March Horoscope 2019 @Superstitious

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)  
The month of March will bring new inspirations, reinvention, and advancement in career. In matters concerning Love and Relationships - whether you are single or in a relationship, action and change is needed for you to achieve both harmony and happiness. In matters concerning Career and Prosperity - your current path will excel, through new innovation and determination, success will be achieved. Carry a Protection Conjure Bag to keep away negative or unwanted energies and forces.  

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)  
March will bring triumph over difficulties, introspection and a new course of action towards your goals and desires. In matters concerning Love and Relationships – both happiness and victory will surround you, inner truth will reveal your path towards love. In matters concerning Career and Prosperity – your instinct and intuition will lead you to success, trust what you know and move ahead towards success. Burn a Prosperity Candle to attract all-around wealth, abundance and prosperity.  

Gemini  (May 21st - June 21st)  
The month of March will bring change in both your personal and professional life, during this month self-care should be of priority. In matters concerning Love and Relationships – rewards for your efforts will reveal themselves and you will find that encouragement will strengthen your current path of love. In matters concerning Career and Prosperity – current career path needs to be reorganized, your intellect and wisdom is key to your future success. Carry a Good Fortune Conjure Bag to attract both good fortune and good luck.  

Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd)  
March will be filled with recognition, success and new adventures. In matters concerning Love and Relationships – March will usher release from past pains and inhibitions, this will be your time of letting go. In matters concerning Career and Prosperity – new opportunities of success and a role of leadership will be presented. Carry a Healing Conjure Bag to promote physical, spiritual and emotional healing.  

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)  
March will bring balance and harmony to all aspects of your life - your generosity will be rewarded. In matters concerning Love and Relationships - to find peace within yourself you must forgive the past, and look towards the future, the path of love is bright, but it begins with you taking the first step. In matters concerning Career and Prosperity – your enthusiasm will guide you to success, bring balance to your confidence, and victory will be achieved. Wear a few drops of Love Potion to attract love and to empower your personal self-confidence.    

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)  
The month of March will herald change within the self and release from past burdens. In matters concerning Love and Relationships – learning to trust your heart will bring resolutions to current relationship troubles and dilemmas, your intuition is guiding you, it is up to you to listen. In matters concerning Career and Prosperity – accomplishment is around you, success is at hand, March will bring a moment of rest and reflection. Carry a Love Drawing Conjure Bag to attract and enhance love.  

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)  
March will herald success, victory and all-around happiness - spring will revitalize both your mind and spirit. In matters concerning Love and Relationships – it is time to remove any unwanted pressures, your path to love will grow after you give yourself space to grow and flourish. In matters concerning Career and Prosperity – you will achieve victory over past disappointments, as new roads of prosperity present themselves. Burn a Good Fortune Candle to attract both good fortune and good luck.  

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 22nd)  
The month of March will bring creativity, inspiration and a new sense of self-assurance. In matters concerning Love and Relationships - it’s time to face your fears, courage will bring success in regards to love - inner strength will aid you in overcoming the obstacles ahead. In matters concerning Career and Prosperity - acting alone in your current career path is key, during the month of March avoid the tongues of those who deliver negative news and opinion. Wear Protection Potion to keep away any and all negative or unwanted energies and forces.  

Sagittarius (November 23rd - December 21st)  
March will mark the beginning of success and happiness; past troubles and struggles will be far behind you. In matters concerning Love and Relationships – you will find yourself reanalyzing the relationships in your life. For love to succeed, you will need to separate yourself from those with negative views towards love. In matters concerning Career and Prosperity – reanalyzing your weaknesses and embracing your talents will aid in solving current career or financial troubles. Burn a Money Drawing Candle to attract wealth, prosperity and riches.  

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)  
The month of March will bring introspection, love and peace in all directions of life. In matters concerning Love and Relationships – love and passion will surround you, confidence and accomplishment will arrive. In matters concerning Career and Prosperity – drive and ambition is needed for you to succeed, its’ time to wake up from your winter slumber. Burn a Fire Elemental Magick Candle to strengthen drive and passion.  

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)  
March will be a month filled with new beginnings, new adventures, and passion. In matters concerning Love and Relationships – it is time for you to allow others to aid you in your success, March will require you to embrace a sense of openness and understanding. In matters concerning Career and Prosperity – embrace your creativity, alternative paths will lead you to prosperity and wealth. Burn a Prosperity Candle to attract all-around wealth, abundance and prosperity.

Pisces (February 19th - 20th)  

The month of March will bring a release from the past and a sense of newness within your spirit. In matters concerning Love and Relationships – current relationships will evolve deeper, if you are single, March is a time where you will need to open yourself to love. In matters concerning Career and Prosperity – past mistakes and disappointments will be diminished; a new road of success will present itself towards the end of the month. Burn a Protection Candle to keep away any and all negative or unwanted energies and forces.                            

By Firewolf


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