Vulcanalia- The Day of Volcānus

On August 23rd the ancient Romans celebrated Vulcanalia - in honor of the God Volcānus - the God of Fire, Metal-crafting, the Forge, Harmful Fires, Deserts, and Volcanoes. The son of Jupiter and Juno, Volcānus parallels the Greek Hephaestus, the Etruscan Sethlans and the Sicilian Adrano. During the festival of Vulcanalia, sacrifice and libation was offered to Volcānus in hopes to avert dangerous fires that may ignite under the summer heat. Bonfires were ignited in honor of Volcānus to which many were given libations of fish and small animals - a spiritual exchange for human life. It is often said his name is derived from the Latin word  for ‘lightning’ - possibly in relation to the  flames caused by a lightning strike. It is common among those of the Old Wisdom to keep wood from a tree that has been struck by lightning -  when carried, it is believed to be an amulet of both power and protection.

Date: August 23rd - Vulcanalia
Symbols: Blacksmith Hammer and Anvil, Fire, Volcanos, Blacksmith Tools, Lava Stone
Gods & Spirits: Volcānus, Hephaestus, Sethlans, Adrano
Colors: red, black, gold, brown, bronze
Herbs & Flowers: Ash, Betony, Black Pepper, Cassia, Chili Peppers, Cinnamon, Clove, Coffee, Dragon’s Blood, Frankincense, Garlic, Hawthorn, Laurel, Lemon, Oak, Red Bougainvillea, Thistle, Tobacco, Wahoo Bark, Witch Hazel
Stones, Metals and Crystals: Bloodstone, Copper, Garnet, Hematite, Iron, Lave Stone (Volcanic Rock), Limestone, Obsidian, Red Jasper, Ruby, Quartz Crystal 
Magick: Protection, Averting Evil, Protection Against Fires, Reversing Evil


¼ ounce dragon’s blood oil
¼ ounce frankincense oil
¼ ounce tobacco oil
five drops cinnamon oil
five drops clove oil
one ounce olive oil
one ounce red palm oil
pinch of ash or small lave stone

Blend the ingredients together in a dark glass bottle - beginning with the olive oil and red palm oil. You may want to recite a personal incantation or chant while adding each drop of essential oil. Wear or anoint a few drops of this magickal potion during rites dedicated to Volcānus and onto the outside of your doors and windows to avert evil and dangerous fires. - By Firewolf


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