particular practice has many links to ancient pagan traditions, marking a time of fire, fertility and the waning of the Sun. On the eve of The Feast of John the Baptist, a large bowl or basin is filled half-way with clean water, to which a few drops of Holy Water were added. Fresh Flowers and Herbs where then included and the bowl left in a safe place outdoors to be left overnight to collect the Morning Dew. The next morning, before sunrise, the bowl was retrieved and the water then used as a skin tonic and astringent. Washing the skin with is magickal elixir was believed to promote youth...