February 2021 Horoscope - By Firewolf

ARIES (March 21st - April 19th)

The month of February will bring a renewed sense of hope and balance – with a bit of courage and self-preservation - success and happiness will be achieved. Loosen your boundaries. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, letting go of fear and insecurities will aid you in achieving the relationship you desire, letting go of your current anxiety will bring an end to current partnership turmoil. If you are single a new relationship may appear in early summer. In matters concerning Career and Finance, avoid rushing through current projects  - by facing your financial stresses, rather than avoiding them – success will be yours. Burn a Balance and Tranquility Candle to promote peace, balance and harmony.


TAURUS (April 20th - May 20th)

During the month of February you will learn that patience is the key to the life you desire. Forgiving yourself and letting go of the past will lead you to the happiness you seek. By facing loss – you may find that what you seek was never misplaced. It is time to wake up. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, you must remember that in life you cannot control everything, current partnerships may be out of balance, frustration running rampant - it will be up to you to ‘correct’. If you are single, a new relationship may begin in late springtime. In matters concerning Career and Finance, the month of February will open doors for you to realign your current career path, financial success is ahead. Burn a Healing Rifts Candle to promote healing and harmony on your current path of love.


GEMINI (May 21st - June 21st)

February will be a period of reminiscing, examining your past with a positive eye will provide a sense of deep healing – but you must remember to not live in the past. A new and happier life is ahead. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, if current partnerships are making you feel ‘trapped’ you may need to step back and reanalyze the bigger picture. Do not allow fear to navigate your road of success and love. If you are single, the roads of love will open in early June. In matters concerning Career and Finance, chaos may be stirring – confidence and caution will help you maintain a steady flow of income. Be weary of gossip, slander, or a troublesome coworker. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to keep away any and all negative or otherwise unwanted forces at bay.


CANCER (June 22nd - July 22nd)

February will herald accomplishment and a new sense of completion and belonging. Luck is on your side. Your effort and hard work is about to pay off. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, February will bring a break or release from negative emotional behavior or patterns – embrace your independence. If you are single, you may begin a new relationship during the height of the summer. In matters concerning Career and Finance, your ambition and determination will begin to manifest the financial success you seek – trust yourself – embrace your resourcefulness. Burn a Healing Candle to promote Healing and Good Health – both physically and emotionally.


LEO (July 23rd – August 22nd)

The month of February will open a path of peace and release – this will be a period of ‘moving on’ and ‘moving forward’ – allow optimism to guide you. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current partnerships will grow and strengthen –  a deeper sense of commitment will present itself. If you are single, a new relationship may begin in early May. In matters concerning Career and Finance, new opportunity may present itself towards the end of the month – a risk will need to be taken, success and victory will follow. Carry a Road Opening Conjure bag to open and clear your roads of success and happiness.


VIRGO (August 23rd - September 22nd)

February will create space for self-reflection and introspection – the happiness you seek will be found within – avoid that which suppresses or silences your inner voice. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current relationships, you may be ready to throw in the towel – patience is required to make current partnerships work. If you are single, a new romance may begin during the month of May. In matters concerning Career and Finance, prosperity and abundance will begin to manifest, it might be smart to keep your success to yourself. New opportunities in career will present themselves in early summer. Burn a Cleansing Candle to purify and cleanse any and all negative or otherwise unwanted energies and vibrations.


LIBRA (September 23rd - October 22nd)

February will bring new direction and release from uncertainty - a new horizon is ahead. Don’t rush yourself when making important decisions – work life at your own pace. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, past pain may be blocking your current path of love – the past may have a strong hold – examine what you may need to let go of – diminish what binds you – you are a spirit of love and deserve love. if you are single you may begin a new and substantial relationship in late summer. In matters concerning Career and Finance, luck will surround you in both your career and financial endeavors. Your ability to adapt will bring newfound wisdom. Burn a Balance and Tranquility Candle to promote peace, balance and harmony.


SCORPIO (October 23rd - November 22nd)

February will herald triumph, victory and new roads of adventure. Listen to your intuition. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, February will bring freedom from fear - whether it is intimacy or commitment causing your distress, this is a time of cleansing and renewal. If you are single, a new relationship may present itself towards the end of the month. In matters concerning Career and Finance, if you are looking for a job or new career path, February will bring the change in luck you desire. Carry a Good Fortune Conjure Bag to attract all-around good luck and good fortune.


SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd - December 21st)

February will be a time of letting go and walking away from that which does not serve you in a healthy and productive manner. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, a different angle of communication will be required to solve current love and relationships turmoil. Empathy is key. In matters concerning Career and Finance, February will bring both healing and repair to current financial missteps – a new and higher paying job may present itself towards the end of the month. Burn a Protection Candle to keep away any and all negative or otherwise unwanted energies at bay.


CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 19th)

February will be a time of healing and closure – keep in mind, your future accomplishments will require strength and perseverance. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, love will flourish during the month of February – current partnerships will seek new paths of excitement and adventure. If you are single, you may find new love during the month of April. In matters concerning Career and Finance, do not allow current stress to fog your vision and goals – a better future is ahead, don’t allow the frustration to slow you down. Burn a Balance and Tranquility Candle to promote peace, balance and harmony.


AQUARIUS (January 20th - February 18th)

The month of February will be herald a new sense of confidence and self-assurance. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current partnerships will begin to create space for new beginnings and a new chapter. If you are single, you may begin a new relationship in early summer. In matters concerning Career and Finance, the roads of prosperity and abundance will reveal themselves towards the end of the month. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to keep away any and all negative or otherwise unwanted energies at bay.


PISCES (February 19th - 20th)

February will inspire new direction, new goals and all-around new opportunity. This is your time of triumph and victory. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current partnerships will find healing and new paths of communication and understanding. If you are single, you may new love in early summer. In matters concerning Career and Finance, avoid self-doubt – the roads of success are open – it’s up to you how you choose to travel down that path. Burn a Success Candle to promote success and victory in all of your endeavors.

By Firewolf


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