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HALLOWEEN – October 31st 

Festa Dei Morti, Day of the Dead, Samhain, Juorno de Morti, Festival of the Dead  

The true origin and roots of Halloween have been lost in time. It is often conjectured that this ancient holiday may be linked to the Feast of Pamona, the Roman Goddess of Orchards and Fruit - as well as to Parentalia; the ancient Roman festival held in honor of the dead.  In the Italian and Sicilian Traditions of Witchcraft the Festa Dei Morti or Festival of the Dead focuses upon ancestral devotion and commemoration. The Festival of the Dead is a sacred and holy time of remembrance, love, spiritual communion, joy and mourning. It is a time of reflection, for looking back at the last year and coming to terms With the phenomenon of which we have no control over; death.

Witches gather to celebrate the harvest season with family and friends. We  mourn the downward spiral of life, but focus our minds and hearts on what is to come in the future. To a Witch, Halloween is a powerful festivity and not the Fearsome time that some believe it to be. It is a time to release the failures in our lives and project for a future of balance and harmony. Witches and their children often dress in clothing and costumes to project out these wishes and spiritual workings. It is also a Festival of Thanksgiving, we remember all those in the past who fought to win the freedoms we have today, many of whom paid the ultimate price of their life. We include those who were tortured and killed for the false definition and descriptions applied to Witches and Witchcraft. In remembrance, we share the knowledge gained from the past and ensure that truth and wisdom will prevail in the future.  

Halloween marks a period when the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead is at its thinnest. We as witches focus our thoughts on increasing our own psychic abilities and to honor those who walk in the Spirit World. The thin veil between worlds allows us to communicate with our loved ones who have passed on and commune with them once more. We conduct rituals where we invite our deceased loved ones to take part in our celebrations. This is done by leaving food and a seat at our table so they may take part and feast with us.  

Samhain - The Witches' New Year  

Samhain, which is Irish-Gaelic for “Harvest of the Pigs” marks the Third and final harvest in the Witches' Calendar as well as the Witches' New Year. In some places, this was a time when animals were slaughtered to be eaten or preserved for future use during the depths of winter. At Samhain, Witches say farewell to the Masculine Forces of Nature; this is a temporary farewell –“for He is within the ‘Mystery” - ready to be reborn to the Goddess at Winter Solstice.  

All Saints Day - November 1st 

Ognissanti, All Hallows Day, Feast of the Saints, All Saints’ Day  

All Saints’ Day is held in honor and commemoration of the Holy Saints, many who mask ancient pagan deities. Patron Saints are offered candles, flowers and attributed offerings along with prayers of devotion and thanksgiving. Originally, All Saints’ Day took occurred in the spring, and was later moved to November 1st. This may further connect All Saints Day with Parentalia, which was celebrated in early spring. In Sicily the home is decorated with a ‘cannistru’ a decorative basket filled with an array of nuts, cookies and pastries and the delightful ‘pupacenna’ or Sugar Doll. The Cannistru is a symbol of prosperity, good fortune and the Great Mother Goddess.  

All Soul’s Day - November 2nd

 Il Giorni Dei Morti, Day of the Dead, Tutti i morti, All Souls Day  

All Souls Day is held in honor, commemoration and remembrance of the Ancestral Dead. It is said that on the eve of All Souls’ Day, our ancestral spirits are believed to rise from their graves and visit their loved ones. All Souls’ Day festivities begins early morning; usually at dawn, where flowers, candles and tokens of love and remembrance are brought to the graves of the deceased. The tombs and grounds are cleaned and prayers are offered to the spirits of the dead, following a large feast of celebration of those who walked before us.  

Children who have been good and who have remembered their dead relatives throughout the year receive gifts - which are often hidden in the home - they are said to be gifts from the dead. Sugared Pastries and Muffullette is often served. Chrysanthemums are often brought to the graves of the deceased – the traditional Italian ‘Funeral Flower” which is a symbol of death and mourning.  During the Festa Dei Morti many people leave their homes empty, to make space for the dead to visit - an empty space is left at the dining room table: to offer space to those who no longer sit there. Lanterns, candles and fires are allowed to burn overnight to guide the wandering of the souls of the dead. In some areas of Rome many families picnic at the graveside of their deceased loved ones offering them a plate and sharing a meal with them once more.  

On the island of Sardinia, children travel from house to house retrieving candy and pastries in exchange for a prayer for the deceased. Sicilian children leave their shoes outside the front door of their home in hope to receive a gift from the beloved dead.


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