November 2021 Horoscope - Firewolf

ARIES (March 21st - April 19th)

The month of November will usher a period of self-improvement - you will find yourself letting go of fear and seeking new and unfamiliar adventures. In matters concerning Love & Relationships - life is moving at a hectic pace, slowing down a bit too nurture your current partnerships may prevent future confusion. If you are single, new love may appear towards the end of the year. In matters concerning Career & Finance, November will be filled with stressful decision-making - trusting your judgement will guide you to strengthening your financial future. Carry a Good Fortune Conjure Bag to attract all-around good luck and good fortune.


TAURUS (April 20th - May 20th)


The month of November will reveal happy and joyous roads – your efforts and hard work will reap reward. November will be a period of stability in both career and relationships. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, addressing your current insecurities will aid in removing obstacles in current partnership – introspection is key. If you are single, a new love affair will begin in early February. In matters concerning Career & Finance, both focus and discipline is needed in your current career path, this will aid you in avoiding making irrational decisions. A new and lucrative financial opportunity may present itself around the New Year. Burn a Healing Magick Candle to promote healing and good health.


GEMINI (May 21st - June 21st)


The month of November will be filled with all-around success and achievement – a new sense of independence will inspire future accomplishments. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, current partnerships may be experiencing a period of boredom and stress - although your relationship may be secure, spontaneity may be required to lift the moral between you and your partner. If you are single, new love may find you in early winter. In matters concerning Career & Finance, both balance and prosperity will find you - an end to financial stress is afoot. A new partnership or business opportunity may appear in early springtime. Wear a few drops of Attraction Magick Oil daily to attract all-around blessings and abundance.


CANCER (June 22nd - July 22nd)


November will bring the end of both stress and turmoil, negative bonds will be diminished, a powerful time of self-growth is at hand. Embrace your new sense of freedom. Above all – trust yourself. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, personal judgement may be preventing you from being truly happy - for your current partnerships to endure you must let go of insecurities and past pains. If you are single, a new love opportunity will present itself in late winter. In matters concerning Career & Finance, be sure to avoid any conflict with your current colleagues – work discord may arise. Bringing focus towards your future goals will guide you away from financial burdens. Take care of yourself first. Burn a Protection Magick Candle to ward away any and all negative or otherwise unwanted energies and forces.


LEO (July 23rd – August 22nd)


The month of November will present a period of empowerment and self-discovery. New desires and goals will manifest, November is your time to take control. Success is ahead. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, current partnerships will experience a period of positivity, both passion and communication strengthening, and new adventures planned. If you are single, new love may appear during mid-December. In matters concerning Career & Finance, over-analyzing will lead you towards uncertainty. You must follow your instincts to succeed. Carry a Money Drawing Conjure Bag to attract all-around wealth, prosperity and riches.


VIRGO (August 23rd - September 22nd)


During the month of November, nothing will stop you from achieving your goals - success and good fortune is at hand. Be cautious of impatience and impulse – they will deter your success. Both introspection and self-reflection will be required to reach your full potential. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, current love affairs may be lacking excitement and intellectual stimulations. Using your resourcefulness may guide you in conquering the stagnancy. If you are single, you may find yourself finding short-term passionate love affairs - give yourself time, new love awaits in the spring. In matters concerning Career & Finance, it may be wise to share your resources rather than make a risky work decision. Avoid trickery among colleagues. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to ward away any and all negative or otherwise unwanted energies and forces.


LIBRA (September 23rd - October 22nd)


During the month of November you will find yourself released from restriction and regaining control - a path of flexibility and creativity is ahead. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, current partnerships may experience a period of tension and conflict. What is right is more rational than who is right. Don’t let irritability and boredom take hold. Speak from your heart. If you are single, new love will arrive in late February. In matters concerning Career & Finance, a change in approach will lead you towards the success you seek. Keep a keen eye out for a liar or trickster - listen to your judgement. Carry a Good Fortune Conjure Bag to attract all-around good luck and good fortune.


SCORPIO (October 23rd - November 22nd)


The month of November will be a period of joy and celebration – past generosities will return threefold. Find time to reexamine your goals - your full potential will soon reveal itself. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, you may find yourself resisting change – there may be some negative emotional patterns that need adjusting. Try not to forget that change attracts new adventures. If you are single, new love will arrive in early December. In matters concerning Career & Finance, tension and moodiness will bring delay - avoid confrontations. To avoid financial disappointment, bring your focus towards your current projects and ignore the outside noise. Carry a Success Conjure Bag to attract victory and success in all of your endeavors.


SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd - December 21st)


During the month of November you may find yourself seeking solitude - a period or rest and self-reflection is at hand. Your need to withdraw is required for you to search and grow. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, current partnerships may experience a period of conflict and competition. Playful banter will not conjure trouble - just watch your step and mind your words. If you are single, a new partnership may begin in early spring. In matters concerning Career & Finance, your passion and energy for work will push you towards success – a brave decision will bring you prosperity - financial success is on the horizon. A new business opportunity may present itself towards the end of the month. Burn a Healing Rifts Magick Candle to bring an end to conflict and discord in your current partnerships.


CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 19th)


The month of November will inspire a new sense of self-confidence and will bring focus towards your true passions and goals. Your determination and optimism will get you ahead of the game. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, for you to enjoy your current partnerships, you must allow yourself to heal from the past. Current partnerships will experience a period of healing and deeper friendship. If you are single, new love may appear in late January. In matters concerning Career & Finance, a role of leadership may be presented -  take on only what you can handle - sharing your resources with those around you will bring the success you seek. Burn a Protection Magick Candle to ward away any and all negative or otherwise unwanted energies and forces.


AQUARIUS (January 20th - February 18th)


The month of November will present new roads of creativity - you will confront an important decision and take a risk that will lead you to success. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, personal judgement will only weaken your self-esteem – allowing your insecurities to lead you will only manifest negativity. Communication is key in solving your current dilemma – reaching out to your partner, rather than retreating, may bring solution. If you are single, new love will arrive in late December. In matters concerning Career & Finance, luck and fortune will surround you, new opportunities will present themselves - there will be a sense of flexibility in regards to finances. Burn a Success Magick Candle to attract victory and success in all of your endeavors.


PISCES (February 19th - 20th)


November will be a period of balance and harmony – a new road of financial success will present itself – it may be time to embrace your creative side. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, current partnerships will experience both joy and a new sense of compromise, with both compassion and fairness, new horizons will be revealed. If you are single, a new relationship opportunity will reveal itself in mid-December. In matters concerning Career & Finance, avoid deception at work – avoid confusion and possible ‘pot-stirring’. Finances will improve towards the New Year. Your current efforts will soon bring reward. Burn a Money Drawing Candle to attract all-around wealth, prosperity and riches.


By Firewolf


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