November 2021 Horoscope - Firewolf

ARIES (March 21st - April 19th) The month of November will usher a period of self-improvement - you will find yourself letting go of fear and seeking new and unfamiliar adventures. In matters concerning Love & Relationships - life is moving at a hectic pace, slowing down a bit too nurture your current partnerships may prevent future confusion. If you are single, new love may appear towards the end of the year. In matters concerning Career & Finance, November will be filled with stressful decision-making - trusting your judgement will guide you to strengthening your financial future. Carry a Good Fortune Conjure Bag to attract all-around good luck and good fortune. TAURUS (April 20th - May 20th) The month of November will reveal happy and joyous roads – your efforts and hard work will reap reward. November will be a period of stability in both career and relationships. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, addressing your current insec...