February Horoscope 2022 - By Firewolf

ARIES (March 21st - April 19th)

The month of February will bring a new sense of accomplishment as well as curiosity. A new journey is ahead - your efforts will reap the success you seek. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, both gratitude and appreciation will embrace your current partnership, the month of February will be a period of enjoyment and celebration. If you are single, the doors of love may open towards the end of the month. In matters concerning Career and Finance, motivation is needed for you to succeed, focus on what needs to be accomplished, ignore negativity and outside interference. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to ward off any and all negative forces and energies.


TAURUS (April 20th - May 20th)

The month of February will mark a period of freedom and liberation, both negativity and sorrow are behind you, now is your time to win. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current partnerships will experience a period of both healing and empowerment. Avoid living in the past, allow yourself to heal and mature, allow the past to empower your future. If you are single, a new love affair may begin in early springtime. In matters concerning Career and Finance, you may need to readjust your focus and where your energy is being directed. February will be a period where your “big ideas” will be set into motion – you will need to steer clear from over-analyzing. Avoid and ignore any petty work troubles or gossip. Burn a Good Luck Candle to attract all-around good fortune and good luck.


GEMINI (May 21st - June 21st)

The month of February will ignite new ideas, a new sense of inner strength and a new perspective. February will be a period of growth and maturity. You are ready to take the world on – trust yourself. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, a sense of deep love will consume your current partnership. February will be a period of deep romance and the renewal of love. If you are single, you may find yourself a new relationship in late springtime. In matters concerning Career and Finance, there is a lack of professional enthusiasm, don’t over-work yourself, you may need time to rejuvenate and recharge your vital energy. With a little motivation success will be yours. Burn a Success Candle to bring victory, triumph and success in all of your endeavors.


CANCER (June 22nd - July 22nd)

During the month of February, you will find yourself consumed with mundane tasks, be sure to find time to relax and enjoy the people around you. Current friendships may be neglected – balance is need between work and recreation. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, past pains may rear their ugly heads, past insecurities may be negatively affecting your current partnership. It is time to let go, move forward and enjoy the blessing the universe has bestowed. If you are single, new love may appear in late April. In matters concerning Career and Finance, your ambition will guide you to the success you seek – a promotion or higher paying job opportunity may present itself. You will reach your goals. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to ward off any and all negative forces and energies.


LEO (July 23rd – August 22nd)

The month of February will reveal a new path of success, a change in your normal routine and a release from both boredom and stagnancy. Don’t allow your ambition to drive you to sacrifice your social life and plutonic relationships. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, your current partnership may experience a period of stress and disagreement - finding time and space to formulate your feelings may lead you away from turmoil. Communication is key. If you are single, you may find new love during the month of March. In matters concerning Career and Finance, an opportunity to explore your current career will be presented. Bold choices will bring triumph. February will be a period when you will an enjoy the profits of your hard work and effort. Burn a Healing Rifts Candle to heal current problems between you and your lover and to promote positive energy therein.


VIRGO (August 23rd - September 22nd)

The month of February will herald a period of renewal and transformation - your goals will soon become reality, new experiences and new opportunities are around the corner. Be diligent in your planning, push forward and you will prevail. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, your responsibilities and goals may be hindering your current partnership. Avoid neglecting love. Although you may be juggling your ambitions, finding time to invest in your relationship may aid you in avoiding future turmoil. If you are single, you may need to reanalyze the direction you are taking in regards to love. In matters concerning Career and Finance, it may be time to take a step back to recharge - exhaustion may be taking over. Learning to compromise may bring an end to your exhaustion – change is often required to succeed. Burn a Good Luck Candle to attract all-around good fortune and good luck.


LIBRA (September 23rd - October 22nd)

The month of February will open doors to new opportunities, creative endeavors, and all-around excitement. Follow your instincts and keep your eye on the prize. Your success is at hand. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, self-doubt may be standing before you, avoid allowing insecurities to influence your current partnership. If you are single, new love may appear in early summertime. In matters concerning Career and Finance, allow your instincts to take over, your talents and skills will push you towards the next step in your financial path. Burn a Pink Star Candle to heighten and strengthen self-esteem and to promote self-love.


SCORPIO (October 23rd - November 22nd)

The month of February will bring self-awareness, liberation, and the breaking of chains that may deter your path of happiness and success. Needed change is at hand – self-assessment is needed. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, February will bring a release of burden and insecurity. A new and exciting future is ahead. If you are single, new love may appear during the late springtime. In matters concerning Career and Finance, the feeling of being unfulfilled may be plaguing you, your insecurities may be taking control – find self-control and try to reconnect with what is currently in front of you. Burn a Problem Solving Candle to bring solution to current turmoil and to promote success in all endeavors.


SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd - December 21st)

The month of February will be a period of self-growth and maturity – you will find success by listening to your intuition. The answers you seek are within, take the pressure off. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, the month of February will bring both peace and passion in your current partnership – you may find yourself taking the next step in your relationship. If you are single, you may find a substantial partner in late springtime. In matters concerning Career and Finance, you may be putting too much effort in your current projects and goals, finding balance is key to your success, avoid being counter-productive. Burn a Peace & Tranquility Candle to promote balance, peace and tranquility.


CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 19th)

The month of February will provide a period of rest and rejuvenation, it is your time to withdraw - so too feed the mind, body and soul. Clarity will bring solution. It may be time to re-evaluate and reconsider your priorities. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current partnerships will experience a period of blessings - both abundance and good fortune will surround you. If you are single, new love may appear in early March. In matters concerning Career and Finance, allowing your confidence to inspire you will attract success. Avoid creating problems that don’t need to be solved. Burn a Protection Candle to ward off any and all negative forces and energies.


AQUARIUS (January 20th - February 18th)

The month of February will reveal new opportunity and bright avenues of success – stay dedicated to your goals and desires. Triumph over obstacles and adversary is ahead. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, a period of closeness is at hand - current partnerships may be growing towards a more committed future, a new perspective will lead to a new adventure. If you are single, a new love affair may begin in early April. In matters concerning Career and Finance, act with integrity, current career may seem dominating and chaotic - stay honest and true and success will be yours. Carry a Success Conjure Bag to bring victory, triumph and success in all of your endeavors.


PISCES (February 19th - 20th)

The month of February will be a time of completion and new venture - enthusiasm will empower all that you do - a period of both growth and positive change is at hand. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, worry and doubt may be creating insecurities in your current partnership – confidence in the self will be required to overcome the current turmoil. Believe in yourself. In matters concerning Career and Finance, avoid rushing to complete current projects, the month of February will bring accomplishment after effort. Reconsider your financial goals – take some pressure off. Burn a Good Luck Candle to attract all-around good fortune and good luck.


By Firewolf


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