
Showing posts from November, 2021

November 2021 Horoscope - Firewolf

ARIES (March 21st - April 19th) The month of November will usher a period of self-improvement - you will find yourself letting go of fear and seeking new and unfamiliar adventures.   In matters concerning Love & Relationships - life is moving at a hectic pace, slowing down a bit too nurture your current partnerships may prevent future confusion. If you are single, new love may appear towards the end of the year.   In matters concerning Career & Finance, November will be filled with stressful decision-making - trusting your judgement will guide you to strengthening your financial future.   Carry a Good Fortune Conjure Bag to attract all-around good luck and good fortune.   TAURUS (April 20th - May 20th)   The month of November will reveal happy and joyous roads – your efforts and hard work will reap reward. November will be a period of stability in both career and relationships. In matters concerning Love & Relationships, addressing your current insec...

Brumalia & Capodanno Magickal Products Now Available!

Brumalia - November 24th - December 25th In our Witches’ Tradition, the Winter Solstice festivity is observed as “Brumalia”. It occurs from November 24th until December 25th. In ancient Rome, Brumalia was a month-long vigil celebrated in honor of the Agricultural Deities: Ceres and Saturn. They were presented offerings and libations of: fruits, grains, wine, olive oil, flowers, and honey. Brumalia marked the astronomic winter solstice; the time of dark intermission that concluded on ‘Natalis Solus Invicti’ or the Feast of Sol Invictus. Ancient Brumalia festivities included nighttime feasting, bonfires, dancing, singing and sacred rites of divination and fortune-telling. During the Brumalia holiday we hold candle-lit vigils in our homes and focus our magick towards protection, prosperity, clearing roads, and attracting good fortune. During this time; we as Witches say farewell to the Spirit of the Old Year and     celebrate the rebirth of the Sun God.  We present offerings...