May 2021 Horoscope - By Firewolf

ARIES (March 21st - April 19th) 
The month of May will herald transition and positive change, a sense of freedom and release from mundane strife will overcome you. Look ahead to your future for the strength that is required for you to move forward towards success. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current partnerships will flourish emotionally and physically, a time of peace and joy is at hand. If you are single, new love may arrive in early summer. In matters concerning Career and Finance, financial change is ahead, where one door closes another will soon open. Burn a Road Opening Candle to clear your roads from obstacles both seen and unseen.


TAURUS (April 20th - May 20th)

The month of May will inspire a new sense of passion, courage and determination, this is your time to win. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current partnerships will experience a period of excitement and adventure. Enjoy, Explore and Embrace. If you are single, a passionate and charming lover may appear during the heat of the summer. In matters concerning Career and Finance, it may be time to take a step back to rejuvenate your vital energies, current career path and expectations may lead to imbalance. Carry a Success Conjure Bag to attract all around success and victory.


GEMINI (May 21st - June 21st)

The month of May will open doors to new adventure and new opportunity, you will feel charged with life, ready to take on the world. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, you will find that you must use both your heart and head in matters of love. Compassion is key to deeper understandings in your current relationships. If you are single, a new relationship may bloom towards the end of the month. In matters concerning Career and Finance, you are valued in your current job, a mentor or investor may present a lucrative opportunity towards the end of the summer. Burn a Money Drawing Candle that has been anointed with Success Oil to attract wealth, success and financial victory.


CANCER (June 22nd - July 22nd)

Success and victory will surround your during the month of May, be weary of those who seek to take advantage of your achievements. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current partnerships will bloom and prosper, security in mind and in heart has been established. If you are seeking to conceive a child, your wish may be fulfilled. If you are single, a new and substantial relationship may bloom towards the end of the month. In matters concerning Career and Finance, it is time to take action, opportunity will present itself, embrace your drive and ambition. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to ward off negative energies and to bring protection against malevolent forces. 

LEO (July 23rd  August 22nd)

The month of May will bring the arrival of a blessing, whether that be love, career or health. You are at a new beginning, follow your heart  but find peace in logic. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, a sense of gloom may overcome current partnerships, find a productive may to strengthen your connection and repair the sense of distance. If you are single, a new lover may present itself during the month of June. In matters concerning Career and Finance, your current lack of ambition will soon fade, take a step back to remove yourself from current career turmoil. Burn a Peace & Tranquility Candle to promote harmony, peace and balance.


VIRGO (August 23rd - September 22nd)

The month of May will reveal the doors of self-acceptance, clearing the block in your creativity is the first step towards the success and happiness you seek. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, the month of May will provide a sense of freedom and new direction. Current partnerships will flourish passionately. If you are single, new love will present itself during the late summer. In matters concerning Career and Finance, current financial success will require you to leave behind what does not serve you, new financial ventures will appear in early autumn. Carry a Success Conjure Bag to attract all around success and victory.


LIBRA (September 23rd - October 22nd)

The month of May will ignite a sense of empowerment and control  this is not a time of surrender  the happiness and success you seek is ahead. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, to resolve misunderstandings in current partnerships will require you to reanalyze your current situation, life may be hectic, but communication is key. If you are single, a new relationship may bloom during the late summer. In matters concerning Career and Finance, avoid self-sabotage, the sense of feeling trapped will soon fade, freedom and rest is on the horizon. Burn a Road Opening Candle to clear your roads from obstacles both seen and unseen.


SCORPIO (October 23rd - November 22nd)

May will be a joyous month filled with new beginnings, renewed power and ambition and new paths of success. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, clarity and awareness of your actions will strengthen current partnerships, a deeper sense of commitment is ahead. If you are single, new love will appear during the end of the summer into early autumn. In matters concerning Career and Finance, concentration and focus is key in overcoming current struggle, bring focus to the task at hand - avoid the outside noise.  Burn an Air Element Magick Candle to strengthen your focus and bring clear roads of success.


SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd - December 21st)

The month of May will reveal hidden truth and the change in direction, a great transition is ahead, it will require you to put your needs and desires first. Happiness is attainable, your almost there. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current partnerships will strengthen and progress, success will surround you both. If you are single, new love will appear around the beginning of July. In matters concerning Career and Finance, current work environment may be hostile and negative, steer clear from the chaos, avoid meddlesome gossip. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to ward off negative energies and to bring protection against malevolent forces.


CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 19th)

The month of May will conjure prosperity, new ventures, a sense of belonging and celebration. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, past compromise will bring reward, current relationships will experience a period of simple joy, cooperation, and all-around balance. If you are single, new love may arrive in mid-June. In matters concerning Career and Finance, current goals will be achieved, you may be exhausted and worn, keep in mind success is at your fingertips. Burn a Success Candle to promote victory and success in all of your endeavors.


AQUARIUS (January 20th - February 18th)

May will bring an end to chaos and gloom  avoid juggling to many things at once. Be sure to find time to relax and rejuvenate your energy. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, a new sense of adventure will lead you into taking charge of your current partnerships. Embrace your new-found courage. If you are single, new love may appear during the month of June. In matters concerning Career and Finance, new opportunity is on the horizon, reorganize your thoughts and ambitions, trust your instinct. Burn a Peace & Tranquility Candle to promote harmony, peace and balance.


PISCES (February 19th - 20th)

The month of May will bring great change and new roads of financial success  prosperity and wealth is ahead. Letting go of the Fear of Change will be required, embrace your new path. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, the month of May will be filled with celebration and small gatherings, current relationships will spend time relaxing and reminiscing. if you are single, new love may be around the corner. In matters concerning Career and Finance, a new opportunity will present itself, it will require you to diminish that which is not serving you in the current. Burn a Money Drawing Candle to attract all-around, wealth, prosperity and riches.


By Firewolf


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