July 2019 Horoscope - By Firewolf

Aries (March 21st - April 19th) 
July will bring positive change, introspection, good fortune, and a new path of success and happiness. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, a journey is ahead, stagnancy and delay is over. In matters concerning Career and Finance, your foundation is strong, efforts will be rewarded – a prosperous challenge is ahead. Burn a Healing Candle to promote both physical and spiritual health and healing.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)
The month of July will bring new opportunity, success and plans for future travel. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current emotions and personal desires need to be acknowledged, healing of the heart will provide solution and new roads of love. In matters concerning Career and Finance, July will herald both prosperity and abundance, a new partnership may be presented during the end of the month. Carry a Good Luck Conjure Bag to attract all-around good luck and good fortune.

Gemini  (May 21st - June 21st)
July will be a time of release and liberation of the spirit, both restriction and constraint will be diminished, new horizons are ahead. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, July brings a streak of good luck, all that you love stands upon a strong foundation, your efforts will be rewarded. In matters concerning Career and Finance, determination and courage are needed for you to overcome the challenges ahead, embrace your inner strengths. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to ward away negative or otherwise unwanted energies and forces.

Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd) 
The month of July will reveal hidden truths, roads of happiness and emotional balance, and will herald abundance and all-around success. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, a path of renewal will be revealed, passion and desire in current relationships will strengthen. In matters concerning Career and Finance, change is ahead, a new perspective is required to succeed. Burn a Money Drawing Candle to attract wealth, riches and prosperity.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
During the month of July you will feel a sense of fulfillment and moments of intense creativity. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, love will triumph, efforts will be rewarded, a deep sense of connectedness is ahead. In matters concerning Career and Finance, wishful thinking will bring delay, avoid pessimism and negative thinking. Carry a Success Conjure Bag to attract all around success and victory.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
The month of July will be filled with happiness, achievement and abundance. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, avoiding confrontation will bring success, turn away from  pessimism and negativity in matters of the heart. In matters concerning Career and Finance, disappointment will lead you to regret and delay, keep moving, embrace you skills, avoid the ego, prosperity is ahead. Burn a Cleansing Candle to remove unwanted energies from yourself and/or your dwelling.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)
During the month of July you will discover a new sense of confidence, both success and risk is ahead. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, present obstacles may be self-created, let go and embrace love for what it is, fear has no space in your life. In matters concerning Career and Finance, recognition, success and financial gain is ahead. Burn a Healing Hand Candle to promote both physical and spiritual healing within the heart and spirit.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 22nd)
July will bring material success, a new sense of security and all-around harmony and balance. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, July will inspire fulfillment in both love and family, a happy and committed journey is at hand. In matters concerning Career and Finance, confusion will be overcome, openness to change will bring quicker success. Burn a Protection Candle to ward away negative or otherwise unwanted energies and forces.

Sagittarius (November 23rd - December 21st)
The month of July will inspire new ambitions and make room for new ideas and financial opportunities. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, substantial commitment may be on the horizon, completion and purpose are within your grasp. In matters concerning Career and Finance, your willpower will bring you ahead, patience is required. Burn a Luck Candle to attract all-around luck and good fortune.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
July will be a fast pace month of change, new beginnings and new horizons in all aspects of your life. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, healing and rest is required to achieve your goal, compromise is key to your future happiness. In matters concerning Career and Finance, success is at hand, progress towards goals will be achieved. Carry a Luck Conjure Bag to attract all-around luck and good fortune.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
During the month of July you will find that your intellect will bring the success, happiness and that you seek in life. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, creativity is the solution to current matters of the heart, avoid stubbornness. In matters concerning Career and Finance, July will bring an end to financial trouble and setbacks. Burn a Money Drawing Candle to attract wealth, riches and prosperity.

Pisces (February 19th - 20th)
During July you will begin to separate from what does not serve you, a new sense of independence will bring clarity. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, a romantic getaway may be in the future, July heralds a happier future and deeper commitments. In matters concerning Career and Finance, new opportunity will present itself, avoid partnerships during the Month of July. Carry a Money Drawing Conjure Bag to attract wealth, riches and prosperity.

By Firewolf


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