August Horoscope 2020 - By Firewolf

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

The month of August will bring an end to imbalance and the lack of harmony that you may be currently experiencing. Find pride in your achievements - what others think of you is not your business. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current relationships will pick up - passion and commitment with strengthen. If you are single, a new relationship may reveal itself towards the end of the month. In matters concerning Career and Finance, you may find yourself reconsidering a current project or career opportunity, follow your instinct and salvage what you can. Carry an Air Magick Conjure Bag to heighten intellect, to aid concentration, to promote change, and to increase personal drive.


Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

August will usher new opportunity, a successful apprenticeship, and success in the completion of current goals. Embrace the learning of a new skill. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, creating clear cut boundaries in current relationships will aid you in embracing your independence and self-sufficiency. If you are single, it is time to venture forth and create new relationships, both plutonic and romantic – shake off the fear. In matters concerning Career and Finance, you ambition and drive will bring you quickly ahead in current financial opportunities, your hard  work will soon to be rewarded  - a steady flow of prosperity is ahead. Wear a few drops of Success Oil daily to attract all-around success and victory in all of your endeavors.


Gemini  (May 21st - June 21st)

You may be experiencing a period of confusion and uncertainty - give yourself time to collect your thoughts. You will need both clarity and self-love to determine what you want and what path to choose. The month of August will not be a good time for decision making, take each day step by step - don’t rush - stay true to your heart’s desire. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, you will need to recognize the loyalty and dedication of your current partner, they will stand by you - expressing your appreciation will strengthen and empower your connection. If you are single, the doors of love will open at the end of the month into early September, this new lover being both uplifting and loyal, enjoy. In matters concerning Career and Finance, disappointment may surround your current career path, it may be time to start from scratch - making some changes will release you from your current gloom. Burn a Road Opening Candle to clear away obstacles and open your roads towards new opportunity.


Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd)

August will inspire thoughts of travel or a secret getaway - you will find yourself empowered, charged and ready for adventure. Goals will be accomplished and the possibility of moving your current location may present itself. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current relationships will continue steady and stable, it may be time to indulge and treat yourselves. If you are single, the road of love may reveal a new partner, someone who will bring something to the table. In matters concerning Career and Finance, fear may be standing in front of you -  either make changes or continue the cycle of fear, if you find yourself holding onto something career related, it may be time to let it go. Carry a Problem Solving Conjure Bag to aid in finding direction and solving current problems.


Leo (July 23rd  August 22nd)

Your ability to see hope amongst disaster will bring you both happiness and joy, August will bring revelation, - you have overcome many trials and tribulations, it is time recognize your strength and success will be yours. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, if you feel trapped or overwhelmed in your current relationship, don’t let fear stop you from expressing your pain - as well as your desires. If you are single, it may be time to wake up from your passive slumber, take control and make changes and love will be yours. In matters concerning Career and Finance, success and accomplishment will begin to surround you, learning new skills may reveal new paths of financial success. Wear a few drops of Money Drawing Potion daily to attract wealth, prosperity, riches and abundance.


Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

August will inspire a stronger sense of awareness towards your future decisions and actions - past decisions and efforts will bring reward - stay true to yourself - take accountability for the steps you take - it’s your life, do it your way. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, compromise is needed in current relationships, avoid judgement and unfair criticism – you may need an ‘attitude adjustment’ or a change in your approach. If you are single, readjusting the direction of your search may bring the love you desire. In matters concerning Career and Finance, the lack of discipline in your current career path may become an obstacle that will deter you from the success you seek, discipline is required for you to establish financial prosperity. Burn a Money Drawing Candle to attract wealth, prosperity, riches and abundance.


Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

The current isolation may be getting to you, your reaction to lack of social activity may be borderline… dramatic. Connect with those around you, find doors of communication. Seek only those who are uplifting and project both joy and positive energy. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current relationships may not be what they seem, be sure to get to know your lover, both the light and dark side of their being. If you are single, you may find that over-coming insecurities will guide you to your true love. In matters concerning Career and Finance, current stress may have you over-competing with those around you, reanalyze how you communicate and the aggressiveness you are expressing to succeed. Burn a Balance & Tranquility Candle to promote peaceful vibrations, tranquil forces and to promote a calm atmosphere.


Scorpio (October 23rd - November 22nd)

During the month of August, you may find that by resisting change, you are preventing yourself from the happiness and success you deserve. Let go of past turmoil, don’t limit your potential.  In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current relationships may be experiencing tension and unresolved disputes, speak from your heart – it is time to come to a compromise. If you are single, indecision will deter your path of finding love, trust yourself, its’ time to make a choice – happiness or sorrow? In matters concerning Career and Finance, you are talented and skilled in your profession, August will bring expansion and new opportunity. Avoid compulsive spending and frivolous purchases. Burn a Healing Rifts Candle to heal any rifts between you and your lovers and to promote positive energy therein.


Sagittarius (November 23rd - December 21st)

The month of August will bring victory and a release from turmoil and disaster. Remember that you cannot control everything. Light from tragedy will reveal itself – a new beginning is at hand. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, patience and moderation is need in current relationships, avoid jumping to conclusions – miscommunication is afoot – keep yourself ‘in-check’ and pay attention to your actions. If you are single, new love may reveal itself in late autumn. In matters concerning Career and Finance, a deeper sense of insight is needed for you to accomplish your goals, new opportunities of prosperity are ahead – avoid reckless decisions or partnerships. Wear a few drops of Success Oil daily to attract all-around success and victory in all of your endeavors.


Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

August will present the opportunity for you to regain balance, self-esteem, and control of your life and your future – it may be time to break ties with that which does not serve your life in a positive and beneficial way. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, you may be overworked –this causing discord and disputes in current relationships, take some time to reanalyze the weight you are carrying and how it is influencing those around you. If you are single, you may be putting too much effort in your search for love, by taking a step back, you will make room for love to arrive. In matters concerning Career and Finance, avoid those who undermine you, ignoring the current negative energy will keep you on the path of success. Wear a few drops of Protection Potion daily to bring spiritual protection and to keep away negative or unwanted vibrations and forces.


Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

August will bring rest, relaxation and rejuvenation of the mind, body, and soul – this providing you both the time and space to organize your priorities and future ambitions – new and exciting challenges are ahead. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, communication is the answer to the fulfillment you seek in your current relationship, your desire of a deeper connection will manifest - honesty and truth is key. If you are single, it  may be time to mature and allow love again into your life, ignore fear and insecurity – yesterday is gone. In matters concerning Career and Finance, avoid allowing your emotions to influence your current career, success is ahead, patience is required – seek new inspiration –avoid risky decisions. Wear a few drops of Money Drawing Potion daily to attract wealth, prosperity, riches and abundance.


Pisces (February 19th - 20th)

August will herald good tidings, disaster and negativity will be severed, a new road is ahead. Do not be afraid to close one door - another will reveal itself. A new phase in life is at hand, embrace this transition, leave the past where it behind you. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, avoid selfishness in current relationships, allowing your emotions to run amok will lead to disaster. If you are single, the month of August will lead you to the necessary healing you require to begin anew. In matters concerning Career and Finance, success and victory is afoot –financial gain is on the horizon – stand confidently with your ethics and morals. Burn a Road Opening Candle to clear away obstacles and open one's roads towards new opportunity.



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